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17 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

In your country, abortion is illegal in all circumstances.

Women face 2 years in prison for attempting to induce an abortion themselves and medical professionals can be sentenced for up to 20 years in jail.

These laws and sanctions were passed by dictators 140 years ago. 

That is not Democracy.

The Dominican Republic is a Catholic Country.  Abortion rights are not an issue here. Political issues are way down the scale of the average citizen's concerns, and there are no domestic political divisions that plague the "enlightened" folks in the West.


Matter of fact, even after 13 years of first visiting, then living there, I was not even aware that abortion was illegal, until you pointed that out.  It just never comes up.


The national and local governments are elected every 4 years or so, (voter ID required) and they threw out the "Dictators" years ago. :)


That IS democracy!


Most folks rely on exended family and community for their social needs, elders are taken care of and babies are a welcome addition to the family. Hard work is respected, with no respect for the lazy, liars, cheaters or troublemakers. Reminds me a lot of Sheffield in the 40's and early 50;s.


I'm invited to their churches, for family events, and from what I've seen, it works well. 


My first visit was to a Sunday service, up in a hillside town. After the happy service, singing, guitars, keyboard, the priest told the congregation to hug and shake hands with their neighbors. My partner said it was a good way to help handle any petty disputes in the small community. Their version of "social services",  :)


And although I'm an atheist, I left there with a really positive feeling about life.



After much world travelling, always with an eye to where I would like to finish up, I found my ideal place.


If it wasn't for family in Canada and the U.K. I'd never leave.



Edited by trastrick
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14 hours ago, L00b said:

Which is exactly what Trump did.

If only you’d bothered to read my first link in that earlier post, you’d have saved yourself a whole lot of typing.

What were the "nasty things" Trump did to the Constitution?


Can you be more specific?


15 hours ago, altus said:

You keep quoting this Gallup poll to bolster your argument but fail to provide a link to it. It couldn't be that you are selectively quoting to give a misleading impression again could it? After all, "some restriction on abortion" could mean "women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions after their waters have broke but any time before then is OK". Without knowing what questions were asked, "some restriction on abortion" cannot be take to mean people support stricter abortion laws.

Google "Gallup poll Abortion" There's the latest chart. It's not hard :)


Favor Illegal in all circumstances  19%


Favor Legal under any circumstances  32%


Favor Legal only under certain circumstances  48%







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2 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Google "Gallup poll Abortion" There's the latest chart. It's not hard :)


Favor Illegal in all circumstances  19%


Favor Legal under any circumstances  32%


Favor Legal only under certain circumstances  48%

I already did. I just wanted to expose that you are, yet again, selectively quoting to give a misleading impression. Now tell everyone what proportion of US citizens want to keep Roe vs Wade in place.

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7 minutes ago, altus said:

I already did. I just wanted to expose that you are, yet again, selectively quoting to give a misleading impression. Now tell everyone what proportion of US citizens want to keep Roe vs Wade in place.

A Trump fan misleading? Never lol

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10 minutes ago, altus said:

I already did. I just wanted to expose that you are, yet again, selectively quoting to give a misleading impression. Now tell everyone what proportion of US citizens want to keep Roe vs Wade in place.

Why don't you tell us!


C'mon now, don't be shy!  :)



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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

The Dominican Republic is a Catholic Country.  Abortion rights are not an issue here. Political issues are way down the scale of the average citizen's concerns, and there are no domestic political divisions that plague the "enlightened" folks in the West.



There is not a country in the world where "Abortion rights are not an issue...".

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

What were the "nasty things" Trump did to the Constitution?


Can you be more specific?

My post, in reply to your excerpted post and in the context of our conversation since post #5952, is perfectly clear. 

Jog on with your strawman 😘

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21 hours ago, trastrick said:

US Supreme Court Justices (appointed by duly elected officials) do not make the laws. Their job is solely to uphold the Constitution.



True. But they can change the interpretation of the constitution which impacts laws, as in this case.  So indirectly they do make law.

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21 hours ago, L00b said:

My post, in reply to your excerpted post and in the context of our conversation since post #5952, is perfectly clear. 

Jog on with your strawman 😘

No point in asking you to specify "my strawman" either, I suppose!  :)


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26 minutes ago, trastrick said:

No point in asking you to specify "my strawman" either, I suppose!  :)


I’ll do that specifying, when you acknowledge that Trump ‘packed’ SCOTUS with 3  neoconservative judges, aka ‘judicial activists’.

At which point, I won’t actually need to do that specifying anymore 🙃

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