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48 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

The phone records that are complete are those through the White House switchboard.

Trump was making several phone calls during the 'seven hours' he was in the Oval office.

This we know as the Switchboard log contain no record of the known phone calls made by Trump to then Vice President Mike Pence.

So the question remains -who else did he phone, whose phone was he using and why these are not logged?



I believe the answer was clear, in the article.




"The mystery of the seven-hour gap has fueled furious speculation as to why calls are missing. That includes allegations that Trump was using "burner phones" (which he has denied) or that the logs were purposely suppressed.


"But the gap might have a less mysterious explanation.

According to multiple sources familiar with Trump's phone behavior and the White House switchboard records, the January 6 log reflects Trump's typical phone habits. He mainly placed calls through the switchboard when he was in the residence but rarely used it when he was in the Oval Office. The fact the log does not show calls on January 6, 2021, from the Oval Office is not unusual, said the sources, because Trump typically had staff either place calls directly for him on landlines or cell phones. Those calls would not be noted on the switchboard log.


"Another factor seems to be where Trump was when he made certain calls. All the calls noted from the January 6 log indicate they were made from the White House residence, suggesting Trump relied on the switchboard to put those calls through. The missing calls appear to start when the diary notes Trump has moved from the residence to the Oval Office.


"Trump used the switchboard more often when he was in the private residence, according to multiple sources. But when he was in the Oval Office, the former President would often direct aides sitting outside his office to get certain lawmakers or allies of his on the phone".


Of course the conspiracy theorists have a huge partisan political hammer, and to them EVERYTHING looks like a nail. Even CNN calls it "furious speculation".


They won't be disuaded by innocent explanations.


Human nature.  :)


See Occam's Razor.

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28 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Of course the conspiracy theorists have a huge partisan political hammer, and to them EVERYTHING looks like a nail.

In the last two decades, the vast majority of these conspiracy theorists with a partisan political hammer have been members of the party you support! :?


They're even setting some up at the prospect of doing well in the midterms! :hihi:


28 minutes ago, trastrick said:

See Occam's Razor.

Unless of course, it's related to anything Trump might be accused of... then you're repeatedly bending over backwards not to :thumbsup:

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Very poor attempt at misleading our readers.

Having read the same article I notice you have conveniently omitted the bit about the phone calls from the Oval office to VP Pence.

Trump, like any President or VP is expected to have complete diary of who they communicated with.

Trump has a history of not doing this.

On the crucial day of the armed attack on the Capitol spoke on the phone with VP Pence, this is not recorded by the switchboard or by the official diarist.

After the phone call Trump said of Pence "Unfortunately, he didn't exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!". This was a trigger for some to attack the Capitol.

Of interest is who else apart from VP Pence did he speak to on that day in those seven hours in his attempt to seize power.


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16 minutes ago, Magilla said:

In the last two decades, the vast majority of these conspiracy theorists with a partisan political hammer have been members of the party you support! :?


They're even setting some up at the prospect of doing well in the midterms! :hihi:


Unless of course, it's related to anything Trump might be accused of... then you're repeatedly bending over backwards not to :thumbsup:

You can accuse anybody of anything!


Fact is Trump is more popular than all his allegators and their "allegations".


And so far, there has not been one criminal complaint filed against Trump in a court of law, despite a 2 year Special Prosecutor Investigation,  2  partisan political Impeachments (and acquitals) 4 years of "allegations" and Congressional Investigations, 22 State Attorney's General looking into his "taxes".


Not even an unpaid speeding ticket,


Ever wonder why that is, when the Biden crowd own the White House, Senate, and Congress?


And I'm sure we all believe in Innocent until proven Guilty in a Court of Law!


We do, don't we?



3 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Very poor attempt at misleading our readers.

Having read the same article I notice you have conveniently omitted the bit about the phone calls from the Oval office to VP Pence.

Trump, like any President or VP is expected to have complete diary of who they communicated with.

Trump has a history of not doing this.

On the crucial day of the armed attack on the Capitol spoke on the phone with VP Pence, this is not recorded by the switchboard or by the official diarist.

After the phone call Trump said of Pence "Unfortunately, he didn't exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!". This was a trigger for some to attack the Capitol.

Of interest is who else apart from VP Pence did he speak to on that day in those seven hours in his attempt to seize power.


But Trump has NOT denied making a call to Pence, and Pence has not denied recieving a call from Trump,  so what's yer problem?


Continue on with your conspiracy theories.



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38 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You can accuse anybody of anything!


Fact is Trump is more popular than all his allegators and their "allegations".

Like saying Loraine Kelly is more popular than Boris Johnson, or any politician... it's not really a surprise :hihi:

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26 minutes ago, trastrick said:


But Trump has NOT denied making a call to Pence, and Pence has not denied recieving a call from Trump,  so what's yer problem?


Continue on with your conspiracy theories.



Missing the point again.

Trump phoned Pence.

Trump phone call is not recorded on switchboard.

Trump phone call is not recorded by official diarist/archivist.

All communications by a president has to be logged- but this was not the case in the Oval Office that day.

The investigators want to know who else Trump spoke to in the seven hours of 'silence', his state of mind and what he was intending/thinking.

Kushner's role has been largely explained and accepted and Ivanka has now accepted the 'invitation'.

Other individuals have and will be called to give their version of the events.

The information is public and a report will be compiled. 


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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Missing the point again.

Trump phoned Pence.

Trump phone call is not recorded on switchboard.

Trump phone call is not recorded by official diarist/archivist.

All communications by a president has to be logged- but this was not the case in the Oval Office that day.

The investigators want to know who else Trump spoke to in the seven hours of 'silence', his state of mind and what he was intending/thinking.

Kushner's role has been largely explained and accepted and Ivanka has now accepted the 'invitation'.

Other individuals have and will be called to give their version of the events.

The information is public and a report will be compiled. 


Did you read the article?


This bit? :)


"A former White House staffer who served in the Obama administration told CNN that if then-President Barrack Obama wanted to make a call to someone from the Oval Office, he would normally ask an aide seated nearby to dial the person. The aide would then call the number and hit transfer to connect the caller to the President.

That call would not go through the White House switchboard and therefore would not be recorded on the White House switchboard log, the former staffer said"


Seems to have satisfied CNN, so I'll take their version of events, until the the January 6th Commission, have finalized their report.


Meanwhile feel free to speculate on your conspiracy theories.  :)


Such a rush to judge to judgement!


Oy vey! :)

Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Did you read the article?


This bit? :)


"A former White House staffer who served in the Obama administration told CNN that if then-President Barrack Obama wanted to make a call to someone from the Oval Office, he would normally ask an aide seated nearby to dial the person. The aide would then call the number and hit transfer to connect the caller to the President.

That call would not go through the White House switchboard and therefore would not be recorded on the White House switchboard log, the former staffer said"


Seems to have satisfied CNN, so I'll take their version of events, until the the January 6th Commission, have finalized their report.


Meanwhile feel free to speculate on your conspiracy theories.  :)


Such a rush to judge to judgement!


Oy vey! :)

This thread is about Trump.

The current topic is the investigation into what happened on January 6th and what led up to it, specifically the  role played by members of the outgoing administration and its head-Trump.

Clouding the issue with events more than six years old really is weak.

The investigators have already established that Trump did not use the White House switchboard for seven hours.

They know that he made phone calls from the Whitehouse without them being logged.

They want to know whose phone he was using and if he made others and to whom.

This is not an investigation into a day at the office.








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