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34 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Democrat talking points deleted.


Wake up!  :)


More on the FBI's dirty doings.


The Agency that bought the Clinton Campaign package of "Russian Collusion", lock stock and barrel, and actually broke the law and forged an email support the FISA warrant request to "surveil" read "spy" on the Trump campaign has long since lost any real credibility.


But they are still desperate to make something stick to Trump.


But even after Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails from her bathroom server she used to conduct State Department Business, Classified documents were still found on perv Anthony Weiner's laptop (Oh those laptops! :)


Omama's FBI Director Comey, found only that she was "extremely careless", and opined that "Although there is evidence of potential violation of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."


"Our judgement" his, and senior FBI Officials McCabe and Strocz who were overseeing the investigation of the Trump campaign for "Russian Collusion". :) It wasn't his job as an Investigation unit to even make that call, that decision rests with the Justice Department.

(But after a hasty tarmac meeting between Obama's Attorney General and Bill Clinton, close to the eve of the Hillary "exoneration", Loretta Lynch (remember her? Thought not!) relied on his recommendation.


So we might get to see whether that "prosecutorial discretion" also applies to Trump. Lol


Fast forward to recent news.


in 2021, someone organized a letter from 50 "former intelligence" officials dismissing the NY Post's reporting of Hunter Biden's laptop. The term used was "Russian Disinformation".

Then a visit by the FBI to Facebook and who knows who else, and the story was dropped by the MSM. Except from the pesky New York Post the only major newspaper that did NOT endorrse Biden for President :)


On January 5. Report: FBI warned Washington and the Capitol Police "that extremists were preparing to come to Washington, attack Congress and engage in “war.” The warning was issued internally by the FBI’s Norfolk, Virginia, field office a day before the Capitol riot, according to The Washington Post.


Imagine a U.S. Civil War in 2022 :) but nobody did anything about it, no call for National Guard deployment, other than Trump's VP,  Mike Pence.


As the FBI bumbles from one Trump failed allegation to the next. and everybody is tightlipped about the Biden allegations, that have some real currency, and sparked  a real Criminal Investigation.


The Democrat coalition to de-legitimize Trump continues, using Congress, the Justice Department, and the FBI. Ramped up with only a couple months before the next election.


What has he NOT been "accused" of? :)


And still, after 5 years, not one criminal charge that would stand up in a real Court of Law.


If the Democrats manage to hold on to Congress, expect the Hunter Biden story to fade, like Hillary, Afghanistan, and COVID mismanagement.


As my partner says, "aye yi yi" :)


And as I repeat.


When they make a criminal charge against Trump, do let us know?


I mean this is the either the biggest crook ever to get into politics.


(or an outsider trying to drain the Government Swamp status quo, and the complicit Media)


Yer takes yer pick! 




But what the voters want to know is what is their government doing to fight real crime, and looting of Main street shops,  in their neighborhoods.  :)



forget all that crap


should ex presidents be taking secret documents "home" and flushing them down the toilet?

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Democrat talking points deleted.

Of course, since you can't dispute them... so on with more long winded illogical waffle! :thumbsup:  :?




Wake up!  :)

From the Trump supporter bending over backwards with laughable excuses! :?



More on the FBI's dirty doings.


The Agency that bought the Clinton Campaign package of "Russian Collusion", lock stock and barrel, and actually broke the law and forged an email support the FISA warrant request to "surveil" read "spy" on the Trump campaign has long since lost any real credibility.

A total misrepresentation of the facts. :? 



But they are still desperate to make something stick to Trump.


But even after Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails from her bathroom server she used to conduct State Department Business, Classified documents were still found on perv Anthony Weiner's laptop (Oh those laptops! :)

As did Trump, Ivanka, Jared... and at least 4 other Trump cabinet members:






Omama's FBI Director Comey, found only that she was "extremely careless", and opined that "Although there is evidence of potential violation of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

...but she was investigated. So your claims re: the FBI fall flat :?



So we might get to see whether that "prosecutorial discretion" also applies to Trump. Lol

It might well do, though what Trump is accused of is far far more egregious than anything Hillary did. :?



Fast forward to recent news.


in 2021, someone organized a letter from 50 "former intelligence" officials dismissing the NY Post's reporting of Hunter Biden's laptop. The term used was "Russian Disinformation".

Then a visit by the FBI to Facebook and who knows who else, and the story was dropped by the MSM. Except from the pesky New York Post the only major newspaper that did NOT endorrse Biden for President :)

Another complete misrepresentation of what really happened.



On January 5. Report: FBI warned Washington and the Capitol Police "that extremists were preparing to come to Washington, attack Congress and engage in “war.” The warning was issued internally by the FBI’s Norfolk, Virginia, field office a day before the Capitol riot, according to The Washington Post.


Imagine a U.S. Civil War in 2022 :) but nobody did anything about it, no call for National Guard deployment, other than Trump's VP,  Mike Pence.

...aye, and imagine lying about it from the start:




As the FBI bumbles from one Trump failed allegation to the next. and everybody is tightlipped about the Biden allegations, that have some real currency, and sparked  a real Criminal Investigation.

