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Just now, RJRB said:

But no Dominican  Forum?

I'm from Sheffield, trying to figure out why a different worldview from the conventional wisdom, seems to get some people in a nark!  :)


I actually enjoy the back and forth. (If that's ok with you!)


Feel free to ignore!  :)

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13 hours ago, CaptainSwing said:

Yes, I've heard that black Haitians are particularly welcome there.

The DR is the largest and fastest growing economy in the Caribbean.


"Over the past 25 years, the Dominican Republic has experienced a remarkable period of robust economic growth making it one of the fastest-growing economies in the Latin America and the Caribbean region".
Dominican Republic Overview - World Bank Grouphttps://www.worldbank.org › country › overview


Like all successful countries, the DR has a major illegal immigration problem, in this case from the economic basket case, and murderous, corrupt regime next door, Haiti.


"After the earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010, the number of Haitians (In DR) doubled to 2 million, most of whom illegally crossed after the border opened for international aid. Human Rights Watch estimated that 70,000 documented Haitian immigrants and 1,930,000 undocumented immigrants were living in Dominican Republic." -Wiki


Here, Illegal Haitians are the hardest working people in the country, and are happy to take the most menial jobs, for barely subsistence wages.


That causes some resentment among the already struggling local population, and il‎legals, with no apparent means of support, are periodically rounded up and sent back. But they can't stem the flow.


But aside from that legal Haitians blend in with the population and run many successful enterprises, in construction, hotels, restaurants, (and own my 2 favorite bars).  Actual color is not an issue here, black, white or mulatto.

(The big city stores just got through the annual "***** viernes" (Black Friday))


The only ultimate solution to racism? Interracial marriage, practiced here more than anywhere else I have seen.

Then we all look alike, and no more "victims" to be shamelessly pigeon holed, stereotyped by opportunistic silk stocking, limousine liberal politicians.


But let's get back to "All Things Trump"?


(Note:  Mention corruption in government, and all roads seem to lead to the Clintons Even Haiti, Lol)


"The Clinton family, they are crooks, they are thieves, they are liars," says Haitian activist Dahoud Andre.

He has been leading protests outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign base in Brooklyn for the last two years.

He said protesters from his small activist group, the Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti, will continue to level their allegations - so far all unproven - if the Democratic candidate wins the White House.

Few could have guessed the two young Americans touring the attractions that December would one day wield such influence over the impoverished Caribbean island nation.

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So, after 6 years of breathless "bombshell" reports, and "breaking news" CNN, Guardian, BBC headlines, about Trump's alleged malfeasance, there seems little enthusiasm to follow the latest developments on the continuing saga!


Wonder why?  Lol


Here's a hint, It's not about Trump, anymore.


"New Twists in Durham Probe: FBI Danchenko Recordings and Suspicions Fiona Hill Lied"
By Eric Felten, RealClearInvestigations



"Five Trump-Russia 'Collusion' Corrections We Need From the Media Now -- Just for Starters"


"Biden Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Tied to Alleged 2016 Clinton Scheme to Co-Opt the CIA and FBI to Tar Trump"


For the last 30 years of political scandals, all roads eventually lead to the Clintons.



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On 21/11/2021 at 17:25, butlers said:

The difference being Biden like Kamala Harris and Pres. Bush ,Carter and Clinton all got publicly vaccinated and appealed for others to do the same 

Trump hid his vaccination status and at every turn nodded and winked at people to defy the given medical advice as a slow down in the economy would effect his election odds.

How do you account for all bar two majority Trump voting states (Florida and Georgia) having lower vaccination rates?

Random chance .


The grim truth the US count is significantly higher than the official toll.



"Florida Reaches Lowest Case Rate in the Nation - Governor ..."
https://www.flgov.com › 2021/10/27 › florida-reaches-l...

The Grim Truth is that COVID deaths in the U.S. just passed 800,000, and will surpass Trump's 427,000 by Christmas.


Now Trump's "Warp Speed" Development efforts, produced an approved vaccine for COVID in record time. Just in Time for Biden's election :)


"That would take a miracle" chirped his MSM critics.




"Covid-19: First vaccine given in US as roll-out begins" - BBC

https://www.bbc.com › world-us-canada-55305720

"Dec 14, 2020 — The largest vaccination drive in US history has begun as the nation's ... and is the first Covid-19 vaccine to be approved by US regulators"


So if you are still blaming Trump for COVID Deaths, when will you start blaming Biden?


Biden inherited an effective vaccine, so What' HIS excuse? :)




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1 hour ago, trastrick said:



"Florida Reaches Lowest Case Rate in the Nation - Governor ..."
https://www.flgov.com › 2021/10/27 › florida-reaches-l...

The Grim Truth is that COVID deaths in the U.S. just passed 800,000, and will surpass Trump's 427,000 by Christmas.


Now Trump's "Warp Speed" Development efforts, produced an approved vaccine for COVID in record time. Just in Time for Biden's election :)


"That would take a miracle" chirped his MSM critics.




"Covid-19: First vaccine given in US as roll-out begins" - BBC

https://www.bbc.com › world-us-canada-55305720

"Dec 14, 2020 — The largest vaccination drive in US history has begun as the nation's ... and is the first Covid-19 vaccine to be approved by US regulators"


So if you are still blaming Trump for COVID Deaths, when will you start blaming Biden?


