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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

"So they say"  What would you expect any self respecting lawyer to say?  :)

Unlike Rudy Giuliani, in matters that will destroy their careers if they lie... the truth! :roll:


Regardless, you have to actually suspect someone of something before you get to raid their house or office.


56 minutes ago, trastrick said:

We'll get to see just how totally "co-operative" and "transparent" their cheerleaders claim they are!  :)

GOP investigations are rarely looking for transparency, or cooperation... that usually ends up showing their claims are just plain daft, or a product of ignorance! :hihi:

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On 11/01/2023 at 10:17, Magilla said:

Unlike Rudy Giuliani, in matters that will destroy their careers if they lie... the truth! :roll:


Regardless, you have to actually suspect someone of something before you get to raid their house or office.


GOP investigations are rarely looking for transparency, or cooperation... that usually ends up showing their claims are just plain daft, or a product of ignorance! :hihi:

More on:  


Inside the White House’s months of prep-work for a GOP investigative onslaught


"The point, people familiar with the effort said, has been to ensure agencies are ready for the coming investigative onslaught  and to coordinate an administration-wide approach".


With Biden Family Hearings pending in the new Congress, it's  far better to "Get out in Front of the News" as the old political saying goes.


Knowing your vulnerable areas, and being unsure of what information, via tip offs, whistleblowers et al, the investigation body has, it's far better to produce potential damaging information, than have it "found out" by the investigators.


It gives everybody, including including their pals in the Media a chance, and plenty of time, to get their ducks in a row to counter, debunk and dismiss  controversial issues, as "old news", "already debunked", and cite "voluntary co-operation", and "just a FEW" classified documents.


But the latest batch of allegedly classified documents "found" by Biden's lawyers, somewhat compromises this defense.


So I change my "red herring" that the GOP, should stay away from, to:


Let's see what you have!  :)




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24 minutes ago, trastrick said:

More on:  


Inside the White House’s months of prep-work for a GOP investigative onslaught


"The point, people familiar with the effort said, has been to ensure agencies are ready for the coming investigative onslaught  and to coordinate an administration-wide approach".


They can justify their actions, and intend to robustly do so.


24 minutes ago, trastrick said:

With Biden Family Hearings pending in the new Congress, it's  far better to "Get out in Front of the News" as the old political saying goes.

As before, even if everything Hunter is accused of bears fruit, it's still morally and ethically less bad than stuff the Trump family has already had to settle for doing. :?


Lots of potential for "Hunter's bad... but at least he didn't..." jokes :hihi:


24 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Knowing your vulnerable areas, and being unsure of what information, via tip offs, whistleblowers et al, the investigation body has, it's far better to produce potential damaging information, than have it "found out" by the investigators.

It does appear to be a better approach than trying to flush them down the toilet! :hihi:


24 minutes ago, trastrick said:

It gives everybody, including including their pals in the Media a chance, and plenty of time, to get their ducks in a row to counter, debunk and dismiss  controversial issues, as "old news", "already debunked", and cite "voluntary co-operation", and "just a FEW" classified documents.

So, a broadly accurate and true account. :thumbsup:


24 minutes ago, trastrick said:

But the latest batch of allegedly classified documents "found" by Biden's lawyers, somewhat compromises this defense.

I'm not sure given the actions of the previous incumbent when faced with similar problems, that finding and handing them in voluntarily really does... if I'm honest.


It's not like he spent well over a year lying about them, and obstructing their recovery.... so there is that! ;)


24 minutes ago, trastrick said:

So I change my "red herring" that the GOP, should stay away from, to:


Let's see what you have!  :)

So much for the "witch-hunt" and "politically motivated" cries of woe, it was just the normal course of events...


...who knew! :thumbsup:

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5 minutes ago, Magilla said:

They can justify their actions, and intend to robustly do so.


As before, even if everything Hunter is accused of bears fruit, it's still morally and ethically less bad than stuff the Trump family has already had to settle for doing. :?


Lots of potential for "Hunter's bad... but at least he didn't..." jokes :hihi:


It does appear to be a better approach than trying to flush them down the toilet! :hihi:


So, a broadly accurate and true account. :thumbsup:


I'm not sure given the actions of the previous incumbent when faced with similar problems, that finding and handing them in voluntarily really does... if I'm honest.


It's not like he spent well over a year lying about them, and obstructing their recovery.... so there is that! ;)


So much for the "witch-hunt" and "politically motivated" cries of woe, it was just the normal course of events...


...who knew! :thumbsup:

O God!


Did I actually respond to your stash of stuff?


Sorry, I'll try not to do it again.


Before I go,:


"They can justify their actions, and intend to robustly do so".


You on their legal team. or just get the DNC faxes? :)


But that doesn't jibe with:


"even if everything Hunter is accused of bears fruit,"


Glad to see you are getting your ducks in order!  :)


I'm happy to give you the last word, always!





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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

O God!


Did I actually respond to your stash of stuff?

We're all aware of your non-existent conviction! ;)



Sorry, I'll try not to do it again.

It does save tens of posts of you trying to cover over your last gaffe... so that's great for me! :thumbsup:



Glad to see you are getting your ducks in order!  :)

Don't worry, I'll be here for your next meltdown! :thumbsup:



I'm happy to give you the last word, always!

We'll see! :)

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Here's an idea! Have fun with it!


