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21 minutes ago, butlers said:

She's under investigation from local,State and Federal authoritys


At first reading she helped compromise the voting machinery, as well as illegal fund raising.

Not a good look for a voting official

Nah. They told her to delete everything about the election. She did but also took a copy. They want that copy. She an ordinary woman, an election worker.

1 hour ago, butlers said:

Nobody on the Republican side believes The Atlantic. It's like The Telegraph writing an article about Corbyn.

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12 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

Nah. They told her to delete everything about the election. She did but also took a copy. They want that copy. She an ordinary woman, an election worker.

Nobody on the Republican side believes The Atlantic. It's like The Telegraph writing an article about Corbyn.

This is the report into the fraud


Mesa-EMS-Server-Image-Forensic-Report-No-1-09-15-21.pdf (standwithtina.org)

Just now, SheffieldBricky said:

Tina is a Gold Star mother. Her son died fighting for his country

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On 17/11/2021 at 13:00, SheffieldBricky said:

Jesus Christ you people. I've just watched a live interview with her. I can't discuss anything else with you.


They love their FBI early morning raids on non violent, non threatening folks who question the powers that be. From religious sects, to Cuban refugees, to Trump associates to reporters to election officials.


It started under (who else? Clinton) years ago


His Attorney General Reno sent in armored vehicles to Waco to crush and immolate the religious sect.




80 died, including women and children.



And who can forget how they sent in the ATF to "rescue a child from his relatives.




"Elián González Brotons (born December 6, 1993) is a Cuban citizen who became embroiled in a heated international custody and immigration controversy in 2000 involving the governments of Cuba and the United States, his father Juan Miguel González Quintana, his other relatives in Cuba and in Miami, and Miami's Cuban community.


González's mother Elizabeth Brotons Rodríguez drowned in November 1999 while attempting to leave Cuba with González and her boyfriend to get to the United States.[2][3] Elián Gonzalez was five years old when found nestled in an inner tube floating at sea three miles from Florida's Fort Lauderdale coast.[4] Two fishermen found Elián and reluctantly handed him over to the U.S. Coast Guard, as they feared he would be sent back to Cuba under the wet feet, dry feet policy since he had not yet reached land.[4] The Coast Guard assured them that Elián would be taken "ashore for medical reasons," deeming him eligible to stay.[4]: 152 "


His U.S. relatives gave him shelter, but Castro wanted him back.


Aforesaid Clinton/Reno sent in the ATF and terrorized the relatives into giving him back to his Papa in Castro's Cuba, where he became a trophy poster boy for the communists.


In other news, NYT publishes illegally obtained Trump Tax Returns, and brainwashed clap like the trained seals they are!









"The report concluded that at least 76 people — including about two dozen teens and children — died that day, but noted that the exact number couldn’t be stated because of the “extensive burning” and “commingling of bodies.”

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40 minutes ago, trastrick said:

"The report concluded that at least 76 people — including about two dozen teens and children — died that day, but noted that the exact number couldn’t be stated because of the “extensive burning” and “commingling of bodies.”

The 'Insurrection' has to be the biggest load of old tripe ever in the history of the world. And don't get me started on the 'election' in 2020. Anyone who has seen all the evidence and still thinks it was fair is either lying or stupid.

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The Insurrection 2 was the rioting, arson, looting and ransacking of neighborhood Mom and Pop stores in the major Democrat run U.S. cities, where the 'pigs" (police) were told to stand down and let the "burn off steam" in the "mostly peaceful" BLM protests.


But Insurrection 1 was the collusion between the Democrats and their MSM pals to delegitimize a U.S. Election, and prevent their candidate from ever running again! Disenfranchising millions of U.S. voters.


Now that the Durham Criminal Investigation is closing in on the perps, the MSM is desperately trying to cover their tracks.


Washington Post are "deleting" "re writing" and "correcting" dozens of their incendiary articles, and CNN today issued this rather lame "mea culpa'.


"The Steele dossier: A reckoning"



But don't expect the hard core Trump haters, and the duped sheep, to change their brainwashed minds!



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