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On a more serious note, lawyers are claiming that she is entitled, as a British Citizen, to seek to have here sentence served in the U.K. This likely will be part of her current appeal process.


I'm sure the U.S. Swamp would be happy to get her out of town, out of sight, out of mind, as long as she's holding on to a hand full of aces.


Remember, aside from the U.K. Prince William, none of these powerful, rich, influential clients, who used her sex slave trafficking enterprise have been called to account for their part in expoiting these minors.


She may finish up a free woman in a "couple years", if she becomes a "model prisoner:, and keeps her lips buttoned.


Such is the justice system for the privileged in Western Society.  :)





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43 minutes ago, trastrick said:

On a more serious note, lawyers are claiming that she is entitled, as a British Citizen, to seek to have here sentence served in the U.K. This likely will be part of her current appeal process.


I'm sure the U.S. Swamp would be happy to get her out of town, out of sight, out of mind, as long as she's holding on to a hand full of aces.


Remember, aside from the U.K. Prince William, none of these powerful, rich, influential clients, who used her sex slave trafficking enterprise have been called to account for their part in expoiting these minors.


She may finish up a free woman in a "couple years", if she becomes a "model prisoner:, and keeps her lips buttoned.


Such is the justice system for the privileged in Western Society.  :)



I'm sure Trump will be happy if that happens.


Prince William probably won't be happy with your slander though.

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More on this so-called "armed insurection" narrative.


Protesting the outcome of democratic elections has a long and storied history in the United States.


Going back to 2000, when Al Gore refused to accept his loss, for a whole month, before the U.S. Supreme Court had to weigh in and ruled he had lost.


2016, when country wide protests erupted after Trump won the election. Cop car burnings, and riots,  injured police and arrests.


2020 when Hillary stated publicly that Joe Biden should under NO circumstance concede the election if he lost and the vote was close.


Trump did leave the White House, when his term was up, as scheduled and it was a cooperative peaceful transfer of power.


"Armed insurection" is not the correct term to use, when a peaceful legal protest on the Mall, is turned into a riot, by a few hunded yahhoos, and where the only guns found in the Capitol Building were on the hips of the Capital police. One of whom shot an unarmed woman trespasser in cold blood.


No charges against Trump brought, by Pelosi's kangaroo court, as usual.


Which is why the Democrats and their Media pals narrative had to switch to "stolen classified and top secret documents", to which the Trump lawyers are currently preparing a legal defense.


To understand the fever of the moment, one needs to place it in context of history.


But, that was then, this is now!  :)


Brookings Institute

"Sunday’s certification of the results of the presidential election in Florida have prompted a near acceptance speech by Governor George W. Bush and a chorus of calls for Vice President Al Gore to finally acknowledge the inevitable, forgo any further legal appeals, and concede the election now. Gore should do no such thing.


"Quite apart from his own obvious self-interest in the outcome, Gore owes it to the country, to the American constitutional system, and to the next president of the United States, whomever he may be, to pursue in a timely fashion all remedies permitted by Florida law to achieve as full and accurate vote count as possible".



Election day


CNN Anti-Trump protesters march for 3rd night; Portland police call it a "riot"

"Thousands protesting Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election took to the streets for a third night of demonstrations and vigils in several US cities.

An anti-Trump rally in Portland, Oregon, revved up as protesters confronted police Thursday night. What started out as a peaceful march, with more than 4,000 people, quickly turned violent".

"Over the course of the evening, “anarchists” in the crowd threw objects at officers, vandalized local businesses and damaged cars, Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson said".https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/11/us/oregon-protest-riot



Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Black-clad activists among hundreds of demonstrators protesting Donald Trump’s swearing-in on Friday clashed with police a few blocks from the White House, in an outburst of violence rare for an inauguration".



NBC News

Hillary Clinton says Biden should not concede the election 'under any circumstances'




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44 minutes ago, altus said:

I'm sure Trump will be happy if that happens.


Prince William probably won't be happy with your slander though.

I referred to William's "part" in 


45 minutes ago, altus said:

I'm sure Trump will be happy if that happens.


Prince William probably won't be happy with your slander though.

He's also  innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law.


Unfortunately, to hear the MSM, he did play a "part" in the scandal, that involved the sexual abuse of minors. 


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I know very little about American politics and don't follow it. But one thing bothers me which I  have never seen explained. 


Trump won an election, so presumably a lot of Americans voted for him.


Why?  What was it they saw in him that made them vote for him? 


The only answers I've ever seen are in the 'all Americans are idiots' vein.


I also happened to be watching live footage of the invasion of the White house in the early hours of the morning as it was happening. They were interviewing some of the participants. They were normal, educated, erudite, articulate and peaceful, in fact the very opposite of loud, baying, violent mob who were shown on all the later broadcasts as being the typical protesters.

A bit of bias creeping in do you think, to undermine and discredit the protesters message?  

- Which was. . . .? 

Edited by Anna B
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7 hours ago, trastrick said:

Protesting the outcome of democratic elections has a long and storied history in the United States.

Protesting the results of the election yes. Invading the Capitol Building in an attempt to prevent the hand over of power happening no.



"Armed insurection" is not the correct term to use, when a peaceful legal protest on the Mall, is turned into a riot, by a few hunded yahhoos, and where the only guns found in the Capitol Building were on the hips of the Capital police.

In the words of PolitiFact That’s ridiculous revisionist history.



