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10 hours ago, butlers said:




And this is supposed to be an "armed insurrection to overthrow the Government of The United States"?  :)


The rioters obviously needed some instruction from the anarchists, arsonists, looters and killers that created mayhem during the BLM protests. It took the activation of 62,000 National Guard personnel in 30 States and 200 Cities, to deal with that lot!  :)




"Within Minneapolis, widespread property destruction and looting occurred, including a police station being overrun by demonstrators and set on fire, causing the Minnesota National Guard to be activated and deployed on May 28. After a week of unrest, over $500 million in property damage was reported in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul area, with two deaths linked to the riots.[26][27][28][29] Further unrest quickly spread throughout the United States, sometimes including rioting, looting, and arson. By early June, at least 200 American cities had imposed curfews, while more than 30 states and Washington, D.C, had activated over 62,000 National Guard personnel in response to unrest.[30][31][32] By the end of June, at least 14,000 people had been arrested at protests.[33][34][35] By June 2020, more than 19 people had died in relation to the unrest. According to a September 2020 estimate, arson, vandalism and looting caused about $1–2 billion in insured damage between May 26 and June 8, making this initial phase of the George Floyd protests the civil disorder event with the highest recorded damage in United States history.[9][36]"



So, what happened to the National Guard on Jan 6?




The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress.


Former chief Steven Sund -- who resigned his post last week after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for him to step down -- made the assertions in an interview with The Washington Post published Sunday.


Sund contradicts claims made by officials after Wednesday's assault on Capitol Hill. Sund's superiors said previously that the National Guard and other additional security support could have been provided, but no one at the Capitol requested it.


Sund told the Post that House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving was concerned with the "optics" of declaring an emergency ahead of the protests and rejected a National Guard presence. He says Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger recommended that he informally request the Guard to be ready in case it was needed to maintain security.


Sund says he requested assistance six times ahead of and during the attack on the Capitol. Each of those requests was denied or delayed, he says.


Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser also wanted a light police presence at the Capitol. She reportedly wanted to avoid a similar scenario as last summer, when federal forces responded to demonstrators opposed to police abuses who assembled near the White House.


During Wednesday's violence, Bowser requested, and received, a limited force of 340 from the D.C. National Guard. Those troops were unarmed and their job was to help with traffic flow — not law enforcement, which was meant to be handled by D.C. police.


When the mob reached the Capitol complex at about 12:40 p.m. ET on Wednesday, it took about 15 minutes for the west side perimeter of the building to be breached, he says. The Capitol Police contingent, which numbered around 1,400 that day, was quickly overrun by the estimated 8,000 rioters.


"If we would have had the National Guard we could have held them at bay longer, until more officers from our partner agencies could arrive," he says.


Sund says during a conference call with several law enforcement officials at about 2:26 p.m., he asked the Pentagon to provide backup.


Senior Army official Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff, said on the call he couldn't recommend that Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy authorize deployment, Sund and others on the call told the Post. Piatt reportedly said, "I don't like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background," the Post reported.




So it wasn't about securing the Capitol, it was all about "optics" and "visuals".


They got the "optics" and "visuals", they needed, all right! :)




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17 minutes ago, trastrick said:



And this is supposed to be an "armed insurrection to overthrow the Government of The United States"?  :)

Talk about failing to see the wood for trees... again! :loopy:


17 minutes ago, trastrick said:


The rioters obviously needed some instruction from the anarchists, arsonists, looters and killers that created mayhem during the BLM protests. It took the activation of 62,000 National Guard personnel in 30 States and 200 Cities, to deal with that lot!  :)

That's a lot of typing to highlight a false equivalence. :?


17 minutes ago, trastrick said:

So, what happened to the National Guard on Jan 6?




The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress.

You'd think he'd have mentioned it before he lost his job. :?


Poor, even by your standards... 0/10

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

The Jig is Up for Trump?

Absolutely, Trump was done the day he lost...


...and has only reduced any possibility of retaining any semblance of credibility since.


1 hour ago, trastrick said:
Well, er, that was then!  :)
For Guardian Readers who want to stay up to date on the Trump fishing expeditions, you may have to bite your lip and check out FoxNeews.
January 6 committee withdraws Trump subpoena: 'They knew I did nothing wrong'

It does not seem like you understood the content of the article. :roll:


Nothing more than spin on the clock running out for the committee to pursue the matter...


...certainly in no way implies any innocence with regard to Trump, despite his desperate claims.



Pretty sure The Guardian will cover the matter, better than Fox given how pitiful and misleading that article is. ;)

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Another "nothing burger" that the Guardian, after breathlessly reporting on for 6 years, "Trump Taxes", chooses to ignore.


As usual, if you want all the news, hold your nose and go to FoxNews!


Fox News

Democrats release report on Trump tax returns, revealing income, taxes paid, IRS audit

Democrats' report did not find evidence of financial crimes or illicit dealings by Trump Organization in its tax preparation or interactions with IRS


Or choose to stay uninformed, misinformed, ignorant or gullible!


Russian Collusion - No

Pee Tapes -No

Secret Trump Tower links to Russian Banks -No

Zelensky Bribery - No

Obstruction of Justice - No

Espionage at Mari-lago - No

Corporate fraud -No

Jan 6th "insurrection"-No

Tax cheating - No












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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Another "nothing burger" that the Guardian, after breathlessly reporting on for 6 years, "Trump Taxes", chooses to ignore.


As usual, if you want all the news, hold your nose and go to FoxNews!


Fox News

Democrats release report on Trump tax returns, revealing income, taxes paid, IRS audit

Democrats' report did not find evidence of financial crimes or illicit dealings by Trump Organization in its tax preparation or interactions with IRS


Or choose to stay uninformed, misinformed, ignorant or gullible!

You mean the MSM? :hihi:



Russian Collusion - No

2 years of shredding and obstructing, and still was not exonerated.



Pee Tapes -No

Perhaps, the rest of the dossier though... not so much. :?



Secret Trump Tower links to Russian Banks -No




Zelensky Bribery - No

Clearly - Yes



Obstruction of Justice - No

Clearly - Yes.



Espionage at Mari-lago - No

Breach of the Espionage Act - Most likely yes.



Corporate fraud -No

Absolutely - Yes!



Jan 6th "insurrection"-No

As clear as the nose on your face - Yes.



Tax cheating - No

Hardly paid any, were never under audit :D



Fox News... laughable, when they say Fox makes you dumber than no-news at all...


...you prove the point! :thumbsup:

Edited by Magilla
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Watching CNN for the last 6 years kick and scream like petulant children has been nothing short of comical.


This very morning their obsession with Trump  and his supposed wrong doings are still in full flow!!


And they wonder why their ratings are decreasing.




The less said about The Guardian, the better.  

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3 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Watching CNN for the last 6 years kick and scream like petulant children has been nothing short of comical.


This very morning their obsession with Trump  and his supposed wrong doings are still in full flow!!


And they wonder why their ratings are decreasing.

A Trump thread tale of a "ratings dive"... :hihi:



The less said about The Guardian, the better.  

Well it ain't Fox News :thumbsup:

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