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For those out there who have consigned Trump to the Ash Heap of history, the new poll from Emerson is of interest.




National Poll: Biden’s Approval Remains Underwater As Majority of GOP Voters Support Trump As Republican Nominee for 2024


The main two nuggets are:


"President Donald Trump leads with 55% support in a hypothetical 2024 Republican Primary, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with a quarter of Republican support (25%). No other candidate reaches double-digit support for the Republican or Democratic nomination. 




"In a potential 2024 Presidential Election between President Biden and former President Donald Trump, Biden holds a four-point lead over Trump, 45% to 41%. Nine percent would support someone else and 6% are undecided. If Florida Governor Ron DeSantis were the 2024 nominee, he trails Biden by four, 39% to 43%;" 


You're rehab from TDS, and your hot flashes at the mention of his name, may be a while off yet!  :)


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24 minutes ago, Hecate said:



The man retired in 2011, so if he's in political obscurity he's there by choice, happily raking in the cash from his various board positions and steady stream of books which the media have long been consistently more than happy to publicise over the years.  Why you lump him in with currently politically ambitious politicians like Pence, Cheney and others with, according to you, 'the only careers they have in the political establishment', I've no idea.  Though I have to say that it's amusing to see you try to frantically rubbish the bloke you quoted so enthusiastically only yesterday when you thought he was a proper Biden basher.


And speaking of amusing...


I don't think I've ever been called 'dearie' or 'woke' before and certainly not in the context of 'victimization'.  While it's great that you're happy to demonstrate - without being asked! - just how bizarrely off kilter your judgement is,  do stop being a spoilsport and give others a chance to point it out, as that's far more fun.  

Sure Jan!


My "bizarely off kilter judgements" have served me well, during my career as a Project Management Consultant, on behalf of major Government and Utility contracts, so forgive me if I reject your personal and insulting asessment of my mental state!


(My, my,  first you are a clairvoyant who can tell me what I "think", and now you come with the predictable mental diagnosis!  :)


To which I say, send your billl on a self addressed envelope and mail it to yourself!  :)


And do have a nice day!



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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Sure Jan!


My "bizarely off kilter judgements" have served me well, during my career as a Project Management Consultant, ojn behalf of major Government and Utillity contracts,  forgive me if I reject your personal and insulting asessment of my mental state!


(My, my,  first you are a clairvoyant who can tell me what I "think", and now you come with the predictable mental diagnosis!  :)


To which I say, send your billl on a self addressed envelope and mail it to yourself!  :)


And do have a nice day!

What a very odd response. I didn't mention or even allude to your mental state, let alone attempt to 'diagnose' it.  Time to draw a line under this particular conversation, I think.

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23 minutes ago, Hecate said:

What a very odd response. I didn't mention or even allude to your mental state, let alone attempt to 'diagnose' it.  Time to draw a line under this particular conversation, I think.



Now, dearie, who's back pedalling?  :)


Does "just how bizarrely off kilter your judgement is" ring a bell?


But what you fail to comrehend is that such assessments posted on a public forum, under the cloak of anonimity, carries no weight in the real World.


Zilch, nada!  :)


Now where were we?

Oh, yes, discussing the subject of a former Obama and Bush Defense Secretary and his comment that "He, Biden) has been

on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the passed 4 decades", and why he might like to change his opinion in view of the new political reality in Washington DC.


I don't believe it's Joe's excellent record in Aghanistan, and today's European War mess, his country finds itself in.  "Closest we have been to Armageddon, since the Cuban Missile Crisis" say's Joe. 


The facts would tend to support his earlier statement, in my humble opinion!  :)





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46 minutes ago, trastrick said:



Now, dearie, who's back pedalling?  :)


Does "just how bizarrely off kilter your judgement is" ring a bell?

Just from the exchange that provided the context for my comment: your bizarrely off-kilter judgement lead you to i) conclude that I'd taken a phrase literally when I explicitly referred to imagery; ii) consequently consider that an accusation of 'pathetic woke victimization' was correct and appropriate; iii) repeatedly use the phrase 'dearie' in some odd attempt to patronise me; and to that we can add iv) your assessment that I was somehow referring to your mental state.  


Bizarre judgement; off-kilter judgement; incorrect judgement; or just plain wrong.  Take your pick.  And that's without even mentioning your political judgement, though folk obviously don't need me to comment on that when it quite clearly speaks for itself...

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16 hours ago, Hecate said:

Bizarre judgement; off-kilter judgement; incorrect judgement; or just plain wrong.  Take your pick.

Won't bother, but thanks anyway!  :)


16 hours ago, Hecate said:

  And that's without even mentioning your political judgement, though folk obviously don't need me to comment on that when it quite clearly speaks for itself...

Just can't resist though, can we?  :)


Anyway thanks for an enlightening discussion of the topic at hand.


And DO hava a nice day!  :)


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10 hours ago, butlers said:

It's a pretty low bar that plenty of Trump supporters don't seem to be able to clamber over ...

Criticise Trump for doing yet another fetid thing? Most of them wouldn't choose to scuttle through that door if it were wide open and surrounded by flashing arrows pointing to it. 

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Trump supporters and Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes(“We should have brought rifles,” )and Kelly Meggs ("I’m Gonna Go on a Killing Spree.") found guilty of seditious conspiracy i.e. that they conspired to overthrow, put down or to destroy by force the US government, or that they planned to use force to oppose US authority. Maximum 20 years.

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Not a very sophisticated effort by Trump supporters, to "destroy by force the US government"! (no firearms were used, but "Other items used as weapons on Jan. 6 included bats, crutches, flagpoles, skateboards, fire extinguishers and chemical sprays.")


They need lessons in organization from Obama/Biden supporters, the Communist Party, and Black Lives Matter~ :)


But it's always good to see the laws of the land enforced occasionally, even if the Capitol Cop, who shot the unarmed woman in cold blood, was given a pass by the MSM.


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