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15 hours ago, trastrick said:

The millions of anti-vaxxers who are protesting in the US, and around the whole World, are actually protesting against government mandates, much as anti-abortion activists are protesting government mandates on abortion.


It's all about how much power a government should have over a citizen's body.

You're confused. The anti-abortionists are the ones who want to have power over women's bodies. The federal government's position is that it's up to the individual whether they have an abortion or not. Despite the federal government's position, some Republican states are trying to mandate what women are allowed to do with their bodies.

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A slip of the keyboard.


Should read:


The millions of anti-vaxxers who are protesting in the US, and around the whole World, are actually protesting against government mandates, much as abortion activists are protesting government mandates on abortion.


It's all about how much power a government should have over a citizen's body.


Thanks for that!



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2 minutes ago, trastrick said:

A slip of the keyboard.


Should read:


The millions of anti-vaxxers who are protesting in the US, and around the whole World, are actually protesting against government mandates, much as abortion activists are protesting government mandates on abortion.


It's all about how much power a government should have over a citizen's body.


Thanks for that!



Just seen a video from Greece. Protests turning nasty and the riot police taking a hiding. 

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On 28/11/2021 at 16:26, butlers said:

Kaiser Family Foundation.


Of those who were unvaccinated in April, 42% were Republicans, 36% were Democrats and 16% were independents. In July, it was 51% Republican, 23% Democrat and 20% independent. By October, the makeup was 60% Republican, 17% Democrat and 17% independent.







So, just who are these anti-vaxxers who are launching law suits against Government Mandates?


Let's see:


The U.S. "Supreme Court refuses to block vaccine mandate for Massachusetts hospital workers"



"The appeal from MASSACHUSETTS HOSPITAL WORKERS is not the first to cross the high court's so-called shadow docket, which refers to rulings and orders issued by justices on emergency petitions.

Last month, the court rejected an appeal from MAINE HEALTH CARE WORKERS. In an opinion on the ruling, Justice Amy Coney Barrett focused on the nature of the emergency docket itself while three of her conservative colleagues — Justices Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito — penned a dissent focused on the merits of the case. 

The justices have also previously rejected vaccine mandate challenges from NEW YORK PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS and INDIANA UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES.


All Republican voters? Lol


And why are they so keen to "kill themselves"? 


And it's Republican Justices, who have a solid majority on the  U.S. Supreme Court,  who are saying NO to the Anti-Vaxxers.





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On 30/11/2021 at 08:00, trastrick said:

All Republican voters? Lol

Yawn...  in a week where Republicans are slamming Fauci for representing the science, painting him as "the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of America" and comparing him to Josef Mengele...


... I'm embarrassed for you! :loopy:


The desperation is just laughable! :hihi:


Maybe they're not all Republican voters, but there is no mystery where much of their skepticism is coming from.


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4 hours ago, harvey19 said:

Tonight at 7pm on GB news Nigel Farage interviews Mr. Trump.

would rather stick pins in my groin.


A washed-up, impeached, racist, sexist, homophobic, likely criminal failure of a president being interviewed by washed up, racist, sexist,  xenophobic, serial failed to become a politician.


Who is seriously interested in anything either have to say apart from their deluded fans.


Tick tock..... tick tock....  Donnie.  Your friends with influence are collapsing day by day.  Your little circle of trust is being breached more and more.


Preaching to the already converted moronic flag wavers isn't going to save you.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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