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9 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

I don't know why you bother I don't read them.

Can't be true, you posted one from there only the other day! :thumbsup:



It's all crap, they're just trying to stop him running.


Eric Trump spent six hours pleading the Fifth Amendment more than 500 times:




[Taking the 5th Amendment makes] "You look guilty as hell" - Donald Trump




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10 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Optimistic! :D


Again, from your new favourite source:


Judge suggests Trump is culpable for January 6 and says lawsuits against the former President can proceed:



"The decision, Friday, however, sets in motion a path to civil trials months or years from now, where Trump is at the defense table."





Indeed. LOCK HIM UP!

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18 hours ago, Magilla said:

...no, just something like for like, for context:


RCP Average of all Polls - Feb 18, 2022


Mitch McConnell











That's good news!




McConnell, like Pelosi, is another lifetime status quo swamp dweller!


The public are finally wising up.


Long past time for him to go!




"Lindsey Graham just threatened Mitch McConnell over Donald Trump"


"South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham sent GOP Leader Mitch McConnell a very clear message Wednesday night: Get on board with Donald Trump or get out".


"Trump, unhappy with what he believes are McConnell's capitulations to the White House and Democrats in the Senate majority on things like raising the debt limit and President Joe Biden's infrastructure package, has taken to attacking McConnell publicly while privately working to find someone to challenge the GOP leader for primacy within the Senate. (Trump is also now referring to McConnell as "Old Crow" or, alternately "old broken-down Crow." 





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"Lindsey Graham just threatened Mitch McConnell over Donald Trump"


"South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham sent GOP Leader Mitch McConnell a very clear message Wednesday night: Get on board with Donald Trump or get out".


"Trump, unhappy with what he believes are McConnell's capitulations to the White House and Democrats in the Senate majority on things like raising the debt limit and President Joe Biden's infrastructure package, has taken to attacking McConnell publicly while privately working to find someone to challenge the GOP leader for primacy within the Senate. (Trump is also now referring to McConnell as "Old Crow" or, alternately "old broken-down Crow." 



Trump needs to get some new phrases, they're getting a bit repetitive...


GOP blows off Trump’s bid to oust McConnell:


"Despite months of attacks, the Trump-led campaign to depose the Senate minority leader has resulted in firm pledges from just two Republican candidates and no senators, and it has failed to turn up a formidable challenger to run against McConnell."


No takers... :?

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2 hours ago, Magilla said:


Trump needs to get some new phrases, they're getting a bit repetitive...


GOP blows off Trump’s bid to oust McConnell:


"Despite months of attacks, the Trump-led campaign to depose the Senate minority leader has resulted in firm pledges from just two Republican candidates and no senators, and it has failed to turn up a formidable challenger to run against McConnell."


No takers... :?

The closing paragraph!


"Trump has, so far, struck out in his attempts to turn McConnell's GOP colleagues against him. But the 2022 Senate races provide a bumper crop of candidates who might be more than willing to throw McConnell overboard to curry favor with the former president.


"And if that happens, McConnell's time as the top GOP leader in the Senate could be in jeopardy."


And anything is possible, with Trump!




The Hill


Democrats hit 30-year high for House retirements


"Rep. Kathleen Rice’s (D-N.Y.) announcement this week that she won’t run again made her the 30th House Democrat to call it quits".



With Democrats in charge of the White House, Senate and Congress, why so many quitting? Not even putting up a fight?


Looks like Joe will be a lonely lame duck, when it becomes official in November!  :)



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