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Your 4am attempt to cloud the issue does not work.

It was established that there was a conspiracy in progress to attempt an armed insurrection with substantial planning, arms and explosive training provided beforehand and significant arms and material brought to the area by the Oath Keepers in preparedness.

They planned and took physical steps to use force to oppose US authority and therefore they were found guilty of seditious conspiracy.

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11 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Your 4am attempt to cloud the issue does not work.

It was established that there was a conspiracy in progress to attempt an armed insurrection with substantial planning, arms and explosive training provided beforehand and significant arms and material brought to the area by the Oath Keepers in preparedness.

They planned and took physical steps to use force to oppose US authority and therefore they were found guilty of seditious conspiracy.

Here's a full up to date list of who was charged with what, after the riot at the Capitol.






Here's a summary of the arrests and sentencing:


"More than 840 people have been arrested for storming the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, with charges ranging from obstruction of an official proceeding to assault. But 17 months after the attempted insurrection, a significant number of rioters are still awaiting their sentencing.

Only around a quarter of those arrested—185 individuals—have received criminal sentences, while the rest are waiting for their trials or haven’t yet reached plea agreements. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, 80 defendants were sentenced to periods of incarceration, with longer prison terms for those who engaged in violence or threats


 "So far, the median prison sentence for the Jan. 6 rioters is 45 days. An additional 57 rioters have been sentenced to periods of home detention, while most sentences have included fines, community service and probation for low-level offenses like illegally parading or demonstrating in the Capitol, which is a misdemeanor".






Of the 5 people originally reported to have allegedly died in the melee, 4 were protesters, including the unarmed woman protester, shot dead by a Capitol Policeman.


And the other:


"Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, who engaged rioters, suffered two strokes and died of natural causes, officials say" (WashPost)


When history is written, this public protest will hardly rival the storming of the Bastille, the Sacking of Rome! Despite the partisan Grand Theatre attempts to so equate it.  :)




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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Not a very sophisticated effort by Trump supporters, to "destroy by force the US government"! (no firearms were used, but "Other items used as weapons on Jan. 6 included bats, crutches, flagpoles, skateboards, fire extinguishers and chemical sprays.")

Clearly armed :?


2 hours ago, trastrick said:

They need lessons in organization from Obama/Biden supporters, the Communist Party, and Black Lives Matter~ :)


Hyperbolic, irrelevant and bitter false equivalence that does nothing but highlight your complete failure to grasp the issues at hand. :thumbsup:


2 hours ago, trastrick said:

But it's always good to see the laws of the land enforced occasionally, even if the Capitol Cop, who shot the unarmed woman in cold blood, was given a pass by the MSM.

The usual misleading gibberish... MSM, MSM, MSM! :loopy:

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One if the 140 officers injured during this " public protest".


He was beaten unconscious and suffered a heart attack on Jan. 6. Rioters hit him with a flagpole and shocked him with a Taser, and Fanone pleaded for his life when a rioter took his gun and suggested killing him with it. 


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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Clearly armed :?


Hyperbolic, irrelevant and bitter false equivalence that does nothing but highlight your complete failure to grasp the issues at hand. :thumbsup:


The usual misleading gibberish... MSM, MSM, MSM! :loopy:

The same old deflect, distract, divert: repeats something barfed up by Tucker or some other stain on the media, something clearly wrong and easily disprovable, then responds to the correction with some other tangentially related (at best) ass-pulled bobbins.  Don't look there!  Look over here!


As for the weaselling defence of the January 6th rioters: just how far down your right-wing rabbit hole do you have to be to think that 'but they only planned to beat people to death with bats and flagpoles!' is any sort of normal response?  And as for the 'but her emails!' inclusion of the usual Biden/Obama/BLM tropes: absolutely pathetic.

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20 minutes ago, butlers said:

Jacob Wohl.  What a nasty little runt he is.  Did you listen to the All The President's Lawyers podcast?  It's finished now, but it was extremely entertaining, documenting the clown car of loons and sociopaths that latched on to the monster in the White House.  Prominent amongst them was this little ****, stumbling from one fetid scheme to the next.  The sooner he finally gets around to committing his big boy crime (as Popehat would say) and gets more than a gentle fluttering on his wrist, the better for all concerned.

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