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He's just throwing around those classified documents like confetti.  I saw some wags on Twitter suggest that they should have a look at what they buried with Ivana on Trump's golf course at Bedminster.

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15 hours ago, RJRB said:

Having seemingly abandoned Trump (together with many others including former staff ) you really ought to start a DeSantis thread so that you can spread your views to an unenlightened audience in the U.K.


A couple things for the record!


I'll not abandon Trump as my choice  for Leader of The Free World, until he is found guilty of a Criminal Offence in a Duly Constituted Court of Law!


(I'm funny about Law and Order, and the concept of Justice, "Innocent until Found Guilty.". I'm not in favor of public lynching by political pitchfork mobs, no matter how numerous they are, or how powerful their voices can be from time to  time)


I have repeatedly said, and once more with feeling :)  That concept applies to Hillary and Biden, much as I dislike them personally. Repeat after me, "Hillary and Biden are innocent until proven guilty in a duly constituted Court of Law!


From a pragmatic point of view, I would switch my (Plan B) choice to DeSantis, the moment it looks like he has sufficient backing to win the nomination vs Trump.


One, or both, or either, at the moment, reflect my views on the best way to get to Peace, and Prosperity for the World at large.


But you can bet his opponents have been rifling though his bins, his raw FBI files, school records, locating ex girl/boy friends, ex employees to find some "bombshell" allegations from somebody in his life who doesn't like him, or is a strong Democrat supporter. Shouldn't be too hard, Republicans are flawed humans, and only the Left is above reproach. Veritable gods, they are!  :)


Second, I did not start the threads, "Trump" or "Biden", and came late to both from my usual ex-pat/Heeley Memories forum.


As an independent thinker, I don't run with the crowd, never did, which puts me squarely (and happily) in the minority.


Matter of fact, I was happy when Obama beat McCain in 2008. I thought it sent a clear message that this systemic racist stuff the Left was flogging would die down, but I was sorely disappointed in just a couple months when Obama turned out to be just another politician, after he won. "They (Republicans) can come along for the ride, but they gonna have to sit in the back of the Bus!" and so nothing changed. It got worse than ever!


To those who question my credibilty on the above statement, I'll remind them that I live in a "black" country happily with a "black" partner.


And lastly, I don't take the crapola from anonymous keyboard warriors seriously, no matter how furiously they peddle it!


Bring it on, I say!  :)


It's just a natural expectation, when you post a counter viewpoint from "the conventional wisdom" as handed down from on their gods on high, the powers that be, who consistently manage to screw up the World, with their economic chaos, and Wars!





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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

A couple things for the record!


I'll not abandon Trump as my choice  for Leader of The Free World, until he is found guilty of a Criminal Offence in a Duly Constituted Court of Law!


(I'm funny about Law and Order, and the concept of Justice, "Innocent until Found Guilty.". I'm not in favor of public lynching by political pitchfork mobs, no matter how numerous they are, or how powerful their voices can be from time to  time)



Politics in general and seemingly particularly in the US is increasingly based on celebrity rather than ability.

Trump took the art of mud slinging to new levels and appealed to the right wing rabble rousers.

Whether he is guilty of various accusations or not means little to me.

Hopefully some degree of sanity is returning to the electorate by moving on from the aberration that was Trump.

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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

Politics in general and seemingly particularly in the US is increasingly based on celebrity rather than ability.

Trump took the art of mud slinging to new levels and appealed to the right wing rabble rousers.

Whether he is guilty of various accusations or not means little to me.

Hopefully some degree of sanity is returning to the electorate by moving on from the aberration that was Trump.

I thought you'd "moved on" from the 'insanity', by Trump's defeat?


It's been over 2 years already! Trump is "finished", "kaput" according to your local Brains Trust, and you yourself say he is "abandoned" by his former pals.


It's just a minority opinion of course, but my take is that we have moved on from a World at relative peace, and economic stability, back to wars, and economic chaos!