Right now they say the latest Biden fiasco has DOJ's Graland in a "Dilemma".


Doesn't look good for Biden who's leading the Democratic Party to nowhere!


The DNC face a major problem with old Joe. He says he's going to run again! 6 more years of incompetence and gaffes. and advancing senility.


But their main problem is still getting rid of Trump,


So here's a Project Management Consultants solution, offered free of charge:


(But before I do, anyone like to take a kick at the can?)  :)





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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Right now they say the latest Biden fiasco has DOJ's Graland in a "Dilemma".

Not really, he did exactly the same as he did with Trump, and appointed a special counsel. :?



Doesn't look good for Biden who's leading the Democratic Party to nowhere!

...his approval rating and favourability continues to increase, Trumps continues to decline.



The DNC face a major problem with old Joe. He says he's going to run again! 6 more years of incompetence and gaffes. and advancing senility.

Except, the characterisation is demonstrably now way, way more true of Trump. :?


Biden has already made Trumps 4 year jobs total look like a joke... in 2 years, and has already surpassed Trumps unemployment rates.



But their main problem is still getting rid of Trump,

The absolute best possible result for Biden, would be for Trump to get the nomination... though sadly that is looking increasingly unlikely.


He no longer enjoys the widespread support with independents/swing voters and will never win another election.



So here's a Project Management Consultants solution, offered free of charge:

Getting the excuses in early :thumbsup:


No need... Trumps doing a good job of doing that himself, all by himself.


As Paul Ryan so eloquently puts it: Trump is a ‘proven loser’:



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Oh well, here goes.


Advice for Democrats.


Leak stuff about Joe!,


Nothing corrupt mind, just forgetfulness where he puts stuff. The old geezer is getting on a bit, and means no harm!


And make sure the evidence is found by their own lawyers.


Press their AG to set up another 2 years of investigations, out of "fairness".


Rage on in the news about time for change, to end all these endless "investigations (now that Republicans are in Office) that are distracting Congress from doing their proper job.


Side with the voters who are tired of both Trump and Biden, according to the polls.


Groom a young cool guy to lead the Democrat Party, but who? O yeah, there's this California Governor straight from central casting,, who has a real tan, and his own hair. I think his name is Gav Newsome. Perfect.


He will pick his own VP.


Harris will be respectfully stand down to give way to the new team. and clap and grin like always.


AG Garland will find both Trump and Biden both guilty of mishandling documents and fine them both. But with a scathing description of Trump's intentional cover up!




DOJ happy

DNC happy.

MSM happy

Voters happy


And, after 6 long years, Trump finally gone!


Back to business as usual for the establishment lifetime politicians of Both Parties. and a warning to all outsiders,of what will happen to you if you dare to try to Drain the Swamp. and take on the Fake News!


Next up, advice to Republicans.


(Subject to any remote show of interest here, other than the predictable clattering of our human DNC Fax Machine)   :)



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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Oh well, here goes.

Well, nothing says anti-conspiracy theory credentials...


...than constantly making them up! :hihi: :loopy:



Side with the voters who are tired of both Trump and Biden, according to the polls.

Which polls precisely, 'cos according to the ones you usually post... Biden is doing significantly better than Trump? (by double digits!)


Also... in case it escaped your notice, Biden just had the best midterm result of any president, almost in living memory, Trump had precisely the opposite. :roll:


It doesn't sound like they're sick of both... more like just one, actually! :loopy:



In terms of performance in the job, there's literally no contest, a different league.


For someone who's supposedly senile... Biden is sure running rings around Trump!



AG Garland will find both Trump and Biden both guilty of mishandling documents and fine them both.

Perhaps, but given the stark differences in each case... that's probably not the end of the story for one of them! :?



But with a scathing description of Trump's intentional cover up!

Obstruction... is a crime in of itself. Under the circumstances potentially far more serious than the docs themselves. :?





DOJ happy

DNC happy.

MSM happy

Voters happy


And, after 6 long years, Trump finally gone!

Trumps chances of getting the nomination to run, at all... are far from certain, and diminishing on a daily basis :roll:


Trump running would all but guarantee a second term for Biden, an absolute gift! Those campaign adds will write themselves! :thumbsup:



Back to business as usual for the establishment lifetime politicians of Both Parties. and a warning to all outsiders,of what will happen to you if you dare to try to Drain the Swamp. and take on the Fake News!

The notion that Trump in any way "drained the swamp", or even attempted to... just laughable.


How daft do you have to be? Completely delusional! :loopy:


Trump literally brought the majority of it with him! :hihi:



Next up, advice to Republicans.

By far the best possible advice would be "don't let Trump run", or they're going to lose. ;)



(Subject to any remote show of interest here, other than the predictable clattering of our human DNC Fax Machine)   :)

I don't watch Fox News, that much is true! :thumbsup:



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A failed Republican state legislative candidate, who authorities say was angry over losing an election last November and made baseless claims that the vote was “rigged”, has been arrested in connection with a series of drive-by shootings targeting the homes of Democratic lawmakers in New Mexico’s largest city.

Albuquerque police chief Harold Medina held a news conference on Monday evening hours after Swat officers arrested Solomon Pena at his home.

Medina described Pena as the “mastermind” of what appears to be a politically motivated criminal conspiracy behind four shootings at, or near, the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators. 

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