Trump has quite a few real ones on the go too at the minute! :roll:


Regardless, none of the allegations against Hunter Biden in any way relate to his father, or the presidency.


It's not like he's accused of ripping off a kids cancer charity :?



The Democrat coalition to de-legitimize Trump continues, using Congress, the Justice Department, and the FBI. Ramped up with only a couple months before the next election.

As a direct result of Trumps intransigence, and was entirely avoidable :?



What has he NOT been "accused" of? :)


And still, after 5 years, not one criminal charge that would stand up in a real Court of Law.

A fraction of the stuff Hillary has been accused of, over a longer period. :?


In every case she was found innocent, you continue to harp on about them regardless...


...are you sure it's the MSM at fault here? :hihi:



When they make a criminal charge against Trump, do let us know?


I mean this is the either the biggest crook ever to get into politics.


(or an outsider trying to drain the Government Swamp status quo, and the complicit Media)

Nah, just a chancer massively out of his depth, with no idea what he was doing...


...who increased the swamp by orders of magnitude, and destroyed his own business interests at the same time :?



But what the voters want to know is what is their government doing to fight real crime, and looting of Main street shops,  in their neighborhoods.  :)

Where were they when Trump was president, when violent crime went through the roof? :?



By the way, The Hill has a different article, from a real law professor!



Jonathan Turley... laughable as usual! :thumbsup::hihi:






...clearly, he can see a sucker a mile away though! :thumbsup: :D



The reality:


No Respectable Lawyer Willing to Touch Trump With 10-Foot Pole After Mar-a-Lago Raid:



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42 minutes ago, trastrick said:


I'll leave you with your opinions.


I got better thing to do with my time than argue Democrat talking points with you.

They're not Democrat talking points... :loopy:


...but, probably for the best since you clearly can't counter them with anything that other than telling us how much Trump "doesn't like it up him"...again! :?


42 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You can call it a "win" if you want!

Just shows how weak your claims are under even the most basic of common sense scrutiny... basically, in flames :roll:




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15 hours ago, Magilla said:

They're not Democrat talking points... :loopy:


...but, probably for the best since you clearly can't counter them with anything that other than telling us how much Trump "doesn't like it up him"...again! :?


Just shows how weak your claims are under even the most basic of common sense scrutiny... basically, in flames :roll:




In your opinion!  Important to remember that little detail. :)


But relax, You've got Biden, Pelosi, Cheney, Hillary, CNN, WashPost and NYT on your side. The "Russian Collusion" crowd!


They can't possible be wrong!


Or can they?  :)




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Hotel Mar-i-Lago


On a dark Monday morning
cool wind in their hair
warm smell of egg omelettes
rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance
They saw a shimmering light
Cocked their weapons to be ready
For a possible fight.


Creapt up to the doorway
no need for a bell
Burst in with a warrant
Scared them all to hell!


Welcome to the Hotel Mar-a-Lago
Such a lovely place
Lots of hiding space
They're living it up at the Hotel Mar-a-Lago
For a nice surprise
Bring your FBIs


Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And they said, 'You are all just criminals here
And you'll pay the price'

And in Malenia's chambers
They rummaged through the feast
Searched and searched for 'evidence'
But they just can't kill the beast!


Welcome to the Hotel Mar-a-Lago
Such a lovely place
Lots of hiding space
They're living it up at the Hotel Mar-a-Lago
For a nice surprise
Bring your FBIs


(Thanks to the Eagles) :)


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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

In your opinion!  Important to remember that little detail. :)

It's not just my opinion.


3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

But relax, You've got Biden, Pelosi, Cheney, Hillary, CNN, WashPost and NYT on your side. The "Russian Collusion" crowd!

Nah they're the Banghazi, Uranium One, Hillary-Gate, Body count, birtherism, pizza-gate, spy-gate, obama-gate, Seth-Rich crowd :?


3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

They can't possible be wrong!


Or can they?  :)

Well, they're not Real Clear Investigations, that much is true! :thumbsup: :hihi:

6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Hotel Mar-i-Lago

Seek help :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

It's not just my opinion.


Nah they're the Banghazi, Uranium One, Hillary-Gate, Body count, birtherism, pizza-gate, spy-gate, obama-gate, Seth-Rich crowd :?


Well, they're not Real Clear Investigations, that much is true! :thumbsup: :hihi:

Seek help :thumbsup:

Have a nice day!  :)


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"It's not just my opinion" - Reprise


Lots of opinions these days.


Here's another one:


The Hill


Unsealed Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit reveals the government has no case against Trump




Kevin R. Brock is a former assistant director of intelligence for the FBI and principal deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). He independently consults with private companies and public-safety agencies on strategic mission technologies.

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Unsealed Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit reveals the government has no case against Trump




Kevin R. Brock is a former assistant director of intelligence for the FBI and principal deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). He independently consults with private companies and public-safety agencies on strategic mission technologies.

Kevin R.Brock is not a lawyer and does not hold any law related qualifications...


...he has drummed up some interest in his company, NewStreet Global Solutions LLC though :roll:



His claim,  that the raid lacks adequate cause, is a claim that has been explicitly rejected by the judge who authorised it...


...the judge does have a law degree! :thumbsup: :?

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