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38 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

I'll be the judge of that.

No you won't. Lol


The Durham Report is not yet completed. The results will be presented to  duly appointed Justice Department  officials for further action.


"Durham was given the authority “to broadly examine the government’s collection of intelligence involving the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russians,” reviewing government documents and requesting voluntary witness statements. It was reported on October 24, 2019, that the Justice Department had elevated the inquiry to a criminal investigation". - https://www.wiki.ng/en/wiki/john-durham-u-s-attorney


So far, Durham has Indicted two former FBI Officials of the Obama Administration. (See post and links above)

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9 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

This is not education.

This is not even a lecture.

As an essay or a paper it would fail on ...everything... 

Structureless chunks of unconnected commentaries, which do not flow and contain no development, criticism or argument. 

The lack of focus makes it difficult to appreciate what you are trying to say. 

 for example:

"Tied to this Indictment is Biden's White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan who figures prominently in a grand jury investigation run by Special Counsel John Durham into an alleged 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign scheme to use both the FBI and CIA to tar Donald Trump as a colluder with Russia, according to people familiar with the criminal probe, which they say has broadened into a conspiracy case."

Sounds more like a poor transcript of an internet broadcast rather than well thought out argument..








 "Michael Sussmann, a partner in Perkins Coie, a law firm representing the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of making false statements to the FBI about his clients and their motives behind planting the rumor, at the highest levels of the FBI, of a secret Trump-Russia server. After a months-long investigation, the FBI found no merit to the rumor".




"Did Jake Sullivan commit perjury? Emails reveal ‘lie’ on Trump"


"Jake Sullivan, national security adviser in the Biden administration, may be guilty of perjury related to the Hillary Clinton campaign’s dirty tricks against Donald Trump.


Last week, Michael A. Sussmann, a partner at Perkins Coie, a law firm representing the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of making false statements to the FBI about his clients and their motives behind planting the rumor, at the highest levels of the FBI, of a secret Trump-Russia server.

The indictment states that Sussmann, as well as the cyber experts recruited for the operation, “coordinated with representatives and agents of the Clinton campaign with regard to the data and written materials that Sussmann gave to the FBI and the media.”


One of those campaign agents was Sullivan, according to emails that special counsel John Durham obtained. On Sept. 15, 2016 — just four days before Sussmann handed off the materials to the FBI — Marc Elias, Sussmann’s law partner and fellow Democratic Party operative, “exchanged emails with the Clinton campaign’s foreign policy adviser concerning the Russian bank allegations,” as well as with other top campaign officials, the indictment states.


Sources close to the case confirmed the “foreign policy adviser” referenced by title is Sullivan".




No argument from me. Just posting the facts, Ma'am!


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5 hours ago, trastrick said:



No argument from me. Just posting the facts, Ma'am!


Facts would be good but should not be confused with an "Opinion" column in a Right Wing tabloid which famously ran a headline story "BEZOS EXPOSES PECKER" -nothing to do with political or financial exposure of a Biden/Obama/Clinton operative before you get excited

The author of the "opinion" article is a Fox News hack, whose contribution to facts include: Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington.


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19 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Facts would be good but should not be confused with an "Opinion" column in a Right Wing tabloid which famously ran a headline story "BEZOS EXPOSES PECKER" -nothing to do with political or financial exposure of a Biden/Obama/Clinton operative before you get excited

The author of the "opinion" article is a Fox News hack, whose contribution to facts include: Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington.


I believe your dissembling distraction of "pecker" refers to a pun headline, where Jeff Bezos is reporting a blackmail threat by one David Pecker. "National Enquirer boss Tried to Blackmail me with Nude Photos" - Jeff Bezos.


But like many of these stories, it actually had it's genesis in that notoriously partisan Huffington Post. On Feb. 8, 2019 — "The Huffington Post used "Bezos Exposes Pecker" as a website front page headline, while the New York Post ran it awhile later".


Best to keep a sense of perspective about such Media clickbait.


Here's NBC

"OpEd: Why We Don't Care About Tom Brady's Deflated Balls".
Referring to allegations of cheating by the famous NFL quarterback. 
https://www.nbcnews.com › news › nbcblk › why-we-don...


Anyway, back on topic:


If the investigative reporter for RealClearPolitics, a longtime media fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and previously the Washington bureau chief for Investor’s Business Daily, who's work has appeared in the New York Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Houston Chronicle, among other major publications, does not meet your "high" stadards of reporting, no matter. There are many other reports from the MSM with a similar take on Biden's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan's potential legal jeopardy in the Clinton "Russian Collusion" matter.


"Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan - who worked for Hillary during 2016 presidential race tied to conspiracy to trick FBI into investigating Trump for Russian collusion"


"Jake Sullivan pushed Alfa Bank claim at center of Durham’s possible indictment"


"Details in Michael Sussmann’s Indictment Reveal Conspiracy Against Trump"


"Clinton lawyer's indictment reveals 'bag of tricks'"


Washington Post

"It is entirely fitting that the Alfa Bank rumor will be the final bookend of the Russia probe"


First Mueller, then even the Washington Post refutes the phony Alfa Bank connection to the Trump campaign, which, along with the Clinton Campaign paid for, fake "Russian Dossier", was flogged to Obama's Intelligence Agencies,  and kept the phony narrative on the MSM front burner for Trump's entire 4 year term.


"Still, a man hears what he wants to hear,
And disregards the rest"


- Robert Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan

Edited by trastrick
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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

I believe your dissembling distraction of "pecker" refers to a pun headline, where Jeff Bezos is reporting a blackmail threat by one David Pecker. "National Enquirer boss Tried to Blackmail me with Nude Photos" - Jeff Bezos.




No distraction intended.


The point I made is that what you called "facts" was an article written in an  "opinion column"  by a right wing hack in  a right wing tabloid that likes smut and gossip.





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