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16 hours ago, trastrick said:

Fake news! :)

Your claims, absolutely! :thumbsup:




A more realistic assessment of Trumps ability to understand what's going on....



Fiona Hill says Putin tried to tell Trump that in a conflict 'the nuclear option would be on the table' but she didn't think the former president understood the warning:



So much for Trump telling Putin he would bomb Moscow :?

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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Your claims, absolutely! :thumbsup:




A more realistic assessment of Trumps ability to understand what's going on....



Fiona Hill says Putin tried to tell Trump that in a conflict 'the nuclear option would be on the table' but she didn't think the former president understood the warning:



So much for Trump telling Putin he would bomb Moscow :?

Fiona Hill, who's selling he latest book?


This Fiona Hill?


"At the Brookings Institution, Hill worked closely with Igor Danchenko. In 2010, Danchenko, Hill and Erica Downs co-authored a paper called "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? The Realities of a Rising China and Implications for Russia’s Energy Ambitions".[13] Hill introduced Danchenko to Christopher Steele and to U.S.-based public-relations executive Charles Dolan Jr., who would later become one of Danchenko's sources for the Steele dossier.[14][15]  -WIKI


All of her accomplices listed above are targets in Durham's ongoing Criminal Investigation!


Maybe her too!


Realistic?  Only for the MSM duped usual suspects!




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58 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Fiona Hill, who's selling he latest book?


This Fiona Hill?


"At the Brookings Institution, Hill worked closely with Igor Danchenko. In 2010, Danchenko, Hill and Erica Downs co-authored a paper called "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? The Realities of a Rising China and Implications for Russia’s Energy Ambitions".[13] Hill introduced Danchenko to Christopher Steele and to U.S.-based public-relations executive Charles Dolan Jr., who would later become one of Danchenko's sources for the Steele dossier.[14][15]  -WIKI


All of her accomplices listed above are targets in Durham's ongoing Criminal Investigation!

...but, but... I thought Trump only hired the best people? :hihi:



Maybe her too!

Desperate stuff! Good luck with that! :thumbsup:



Realistic?  Only for the MSM duped usual suspects!

A damned site more realistic than Trump telling Putin he would bomb Moscow...


...you got suckered, again! :thumbsup:


It's more probable that the invasion of Ukraine wouldn't have happened if Trump had never been president than because he's no longer president! :hihi:


Trump spent his entire presidency bigging up Putin at home and abroad. :?

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1 hour ago, SheffieldBricky said:

There's a presentation by a judge in relation to election fraud at 4.00pm UK time. Have a look if you think there wasn't any fraud. Dunno what he has but it will be interesting one way or the other.


Schedule - WisconsinEye (wiseye.org)

Well, since Michael Gableman has a history of trouble with facts:



...and admits he does not understand how elections work:



...you should begin holding your breath now! :thumbsup: :hihi:





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15 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Like with the Cyber Ninjas nonsense, they aren't bothered whether the investigation is valid or not. They just want to claim someone with some 'apparent' credibility said they found fraud and the saps will lap up every word of it.

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25 minutes ago, Magilla said:


Doesn't matter. He's already said it should be decertified. They've had cameras going around care homes interviewing dementia patients who voted for Biden, apparently, even though some had lost the right because of their mental state and other interviewed with their kids who say the parent has no capacity to think about such things.


Trump won, they cheated in every way possible. That's undeniable evidence, there is so much more.

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Just now, butlers said:

So they are interviewing dementia patients 15 months after the election.


There's already been 3 lots of checks on the WI election..



Nope, they might have had recounts but that isn't the point. If some of the votes were illegal they'd still show up in the count. They need weeding out. It was a con for those who don't understand.


Last week 30k afadavits were delivered to the Georgia Governor, it's a complete disgrace what they did.


One lady was considered incapable in 2017, her right to vote was removed, she doesn't know what day it is but yet she voted for Biden. There are 1000s of case like this, they had 8 interviewed. I'll say it again and one day you'll agree, the election was rigged in every way possible.


Watch it


Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections - WisconsinEye (wiseye.org)

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