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On 03/06/2022 at 21:50, butlers said:

Louis Gohmert (R), by repute the dumbest man in Congress, has this to say about his pal being arrested and hauled in front of a judge today 

It relates to the inquiry about Jan 6.

Particularly liked the reference to Sussmann... you have to be a "special kind of special" to have forgotten that he was charged, and stood trial!

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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Particularly liked the reference to Sussmann... you have to be a "special kind of special" to have forgotten that he was charged, and stood trial!

Justice took it's course.


He was tried and found Not Guilty! It was in all the papers.


He's innocent according to law!


Like  Hillary and Trump.


What's your point?  :)


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On 10/01/2019 at 23:11, XXTickerXX said:

Not a stupid question at all.


Simply put they never had the votes in the senate and this is not about the wall!! They need Democrat senators to reach the required 60 votes in the Senate. Even with the increased number of Republican senators they still do not have enough. He can use emergency powers such as Obama did but he does not want to do that.


He wants the Democrats to absolutely state their position leading up to campaigning starting this year. 

This is a pure power play by both sides to wield the political power they both  hold.  Now the republicans have lost the house but gained in the senate the wall has simply the hill they both choose to die on. Trump knows he cannot compromise because any concession on this signature campaign promise would show the Democrats that they can bully him with their newfound legislative power.


If Trump backed down The democrats can demand more and more. If Trump wins the fight he has a chance to divide his critics ahead of the primaries coming up late this year. You just know they are saving every single soundbite from Democrats on how they love illegals over their own citizens.


Remember the President not only got his message out to the entire country but he did one other superb thing. Because he addressed the nation from the oval office about the crisis at the border, it can be used in court. If he has to declare a state of emergency to fund the wall he can reference this after they file their obstructionist lawsuits saying he is bi-passing congress. Most people seem to be missing how he has been building a case that he hopes he doesn’t have to use…but that will be airtight when he does. He has successfully backed the Democrats into defending human trafficking for cheap labour.  I can't wait for the presidential campaigning. Trump "Soooo…what your saying is, you’re okay with 2 in 3 women getting raped in order to come here for a better life? Why are you opposed to coming up with a system that allows them to cross the border legally?"


Trump literally wrote a book on the art of the deal. Start high and work your way down to what you actually want. He knows the Dems are also terrified of the people that are missing paychecks are mostly Democrat voters.  The real reason they don’t want the wall, is they want chaos, mindless votes of people looking for government freebies. They are against any kind of voter identification because they know they have 11 million illegals that vote for them. 


Trump knows his base. Despite the fact what the media tells you (as in Hillary has a 99% chance to win the presidency), he has his finger on the pulse of middle America much more than any career politician.  He is the most investigated human in the history of the planet. They still don't have anything. I am looking forward to Mueller`s non report.


Obama declared 13 national emergencies. Bill Clinton used this authority 17 times. President Trump has only used it three times so far. Trump knows he can easily do this to build the wall and the Democrats know this too.



You only have to look at the American media to see how backward and repulsive they are. They even had an actual news station doctor footage to make him look more orange and stupid. I thought that was what the left thought already! Now you see why everyone ignores the media and Trump has every right and is actually right to call them fake news. An actual news station reporting the news..... oh my sides. They should have their network licence removed.



With another Supreme court nominee coming for Trump the Democrats will be a whole new level of crazy in the coming months. He will own the supreme court for a generation or two.

Any chance of you crawling out from under that bridge and giving us your thoughts on this?


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9 hours ago, melthebell said:

Obviously he'll just shout it's a democrat led conspiracy

XXTickerXX was a classic troll account who couldn’t face the criticism after Trump lost. He’s been posting a lot on this thread recently under another username though.

Edited by Mister Gee
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