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48 minutes ago, butlers said:

Don't worry he has no " thoughts" on Trump inviting known anti semites and holocaust deniers over for dinner .

Maybe they had written him a " beautiful letter"


Lovingly framed, and hung with pride!  I'm still waiting for the cheque!  :)


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51 minutes ago, butlers said:

Don't worry he has no " thoughts" on Trump inviting known anti semites and holocaust deniers over for dinner .

Maybe they had written him a " beautiful letter"


It looks like he's waiting to see what Fox News and Elon Musk have to say about that and about Trump sharting all over the constitution. Once he's been told what to think we might be treated to an opinion. 

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5 minutes ago, Hecate said:

It looks like he's waiting to see what Fox News and Elon Musk have to say about that and about Trump sharting all over the constitution. Once he's been told what to think we might be treated to an opinion. 

I'm flattered!


But I am about to go for my morning swim, and see if I can find an ATM that has any money in it, after the weekend.


Things are not always "perfect" in paradise!  :)


Might check in by phone, though  later, if the WiFi at the beach bar allows.


Hasta luego!



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32 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I'm flattered!


But I am about to go for my morning swim, and see if I can find an ATM that has any money in it, after the weekend.


Things are not always "perfect" in paradise!  :)


Might check in by phone, though  later, if the WiFi at the beach bar allows.


Hasta luego!

Translation: 'Fox News still hasn't told me what to think about -  or how to frame in anything approaching a favourable context - my hero dining with antisemites and white supremacists, or about him wanting to tear up the US constitution so he can overturn democracy and the result of the 2020 election.'

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17 hours ago, Magilla said:

That Brian Cox diatribe... that didn't happen? :?


Making stuff up... 'normal human being' :loopy: :hihi:

Morning all!


It's early, but I expect another beautiful sunny day today!


Be safe, that global warming can be a killer!


Now where were we?


Oh yes, the latest Trump controversy.


I looked at the reports, and came to the conclusion that it's is just the latest "bombshell" in a 6 year political campaign to de-legitimize the former President, and prevent him from running again.


Another tempest in a teapot, as the fact that it is not mentioned on the main pages of The Guardian and the BBC, where I first went for some analysis, would indicate.


After assessing the situation and looking back here to claims I had no comment on the matter, maybe some missed my initial response:




Don't be so impatient, dearie!


You can be sure you'll have my comments, as soon out the initial outrage by the usual suspects, has died down a little.


These are serious matters.


According to reports, first he is destroying America democracy by colluding with Russia and their banks to elect himself President, then he seeks to destroy democracy further, by organizing an armed rebellion on Washington, now he is trying to Destroy the very Constitution of the United States itself!


If true, it should not be difficult to take him off the streets.


But in you're obvious haste to do so, do not yourselves overturn the democratic principles of due process the American Constitution dictates. You are better than that, right?


The good news!


The duly elected government of America is still intact, and quite capable of dealing with such crimes against the State, and I have confidence that, in the end, Lady Justice will Prevail against such alleged atrocities!


More later!  :)




That aptly sums up my position.


As for adding more comments on Trump's tweets, I find them to be hyperbolic, but typical of his tweeting history, which in my opinion, makes his more moderate fellow Republican compatriots squirm, and rush to disassociate themselves from him.


Which to me, as a fan (boy?) of his domestic and foreign policies, is just inviting his political enemies to become more and more enraged, and unhinged.


As a political strategy, it remains to be seen how effective it is, and how much support it engenders, or loses among the 70,000,000 or so folks who voted for him in the past.


But as a major Constitutional crisis, it's a non starter, compared to the Left's attack on The First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, wherein opinions can be suppressed as "misinformation", and a President of the U.S.. and the Nations oldest Newspaper, The New York post, can be banned from posting on social media platforms, (think telephone communications) with the enthusiastic approval and involvement today's Democrat led government agencies.


Then there is the Left's continuing attack on the Second Amendment, the Right to bear Arms. Not to mention their failed attempt to insert "Rights" into the Constitution, overriding the Due Process, that The Constitution Prescribes for such a change! (very transparent end run around State's Rights, that was mercifully struck down by The U.S. Supreme Court.


Not to mention their disregard for Constitutional Due Process, as in "Innocent until Proven Guilty" in a real Court of Law.


I hope Trump succeeds, but he's up against an entrenched Establishment Swamp, who are very happy with the way things are run in Washington, thank you very much! :)


And a giant MSM that overwhelming  endorses Democrats, and don't want rank outsiders, who are not financially or otherwise, beholden to them, to go around lifting rocks!  :)


So there's my take on the subject!


Have at it!




