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Because he's so blatant. Take the charlotville riots. He said, on video broadcasted to the worlds media, that blame was on both sides. At a rally a week later he quoted what he said to prove a point MINUS the bit where he blamed both sides. That's not double speak or spin, it's grade A, full fat bull ****. It's a total lie.


But yeah, it would be nice if ours did tell the truth. What that's got to do with trump I don't know.


So which side are you blaming?

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gosh, he speaks like normal people do, can you not realise that seasoned politician, never say what they mean, he does, which means the media can take pops at him. here's the rub would you like our politicians to say what they mean or what they think what you want to hear. We never hear the truth from our politicians.

Tell me would you not like to hear the truth from our elected representatives, just once.


Trump saying what he means is the reason why millions around the world have no respect for him,mainly because he is a liar,so what's the point of him saying what he means if he is still a liar ?

One point of being a politician is to say what you mean without lying,Trump can't even do that,will never be able to do that because he is a self publicist,a thin skinned narcissist who needs to be surrounded by yes men and sycophants,the same as banana republic dictators,because that is exactly what he is.

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Whatever we might think about Trump, it is interesting to see the Russia collusion propaganda now unravelling, some of it apparently paid for by the Clinton/ DNC. Add to the mix, the ongoing connection of kick backs paid to the Clintons by the Russians for her to sign off on selling control of 20% of America's uranium.


Another bit of interesting reading is the Charles Ortel investigation into the illegal shenanigans of the so called 'Clinton Foundation' and its spin offs.


If Trump intends draining the swamp, I'm afraid he has a way to go yet.


Why has Trumps campaign manager been indicted by the enquiry into Russian collusion if it is unravelling?

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As you say they are all from the same pot, my point is from being elected what has he done wrong, apart from being outspoken, non-politician, which the media pick at

pull the other one, hes the worst, a vile person, he has zero empathy and HATES anybody that doesnt agree with him, he cannot handle criticism in the slightest, thats why HE started the whole fake news thing, to smokescreen the criticism and make himself look better. Hes vain, loves himself and IS NOT a president, theres absolutely zero statelyness about him. He also swaps sides on issues faster than you can shake a stick at.

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The core of what he is trying to do is based on economic nationalism. That is why he won so many votes in the mid west and the rust belt, in the places left behind by the USA’s neoliberalism of the last 40 years. He should stick to that Economic nationalism as the driver of his policy rather than pandering to less savoury right wing beliefs of his core vote and trying to undo everything Obama did in office.


There’s nothing wrong with a degree of economic nationalism in the right context, and anybody who has read Paul Fletcher’s works about the hollowing out of the ranks of middle earners in the US, The US’s insane experiment with low import tariffs, and loss of industry there is going to understand why it is needed. Trump has the opportunity to really make a difference for the people who voted for him but he is just so bogged down with politics of hate and envy. First thing he should do is come off Twitter.


As an aside I’m amazed that Brexiters in the UK haven’t clocked that Trumps economic nationalism is a reaction to the very policies that Brexiters want to implement. They want us to repeat exactly the same mistakes. Sad :|

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pull the other one, hes the worst, a vile person, he has zero empathy and HATES anybody that doesnt agree with him, he cannot handle criticism in the slightest, thats why HE started the whole fake news thing, to smokescreen the criticism and make himself look better. Hes vain, loves himself and IS NOT a president, theres absolutely zero statelyness about him. He also swaps sides on issues faster than you can shake a stick at.


Reading between the lines, I take it that your not a fan of mr trump.?

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