Biden inherited an effective vaccine, so What' HIS excuse? :)




Maybe it's something to do with this, trastrick


Insurrection by other means: Republicans are ready to die of COVID to spite Biden, Democrats.


Why are Trump refusing the vaccine and risking mass death? It's their sacrifice in the war against Joe Biden




COVID-19 is increasingly a red-state phenomenon. Among the many statistical analyses that demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of the vaccines, perhaps the starkest are those that reveal a dramatic divergence in pandemic severity between red and blue states.


As David Leonhardt of the New York Times pointed out on Monday, before we had vaccines, there "simply was not a strong partisan pattern" to the spread of disease. But after vaccines became widely available — and especially as Republican voters refused to vaccinate in large numbers — "a gap in Covid's death toll quickly emerged."


Now that difference "between red and blue America has grown faster over the past month," Leonhardt wrote, to the point where counties where a large majority voted for Donald Trump have a death rate "more than three times higher than the rate in heavily Biden counties."


Sheer madness.



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Click bait headline news?


The COVID scourge initially drastically affected Blue States, notably Washington, New York and New Jersey. Dense urban populations.


Most early vaccination resources were concentrated there for obvious reasons.


The Red States, mostly rural, were not seeing a high incidence of COVID, in the early days  of the pandemic.


The most populous centers got their vaccines early, which were effective and lowered their cases, as the pandemic ran its full course,  the rural states got hit by the virus, and their cases grew (are growing)


As the numbers declined in the Blue States around June, the numbers started to increase in the Red States.


It has never been easy to martial the war on COVID in mostly rural States. The vaccination clinics at Walgreens, CVS, Shopping centers and community clinics, are not just down the block, as they are in big cities.


Until this thing runs its course, and we can see the total and final numbers, all we have is speculation.

And, Florida, the poster child for the "Red Scare" has just turned in the lowest case numbers in the country.
New York Times: https://www.google.com/search?q=Florida+death+rate+from+Covid&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA853CA853&oq=Florida+death+rate+from+Covid&aqs=chrome..69i57.17061j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


New York Coronavirus Death Rate       2.10%
New Jersey Coronavirus Death Rate  1.68%


Florida Coronavirus Death Rate     1.66%

US Coronavirus Death Rate       1.61%

Nov 26, 2021


If you try hard enough you can find a "correlation" "study" between many anecdotal myths.

Cell phones cause cancer, coffee, eggs are bad for you (or good).


Demographics are complex here, urban areas have employee mandates on hundreds of thousands of employees in government, major manufacturing, transportation, education, police, firefighters, and health, welfare and social services.


So we have the usual politicization of science, and weird conspiracy theories such as is floated by the liberal Media.

Like your link:


"Republicans are ready to die of COVID to spite Biden", Democrats - Salon


"After the Jan. 6 insurrection failed, the radicalized members of the GOP have had few options to exercise their militaristic fantasies against Joe Biden's administration. Refusing the vaccine isn't as sexy as taking up arms against the government, but it still plays with the glamorous notion of putting your body on the line for your political views — until the threat stops being abstract and you end up in the hospital, that is. War is always more romantic in fantasies than in reality."


"This whole thing may sound ridiculous, but, in truth, the strategy is a smashing success — at least so far. This was evidenced by the results of last week's off-year election, when Democrats — demoralized by many things, but especially the ongoing pandemic — failed to turn out in numbers to compete with the fired-up GOP base. If this continues into the midterms, the already dim prospects for Democrats will get much worse.

"This is what Republicans need to happen if Trump's next round of election-theft scheming is to be successful. The Jan. 6 insurrection was always doomed to failure because Republicans simply didn't have the votes to give Trump what he wanted, which was the overthrow of the 2020 election results. Being able to steal the White House for Trump in 2024 depends on Republicans  Refusing vaccines and prolonging the pandemic is one small way that the average GOP voter can do their part to help make the next coup stick".

Refusing vaccines and dying, is a great strategy for "seizing enough power electorally between now and then to invalidate Democratic votes on both the state and federal level"




Only in Democrat Blue States do the dead vote!


But then there's this little inconvenient truth for the conspiracy theorists:


March 17, 2021

Trump Tells Followers to Get Vaccinated Against Coronavirus

The former president, who got vaccinated without fanfare in January, said the vaccine is safe and that it works.


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Kaiser Family Foundation.


Of those who were unvaccinated in April, 42% were Republicans, 36% were Democrats and 16% were independents. In July, it was 51% Republican, 23% Democrat and 20% independent. By October, the makeup was 60% Republican, 17% Democrat and 17% independent.





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Just now, butlers said:

Kaiser Family Foundation.


Of those who were unvaccinated in April, 42% were Republicans, 36% were Democrats and 16% were independents. In July, it was 51% Republican, 23% Democrat and 20% independent. By October, the makeup was 60% Republican, 17% Democrat and 17% independent.





I have a better theory!


The millions of anti-vaxxers who are protesting in the US, and around the whole World, are actually protesting against government mandates, much as anti-abortion activists are protesting government mandates on abortion.


It's all about how much power a government should have over a citizen's body.


A debate that will go on for a long time, in a democracy.


Nothing to do with Trump!

Edited by trastrick
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