Apparently, the Leaders of the two World Nuclear Super Powers shaking hands, and saying "nice" things about each other, like Reagan and Gorbachev did,  (aka  Diplomacy) and avoiding "Armmageddon" is upsetting to those who prefer to wreak their idiotic, lemming like, rush to war, on the World!


But it's just my humble opinion!


So you got what you wanted, enjoy the "sanity"!  :)






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50 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Apparently, the Leaders of the two World Nuclear Super Powers shaking hands, and saying "nice" things about each other like Reagan and Gorbachev did,  (aka  Diplomacy)

Diplomacy isn't giving a free pass, and reach around, at every opportunity! That's called getting played like a fiddle. :?


I must have missed the bit where Reagan said he trusted Gorbachev's word over that of his own secret services...


...when did that happen? :roll:


50 minutes ago, trastrick said:

and avoiding "Armmageddon" is upsetting to those who prefer to wreak their idiotic, lemming like, rush to war, on the World!

Sure, but pandemics... not so much. :thumbsup:


50 minutes ago, trastrick said:

So you got what you wanted, enjoy the "sanity"!  :)

Well it's better than spending all your time highlighting how you're the epitome of the very thing you claim to hate, in the next paragraph! :? 


The Socrates and Galileo example though... priceless! :hihi: :loopy:

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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

I thought you'd "moved on" from the 'insanity', by Trump's defeat?


It's been over 2 years already! Trump is "finished", "kaput" according to your local Brains Trust, and you yourself say he is "abandoned" by his former pals.


It's just a minority opinion of course, but my take is that we have moved on from a World at relative peace, and economic stability, back to wars, and economic chaos!

So you got what you wanted, enjoy the "sanity"!  :)






Are you suggesting that Trump and his administration were  responsible for for the relative peace and economic stability.


Whilst creating division and chaos in the US

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14 hours ago, RJRB said:

Are you suggesting that Trump and his administration were  responsible for for the relative peace and economic stability.


Whilst creating division and chaos in the US

After 4 years of Trump, and 2 years of Biden folks can make up their own mind! :)


But glad to see you acknowledge "THE relative peace and economic stability".


Never thought I'd see another European war in my lifetime, and economic chaos and energy crises in the  "enlightened" West!


But it is what it is!  :)


Time to dig for that coal again!


Use to love those brave miners, and the coalmen who could toss around a cwt of coal 

with a smile on their faces!


And the old horses that used to pull the wagons, and provide us with hot steaming fertilizer for the rhubarb, (if you could get their in time before the neighbor!)  :)




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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

After 4 years of Trump, and 2 years of Biden folks can make up their own mind! :)


But glad to see you acknowledge "THE relative peace and economic stability".


Never thought I'd see another European war in my lifetime, and economic chaos and energy crises in the  "enlightened" West!


But it is what it is!  :)


Time to dig for that coal again!


Use to love those brave miners, and the coalmen who could toss around a cwt of coal 

with a smile on their faces!


And the old horses that used to pull the wagons, and provide us with hot steaming fertilizer for the rhubarb, (if you could get their in time before the neighbor!)  :)




We were the  fastest collector of ****te in all Sheffield ,I followed the horse and carts for miles ,

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10 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

We were the  fastest collector of ****te in all Sheffield ,I followed the horse and carts for miles ,

Coal  was rationed then, so we chopped a lot of lovely trees down in Far Lees, and Rollin Woods, (nearby Cat Lane was already  reduced to a few weedy shrubs, after the War) and dragged them home. Every house had an axe and a "hatchet".


(Don't tell Annie B, but I remember walking from Heeley LMS Station all the way to Millhouses along the track to look for bits of coal that fell off the engine.) Must have been 7 at the time.


Kids today!  :)


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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

After 4 years of Trump, and 2 years of Biden folks can make up their own mind! :)

They have, according to those RCP's polls you don't highlight anymore, and recent 2024 polls...


...any news on those bookmaker odds?


2 hours ago, trastrick said:

But glad to see you acknowledge "THE relative peace and economic stability".

That emoji means the claim is laughable... and it is...


...but hey, I think we're all aware that understanding what you're reading... is not your strong suit. :thumbsup:

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