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Just now, The_DADDY said:

I'll be honest, i laughed hard when that story came out. It was clearly another made up Anti Trump hit piece.

It's dawning on the American electorate too, finally.


If it were true, it would bea simple matter, given their law enforcement power to charge him with a crime or misdemeanor "disorderly conduct" or some such, and that would give them their first Court Victory over Trump in 6 years of "shocking revelations".


But of course, they won't. As modern day lyncher, Pelosi says, "We can't (will not) wait for the Courts".


No all they want to do is try to sway public opinion with the continuing crapola, because the November elections are imminent, and thy can count on their pals in the Media to amplify their charges, knowing that a certain segment of society will swallow it whole, line and sinker!


Pathetic, but political dirty tricks on steroids!  :)


We'll wait for the voter's verdict in November!

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19 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

It was clearly another made up Anti Trump hit piece.

Well, if that's the case it's fortunate that it was a Trump insider and former top aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows who made the claim! :thumbsup::?



3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Pathetic, but political dirty tricks on steroids!  :)

Exactly how is someone from the Trump camp making these claims a Democratic plot?

On 25/06/2022 at 17:02, trastrick said:

Google is your friend!  :)

Indeed it is...


Darth Vader beats Trump, not Clinton:




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Just now, Magilla said:

Well, if that's the case it's fortunate that it was a Trump insider and former top aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows who made the claim! :thumbsup::?



Exactly how is someone from the Trump camp making these claims a Democratic plot?



You don't know politics!


It's as old as Julius Caesar!



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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

You don't know politics!

I understood it well enough to see your laughable Sussmann narrative wasn't going to fly...


...and I can also remember stuff from before yesterday! :thumbsup: :?



It's as old as Julius Caesar!

Sure, like Uranium One, Benghazi, Hillary-Gate, Seth-Rich, Pizza-Gate, and the Central Park Five...


...can't really see why any Trump supporter could possibly complain. :roll:



But still, exactly how is someone from the Trump camp making these claims a Democratic plot?



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Just now, Magilla said:

I understood it well enough to see your laughable Sussmann narrative wasn't going to fly...


...and I can also remember stuff from before yesterday! :thumbsup: :?


Sure, like Uranium One, Benghazi, Hillary-Gate, Seth-Rich, Pizza-Gate, and the Central Park Five...


...can't really see why any Trump supporter could possibly complain. :roll:



But still, exactly how is someone from the Trump camp making these claims a Democratic plot?



Who mention the term "Democratic plot"


I mean, besides you?


Besides I always use the correct term for Democrats. As in "Democrat Trump witch hunt", above!


They are not "The Democratic Party", the correct term is The Democrat Party.


Have a nice day!  :)


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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Who mention the term "Democratic plot"

Sorry, of course that's *every other thread* regardless of relevance :thumbsup: :hihi:


"political dirty tricks on steroids"... in the case you highlight there aren't any...


...beyond the ones you made up in your head! :roll:


Which part of reporting the testimony of someone giving evidence, and the response of those concerned, is the "political dirty tricks on steroids"?



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19 hours ago, Magilla said:

Sorry, of course that's *every other thread* regardless of relevance :thumbsup: :hihi:


"political dirty tricks on steroids"... in the case you highlight there aren't any...


...beyond the ones you made up in your head! :roll:


Which part of reporting the testimony of someone giving evidence, and the response of those concerned, is the "political dirty tricks on steroids"?



Not calling before Pelosi's personal kangaroo "Panel",  the two Secret Service Agents who are willing to testify that the "bombshell" (hearsay) testimony  the young lady gave against Trump, never happened.


They were actually there!


Some people!  :)


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50 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Not calling before Pelosi's personal kangaroo "Panel",  the two Secret Service Agents who are willing to testify that the "bombshell" (hearsay) testimony  the young lady gave against Trump, never happened.

It's called "news"...


...thanks for highlighting, yet again, that you have no concept of how it actually works! :thumbsup: :roll:

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Magilla wrote:


"...thanks for highlighting, yet again, that you have no concept of how it actually works! :thumbsup: :roll:"


Only too well, pal!  :)


The Democrat's President has  today hit a new low in job approval, according to RCP Average of all polls. His fall is precipitious, probably unprecented. 




Facing a November wipeout at the polls, they have nothing to counter, except a desperate series of Pelosi Congressional kangaroo courts, where they are willing, nay desperate, to find anyone with any second hand rumor or heresay, who is prepared to make yet another allegation about their feared political opponent.


6 years now and counting, and not one, ONE allegation of wrongdoing that could stand up in a Court of Law.


Not even a speeding ticket!  Lol


So they have some 80,000,000 people who voted against Trump. to pick from.


The "witnesses" will continue to be called, the subpoenas will continue to fly to all and sundry. and the show will go on, their pals in the Media will hype it to the sheep, until November, when the public will send tham a strong message, that they will not put up with this charade of show trial  nonsense, worthy of a communist dictatorship, while their country turns into a basket case.


They'll demand actual governing from the politicians they are paying to do a job!


You'll see!  :)


The latest scam:


Google's Gmail censorship cost GOP candidates $2B since 2019, Republicans say, citing new study

Study found that Gmail flagged most GOP fundraising emails as spam, while allowing through most Dem emails


"The Republicans based their conclusions on a North Carolina State University study that found Gmail allows the vast majority of emails from Democratic to land in the user's inbox while more than two-thirds of messages from conservative candidates are marked as spam


Gmail "retained the majority of left-wing candidate emails in inbox (< 10.12% marked as spam) while sent the majority of right-wing candidate emails to the spam folder (up to 77.2% marked as spam)," the study found



The study here:







Just now, butlers said:

One of the  senior staffers who has denied it happened  was taken to task by 3 other senior staffers yesterday for lying to them 


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