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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Is that the Obama/Biden/Hillary FBI, that is currently under a Criminal Investigation

Which have nothing whatsoever to do with any claims in relation to the totally debunked Uranium One conspiracy theory...


...or indeed Obama, Biden, or Hillary! :? 


You know they are not under investigation in this case...  right?



1 hour ago, trastrick said:

with one FBI Official already pleading guilty to forging an email, used to get surveilance warrants on Trump Associates, from the FISA Court?

"one FBI Official"... hmmm, I hate to break it to you, not exactly a Stone, Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, Gates or Papadopoulos moment, is it! :rolleyes:


Do you think Biden will pardon him? :hihi:





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3 hours ago, butlers said:

In other words for YOUR claim you can show no evidence.


Funny thst


"From 2009–13, the Russian atomic energy agency (Rosatom) acquired Uranium One, a Canadian company with global uranium mining stakes including 20% of the uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset with national security implications, the acquisition was analyzed by a committee of nine government agencies, including the State Department, which was then headed by (Hillary) Clinton.[19][1][20] The voting members of the committee can object to such a foreign transaction, but the final decision then rests with the president.[21] 


"In April 2015, The New York Times reported that, during the acquisition, the family foundation of Uranium One's chairman made $2.35 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. The donations which were legal were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite a prior agreement to do so. In addition, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin and which was promoting Uranium One stock paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech in Moscow shortly after the acquisition was announced.[1][20]"


Just substitute "Trump" for "Clinton", and you might understand it better :)


NYT has a very lengthy article on the same matter.


But in those days. the Clinton's were untouchable!


"Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal"
https://www.nytimes.com › 2015/04/24 › cash-flowed-t...

"Apr. 23, 2015 — Clinton's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to ..."


And, just as mysteriously, all the Russian Oligarchs "charitable donations" dried up after she left office :)

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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Which have nothing whatsoever to do with any claims in relation to the totally debunked Uranium One conspiracy theory...


...or indeed Obama, Biden, or Hillary! :? 


You know they are not under investigation in this case...  right?

No, neither do you at this point in the Durham Criminal Investigation. In addtion to FBI's Clinesmith for forgery, he's indicted Sussman of the Hillary Campaign law firm, and one Ogor Deshenko, who composed the lies in the, Clinton Campaign paid for, fake "Russian Dossier".


That's 3 so far, and counting.


"one FBI Official"... hmmm, I hate to break it to you, not exactly a Stone, Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, Gates or Papadopoulos moment, is it! :rolleyes:

Obama's FBI official?


In addition to the firing, demoting and re-assigning of FBI Director Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Rybicki, Baker, Campbell, Turgal, Bower, Steinbach, Van Grack, Giacalone, Pientka, Boente, and the other 20 or so other Obama FBI officials, after the Mueller Investigation, and The Inspector General's Report.


All the President's men!



Do you think Biden will pardon him? :hihi:





Biden may not be around that long :)

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7 hours ago, Magilla said:

Site... it's literally *every* site that has bothered to investigate or fact check it!


The FBI, during Trumps presidency, found nothing worth investigating and the investigation was quietly wound down!


Like "birtherism", you'd literally have to be a complete moron to believe it!


Clearly you missed the memo! :?





Was Trump around in 2008?


But Hillary was, so was Aljazeera.


Jan 2, 2008


"Clinton staff fired for Obama email"



"Forwarded email said Obama was a Muslim intent on destroying the US".


"A copy of the email provided to The Associated Press on Sunday read: “Let us all remain alert concerning Obama’s expected presidential candidacy”.


“Please forward to everyone you know. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level.”


Obama, a member of the United Church of Christ, has denied ever being a Muslim but rumours are circulating on the internet attempting to tie him to Islamic extremists.


Decrying the rumour as offensive and outrageous, the Clinton campaign earlier asked Linda Olsen, a volunteer in Iowa county, to resign after discovering she had forwarded a similar email to 11 people without any comment early this month.


Mo Elleithee, a Clinton spokesman, said the campaign’s position was “crystal clear”.


“Our campaign does not tolerate this kind of activity or campaigning. As soon as it came to our attention, we asked this individual to step down,” he said, adding that all campaign leaders have been informed about the “zero tolerance policy for this type of activity”.


But once a seed is planted............   Lol


You just don't know how fake news works!  :)


The Hill


"How 'Birtherism' became Hillary's Waterloo"



"Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary’s campaign manager until the Iowa caucuses in 2008, admitted first in a tweet and second in a CNN interview that a Hillary staffer first spread the birther issue. While the staffer was fired, the termination happened after the cat was let out of the bag."


Bet the MSM never published this "Memo"  :)

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

No, neither do you at this point in the Durham Criminal Investigation.

You make connections where none exist.


12 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You just don't know how fake news works!  :)

Your claims are a prime example of how it works! :hihi:

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15 minutes ago, Magilla said:

You make connections where none exist.


There will never be any investigation of Obama, Biden or Clinton in relation to any of this.


Any connection only exists in the mind of conspiracy theorists, not reality.

Given your claims, the irony! :loopy:

Other than the fact that all this happened on the Obama/Biden/Hillary watch, that is!  :)


You may be right!


The Clinton Money Machine has had it's fingers in U.S. Political scandals since Arkansas back in 1992


"A March 1992 New York Times article published during the 1992 U.S. presidential campaign reported that the Clintons, then governor and first lady of Arkansas, had invested and lost money in the Whitewater Development Corporation.[1] The article stimulated the interest of L. Jean Lewis, a Resolution Trust Corporation investigator who was looking into the failure of Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, also owned by Jim and Susan McDougal.


"Lewis looked for connections between the savings and loan company and the Clintons, and on September 2, 1992, she submitted a criminal referral to the FBI naming Bill and Hillary Clinton as witnesses in the Madison Guaranty case. Little Rock U.S. Attorney Charles A. Banks and the FBI determined that the referral lacked merit, but Lewis continued to pursue the case. From 1992 to 1994, Lewis issued several additional referrals against the Clintons and repeatedly called the U.S. Attorney's Office in Little Rock and the Justice Department regarding the case.[2] Her referrals eventually became public knowledge, and she testified before the Senate Whitewater Committee in 1995..


The eventual outcome of this was that the Clinton business partners the MacDougals, went to jail, their law partner and Associate Attorney General went to jail, and their lonmg time law partner and White House Counsel, Foster, mysteriously did an "Epstein" ("committed suicide") at the height of the Whitewater Scandal.


But yes you are right, the Clinton's themselves walked (except for a bi partisan Impeachment)


They are untouchable in the U.S.


Innocent until proven guilty!

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7 minutes ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

And that's about Mr Trump because...?

Nothing. It's about trastrick trying to distract from Mr Trumps problems (just today an announcement that he's selling his Washington Hotel and Bannon has surrendered to authorities),

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21 minutes ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

And that's about Mr Trump because...?

And you a Lawyer?


Follow the thread!


I'm merely agreeing with the OP,  that , "There will never be any investigation of Obama, Biden or Clinton in relation to any of this".


I explained in detail why I believe this to be probably true.


But it's doubtful whether what is called "The biggest Scandal in U.S. History" that happened while they were in office, did not involve them in any way.


What did they know, and when did they know it, has never been asked of them, and likely never will be. I hope I'm wrong, but this thing is not quite over yet.


In, fact it's just starting to get interesting. :)


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