Edited by trastrick
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That's one hell of a lot of typing when you could have just summed it up by saying that you can't bring yourself to condemn the words of your hero even when he's advocating tearing up the US constitution.


Seeing as you're having trouble finding what exactly the issue at hand is, here's the business end of your hero's message:



the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.

That's bad, right?  No one could support or dismiss or attempt to deflect from that, right?  Let's have a look... Oh look; apparently someone could :roll: :


4 minutes ago, trastrick said:

... I looked at the reports, and came to the conclusion that it's is just the latest "bombshell" in a 6 year political campaign to de-legitimize the former President, and prevent him from running again. ...


That's quite the assessment given that you're talking about his own words written by his own hand on his own social media account posted by himself on his own phone.


4 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Another tempest in a teapot, as the fact that it is not mentioned on the main pages of The Guardian and the BBC, where I first went for some analysis, would indicate.


Yes, it was.  Front and centre.  And The New York Post, Fox News, New York Times, Washington Post, etc etc etc.  Given all the prominence expected when a former president advocates ripping up the US constitution to further his own political goals and promote his lies.


4 minutes ago, trastrick said:

After assessing the situation and looking back here to claims I had no comment on the matter, maybe some missed my initial response:

Everyone saw it and dismissed it as the usual deflect, distract and divert word salad you write when you can't and/or don't want to address the specific and uncomfortable question asked or issue raised, just like you're doing in the rest of your last post.


The issue isn't 'what do you think about his style of tweeting'; or 'what do you think about whatever the Dems have been up to'; or 'what do you think about the activities of moderate Republicans'; or 'what do you think about the consequence of his deranged words'. 


So let's be more direct, then:



the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.

Bad thing for an ex-president to want to do, right?

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Now where were we?

That's a lot of typing to completely fail to address anything in the post you responded to! :thumbsup: :loopy:


You know it's bad when you have to make stuff up so cover your own shortcomings... so sad. :(



That aptly sums up my position.

In essence, Trump really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue... you'll not only have failed to see it, you'll object to any investigation into it throughout.



As for adding more comments on Trump's tweets, I find them to be hyperbolic, but typical of his tweeting history, which in my opinion, makes his more moderate fellow Republican compatriots squirm, and rush to disassociate themselves from him.


Which to me, as a fan (boy?) of his domestic and foreign policies, is just inviting his political enemies to become more and more enraged, and unhinged.


As a political strategy, it remains to be seen how effective it is, and how much support it engenders, or loses among the 70,000,000 or so folks who voted for him in the past.

It's tanking:


Trump trails DeSantis and Cheney in Utah poll of possible 2024 GOP contenders 



The midterms were a referendum on Trump, he lost.




But as a major Constitutional crisis, it's a non starter, compared to the Left's attack on The First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, wherein opinions can be suppressed as "misinformation", and a President of the U.S.. and the Nations oldest Newspaper, The New York post, can be banned from posting on social media platforms, (think telephone communications) with the enthusiastic approval and involvement today's Democrat led government agencies.

"Democrat led government agencies"... a figment of your imagination.



Then there is the Left's continuing attack on the Second Amendment, the Right to bear Arms.

Framed as such for political reasons, not a reality.


For spotting the gullible though... bang on!



Not to mention their failed attempt to insert "Rights" into the Constitution, overriding the Due Process, that The Constitution Prescribes for such a change! (very transparent end run around State's Rights, that was mercifully struck down by The U.S. Supreme Court.

Massive own goal, and plenty more to come by the sound of it :thumbsup:



Not to mention their disregard for Constitutional Due Process, as in "Innocent until Proven Guilty" in a real Court of Law.

...is your M.O... far far more than any other poster on the forum.


Was also Trumps rallying cry throughout the 2016 election, for someone who had been found innocent.


A Trump cheerleader shouting "Innocent until Proven Guilty", especially you in light of your many many posts on the matter...


...just laughable. Zero credibility whatsoever.



I hope Trump succeeds, but he's up against an entrenched Establishment Swamp, who are very happy with the way things are run in Washington, thank you very much! :)

As usual, the reality could not be farther from your claims.



And a giant MSM that overwhelming  endorses Democrats, and don't want rank outsiders, who are not financially or otherwise, beholden to them, to go around lifting rocks!  :)

A claim that falls flat in the face of fact, the biggest slice of MSM in the US is Fox News... they invariably do not endorse Democrats.


Just another waffling, nonsensical load of babble to convince yourself you really didn't back a dud.



So there's my take on the subject!

Nothing more than a complete mish-mash of pathetic, illogical excuses.



Have at it!

Thanks for highlighting your continued susceptibility to getting your pants pulled down... but not much else, as usual. :roll:

Edited by Magilla
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