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2 hours ago, butlers said:

Philip Esformes, whose prison sentence Trump commuted, loses appeal and faces retrial on health-care fraud charges


The five hardest hits from a judge’s scathing ruling against former President Trump:




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"The times, they are a changin' "


Major upheavals in Congress, with Pelosi, "Liberated and Loving it", in the latest puff piece from the New York Times.


Disclosures on carelessly handled  (or worse?) classified documents, requiring a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Biden.


The worst of the U.S. Intelligence top brass, FBI Comey and his cabal out of government.


Likewise, CIA John Brennan and NSI Director James Clapper.


And all, in an indirect way, thanks to Donald Trump, who they hate so much, they spent most of the last few years, lying, forging and promoting fake conspiracy theories against him.


Now, they will hold on to their conspiracy theories, to their graves, much like their clapping seal followers,


But the Media is a commercial business run by Corporate Biggies, with an eye on the bottom line. Profits are more important than rank and file partisanship.


Not much more could be really said about their Great Satan, and less and less were interested in paying to hear their daily drum beat.


Most of CNN's Prime Time Line up, including Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon,  John Harwood,  Chris Cillizza , Jeffrey Toobin, Brian Stelter, Anna Cabrera, Susanne Malveaux , and hundreds of their staffers, are gone! There will be more. CNN's President Jeff Zucker was forced out!


Fox's reliable Democrats, Chris Wallace and Shep Smith are out at Fox, and now inhabit that nether world, where former news anchors go to die.


The latest casualty may be that Master of Conspiracy Theory and lies, Nany Pelosi's partner in Crime in Congress, Adam Schiff, if this latest damning editorial from the Wall Street Journal is to be believed.


Wall Street Journal (no friend of Trump)


Adam Schiff, Disinformation Man

The latest Twitter documents show how he deceived the public and has earned his ouster from the Intelligence Committee.

By The Editorial Board




Could it be that Trump, did make at least some headway in draining the Swamp and the Fake News Media, while nobody was watching?  :)


Thank you for your service, Donald!


(Oh, and thanks for keeping the Clinton cash machine away from the National Treasury!)





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Just a thought on Nancy Pelosi.


She’s having her home “exorcised” to get rid of “Evil Spirits” according to reports. A Priest has been summoned.


Now there’s one hell of a deluded conspiracy theory :)



"Raven hair and ruby lips
Sparks fly from her fingertips
Echoed voices in the night
She's a restless spirit on an endless flight
Woo-hoo, witchy woman
See how high she flies
Woo-hoo, witchy woman
She got the moon in her eyes"


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59 minutes ago, butlers said:

Her husband of course is still recovering from skull fractures from a hammer attack in thier home.

Her constituents are sleeping in their own feces on the streets of San Francisco, while she's checking out the latest vintage Chardonnay from her multi million Winery Estate in Napa Valley. 


Ironically it was reported to be one of those homeless that that took a hammer to her husband.


Send him a get well card. I'm sure you can round up a few signatures around here!




Los Angeles Times


Nancy Pelosi’s vineyard makes her fourth-richest Californian in Congress


"It can be an odd thing having Nancy Pelosi as your next-door neighbor.


"Especially when the House minority leader and her husband open up their bucolic Northern California estate and vineyard on the banks of the Napa River to the likes of Google’s Eric Schmidt, wealthy environmental activist Tom Steyer and Gov. Jerry Brown.


“When all the black SUVs are circling around the property — like planes gathering over O'Hare Airport — that is when you know they are here,” Susanna Kelham, who owns a winery next to the Pelosi property in St. Helena, told the Los Angeles Times.


"That was the scene last year when Pelosi hosted a dinner at the couple’s sprawling estate and vineyard about 65 miles north of Pelosi’s San Francisco district to close out a two-day conference in the wine country for political heavyweights.


"Such is life for the fourth-richest Californian in Congress".


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12 hours ago, butlers said:

A smart U.S,. President once said, "There's good and bad on both sides!"


The  outrage from the Left and their pals in the Media, over that simple, non divisive, observation of the human condition, occupied the Media for years!  :) The clapping seals joined in.


The reality?


This just in:


Six Antifa Extremists Arrested, Charged with Domestic Terrorism in Fiery Atlanta Riots - January 23, 2023




A police officer was shot!


(Guardian readers may have to wait until the editorial board convenes to decide how to cover this news!)  :)


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