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43 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Well, the Emer Fudd Democrats finally got to their holy grail.


Trump under oath, to answer detailed questions about his business practices!


"Now we have him, dead to rights".


All they got was a very public lecture from the "pesky wabbit", and an adamant legal refusal to join their latest fishing expedition.


And a Trump campaign ad.

Absolutely, given his previous claims:



It's like this stuff is writing itself. :thumbsup:


What kind of deluded idiot do you have to be to think this is in any way a positive for Trump? :roll:



They'll have to build their own case against him, based on legal merit!



You know it's bad when staff quit in protest :?



I mean, at this stage given your previous crowing about "Durhams Criminal Investigation"...


...could you look more of a gullible, easily led fool? :hihi:



The 500 lb anvil, and the paint bucket, falls on them again!

Does it?


Is that in this reality or the one you created in your head?



Now back to square one!

Sure fella, what with your spectacular ability for getting it wrong! :thumbsup:




DeSantis points out that at least he got re-elected... Trump, not so much :?



Judge who told Pence not to overturn election predicts ‘beginning of end of Trump’:


What Trump has done is quite arguably the worst crime against the United States that a president could commit.



Oh dear :?



Edited by Magilla
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Washington Examiner



"The National Archives has stayed largely quiet when it comes to Biden's classified document saga — a stark contrast to how it handled Trump's scandal. It set up an entire section on its website, “Press Statements in Response to Media Queries About Presidential Records,” in early 2022 dedicated to its numerous press releases on the Trump Mar-a-Lago documents saga. However, in the weeks after Biden's scandal burst into public view (and months after the National Archives first learned about it), the agency has yet to issue a single press release on it".






National Archives

Press Statements in Response to Media Queries About Presidential Records
Media Alert ·Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Washington, DC

In response to recent media reports that generated a large number of queries about presidential records, we issued the following statements to the media:



Another U.S. Government agency in the tank, along with the MSM, against Trump!






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  • 2 weeks later...

The Hill


Trump beats Biden, Harris in 2024 match-ups: poll


"Former President Trump leads President Biden and Vice President Harris in hypothetical 2024 match-ups, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released Friday exclusively to The Hill. 


"Forty-six percent of those surveyed said they would vote for Trump over Biden if the 2024 election were held today, compared to 41 percent who said they would support the president. Thirteen percent were unsure or didn’t know.   





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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Trump beats Biden, Harris in 2024 match-ups: poll

I seem to recall polls telling everyone there was going to be a Republican red wave in the midterms... what happened? :roll:


Trump has to get the candidacy first... two years is a long time, given Trumps singular ability to put his foot in his mouth.


GOP impatience grows for DeSantis to make move on Trump:



...he's lost the support of the right wing press:


Trump rages against New York Post after DeSantis profile:



Then there's that Trump is no longer the outlier, people aren't falling for his shtick any more and the gap between DeSantis is narrowing rapidly.


Trump’s bluffing days are done:


It’s hard to bluff when everyone knows you don’t have the cards.


Trump’s White House accomplishments aren’t so easy to sell on the campaign trail:


Turns out Operation Warp Speed and the overturning of Roe... probably not vote winners


and, of course:


Special counsel shows signs of ramping up Trump investigation





Own goals galore... who knew...


...one of many!


Am surprised you managed to miss all of those :suspect:... but the peach this week re: the garbage you're swallowing every day:





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