NBC News

Hillary Clinton says Biden should not concede the election 'under any circumstance

You, and that headline, miss out the pertinent point which was to not concede before the final result is known. Republican strategy documents said they wanted to declare victory if the early, partial counts showed them ahead and to not count the absentee ballots that were likely to favour the Democrats. It's entirely reasonable to say "it's only over after all the votes are counted".

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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

I know very little about American politics and don't follow it. 

You probably should if you're going to comment on it.



But one thing bothers me which I  have never seen explained. 


Trump won an election, so presumably a lot of Americans voted for him.


Why?  What was it they saw in him that made them vote for him?

Like the Tories here, they blamed people's economic problems on 'others' and made promises they new they would not be able to keep nor had any intention of keeping. Add to that pandering to the extremist religious right.



The only answers I've ever seen are in the 'all Americans are idiots' vein.

It's not "all Americans are idiots". Those criticising Trump voters know that, even when he won in 2016, more people voted for the Democrats than for him.



I also happened to be watching live footage of the invasion of the White house in the early hours of the morning as it was happening. They were interviewing some of the participants. They were normal, educated, erudite, articulate and peaceful, in fact the very opposite of loud, baying, violent mob who were shown on all the later broadcasts as being the typical protesters.

A bit of bias creeping in do you think, to undermine and discredit the protesters message?  

- Which was. . . .? 

Think about it. If you were a journalist entering the Capitol building with a group of people intent on violently preventing the results of the election being implemented, with people who had even been calling for Trump's vice president to be hanged for failing to agree to prevent the handover of power, would you ask challenging questions of the most violent of them knowing your safety relied on them not turning nasty against you? Or would you ask soft soap questions of the calmer ones?

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On 14/08/2022 at 13:52, trastrick said:

If she plays ball with the Swamp, she'll be OK.


She's presently at the Brooklyn Detention Center awaiting the outcome of her Appeal.


But the Judge in her case, has already recommended she serve her sentence at the Danbury, Conn. low security facility. The facility also has an adjacent satellite prison camp that houses minimum-security female offenders.


She'll have access to sports facilities, educational, legal research,  and vocational programs (Culinary Arts, Floral Design and Horticulture) as well as a liberal visitation program for family and friends. As a celeb with finacial reach, she'll be treated as such by the staff.


If she doesn't keep her mouth shut, (think model prisoner) all these perks can be denied her.


Then in a couple years, when the MSM has forgotten Epstein, (wasn't he that Hollywood jerk?) COVID, Afghanistan, Ukraine, et al, quietly given day parole, then commutation of sentence.


Similar to the criminals walking the streets free today, like would be assassin, John Hinkley Junior, and former domestic terrorists, esconced in some of the nations distinguished colleges.


She knows what she has to do!  :)


Play the game!

No grass they say it works wonders . If you are in the big league, and she is 

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It's getting more and more bizarro out there, folks..


Now they have taken away Trump's passport!


That, like the raid on his home, and Malenia's closert, should only be done, with a search warrant, ACCOMPANIED, by an Arrest Warrant containing a criminal charge.


They are looking for "evidence" that would justify a criminal charge.


How does a citizen defend himself from that?


How many citizens could stand 6 years of phony Russian Collusion hoaxes, phony Secret Trump Tower Servers to Moscow Banks,  Special Prosecutors, endless Congressional "Investigations". multiple Impeachments, and kangaroo courts.


Now the Media are gleefully telling us the the FBI are investigating possible violations of the ESPIONAGE ACT.


No charges but getting that word out there sends a powerful message to the World!


Trump has the money to hire lawyers to defend himself, and his family, from such hoaxes, but if it were you or I?


Meanwhile Hunter is still flying around on Air Force One, with daddy!  :)

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18 hours ago, Anna B said:

I know very little about American politics and don't follow it. But one thing bothers me which I  have never seen explained. 


Trump won an election, so presumably a lot of Americans voted for him.


Why?  What was it they saw in him that made them vote for him? 


The only answers I've ever seen are in the 'all Americans are idiots' vein.


I also happened to be watching live footage of the invasion of the White house in the early hours of the morning as it was happening. They were interviewing some of the participants. They were normal, educated, erudite, articulate and peaceful, in fact the very opposite of loud, baying, violent mob who were shown on all the later broadcasts as being the typical protesters.

A bit of bias creeping in do you think, to undermine and discredit the protesters message?  

- Which was. . . .? 

One thing you should understand is that Trump voters are not necessarily "Trump lovers".


74,000,000 U.S. citizens voted for the policies they preferred,  and Trump was at the top of that Republican ticket.


Likewise, I don't believe that all the folks who voted for Biden, are neccesarily "Biden lovers".


He just happens to be at the top of the ticket of the Party, that would promote their preferred political policies.


All the rest is propaganda.  :)


Alleged Voter Fraud allegations aside, those 74,000,000 voters DO think the election was "rigged", by the Democrat Party and their Media pals, who for 6 years pushed a series of hoaxes like Russian Collusion, Secret Trump Tower Servers, MAGA HAT Racists, and years of Special Prosecutor Investigations, 2 failed Impeachments, and endless Congressional (partisan mob) Investigations into Trump, his family, and anybody associated with him.


They were labeled "deplorables" by Hillary, which is language from pre WW2 German politics.


They are really ****** at the Democrats right now!


I believe they have good reason to be!


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