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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:

6 years of "allegations", by the Left and their Media pals, 2 years of a Special Prosecutor Investigation, 2 failed Impeachments, another 4 year Durham investigation into the Obama/FBI/Hillary/Biden Russian Collusion hoax, and not one criminal conviction!


It's through the rule of law's eyes the he is "innocent until proven guilty in a duly constituted Court of Law, like any U.S. citizen, including Obama, Hillary and Biden.


You and your pitchfork lynch mobs notwithstanding!  :)


Trump was anti-establishment.....he wasnt a career politician and the hill hated that


It means he couldn't be corrupted


He wasnt part of the deep states master plan to get Hillary elected


Which is quite funny really because the so called anti-establishment left had to pick a side and they then had hard left groups like Antifa picking the side that elected Biden who has been in politics for over 40 years 😁



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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

I posted headlines about "Soros funded prosecutors" from all t' papers.


I'll be happy to post the links if you can't figure it out for yourself!


Let me know!


But it's easy.  Even for somebody like you. Just enter the headline in Google search, an all will be revealed.


Or ask the kid next door!  :)

Go on then. Post links to the articles.


I'm not going to go hunting for them because so many times in the past you've used your false links strategy to try an hide the fact that the articles you claim support your viewpoint actually undermine it. It's just easier to assume the same about anything new you post where you have gone to the extra effort of posting incomplete links.

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

6 years of "allegations", by the Left and their Media pals, 2 years of a Special Prosecutor Investigation, 2 failed Impeachments, another 4 year Durham investigation into the Obama/FBI/Hillary/Biden Russian Collusion hoax, and not one criminal conviction!


It's through the rule of law's eyes the he is "innocent until proven guilty in a duly constituted Court of Law, like any U.S. citizen, including Obama, Hillary and Biden.


You and your pitchfork lynch mobs notwithstanding!  :)


Oh, and those "shenanigans"?


The Media holding back the Reports of Biden's laptop, and Biden classified document in his garage, until after 2 National Elections hardly helped Trump.


You only seem to see one side of the picture.

The shenanigans I refer to are those of all political parties in the US and elsewhere where it has become normal to throw mud at the wall to try to gain an advantage.

Trumps campaign against Hilary and to a lesser extent Obama exemplified that.

What goes around comes around.

As for pitchfork lynch mobs,look no further than those who responded to the call to storm the Capitol and who knows what might have resulted if they had actually caught Pence and others.


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On 17/05/2023 at 05:50, altus said:

The link in my post explains it - which is why I put it there. So unless you have some evidence of "George Sorus funded New York prosecutors", your post contains an antisemitic trope.



Here ya go!


(Took only a few seconds)  :)


Links in order of post:
























https://edition.cnn.com/20Breaking down Trump's 'Soros' attack on the Manhattan DA CNN.com23/03/31/politics/trump-soros-bragg-color-of-change/index.html


Just a quick note:


Stick to the topic!


Anymore generalized insults will me met with a time out for you!


Life's too short!  :)





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2 minutes ago, RJRB said:

You only seem to see one side of the picture.

The shenanigans I refer to are those of all political parties in the US and elsewhere where it has become normal to throw mud at the wall to try to gain an advantage.

Trumps campaign against Hilary and to a lesser extent Obama exemplified that.

What goes around comes around.

As for pitchfork lynch mobs,look no further than those who responded to the call to storm the Capitol and who knows what might have resulted if they had actually caught Pence and others.


Of the hundreds of thousands rioters, looters, arsonists and vandals who took part in the BLM riots, how many were prosecuted and thrown in jail?  :)




"Within Minneapolis, widespread property destruction and looting occurred, including a police station being overrun by demonstrators and set on fire, causing the Minnesota National Guard to be activated and deployed on May 28. After a week of unrest, over $500 million in property damage was reported in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul area, with two deaths linked to the riots.[24][25][26][27] Further unrest quickly spread throughout the United States, sometimes including rioting, looting, and arson. By early June, at least 200 American cities had imposed curfews, while more than 30 states and Washington, D.C, had activated over 62,000 National Guard personnel in response to unrest.[28][29][30] By the end of June, at least 14,000 people had been arrested at protests.[31][32][33] By June 2020, more than 19 people had died in relation to the unrest. According to a September 2020 estimate, arson, vandalism and looting caused about $1–2 billion in insured damage between May 26 and June 8, making this initial phase of the George Floyd protests the civil disorder event with the highest recorded damage in American history.[7][34]


There was also a large concentration of unrest around Portland, Oregon, which led to the Department of Homeland Security deploying federal agents in the city in June 2020. The move was code named Operation Legend, after four-year-old LeGend Taliferro, who was shot and killed in Kansas City.[35] Federal forces were later deployed in other cities which faced unrest, including Kansas City and Seattle.[36][37][38][39] More localized unrest reemerged in several cities following incidents involving police officers, notably following the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, which led to protests and riots in the city. The protests led to requests at the federal, state and municipal levels intended to combat police misconduct, systemic racism, qualified immunity and police brutality in the United States.[40][41]


"After the rioting subsided, state and federal authorities had difficulty identifying those responsible for causing destruction.[16] By May 2021, a year after the civil unrest over Floyd's murder, federal investigators had only filed arson charges against 17 people for damages at 11 properties in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan region, despite arson affecting nearly 200 properties.[17] In many instances, business owners were left paying for damages out of pocket as more than half of all riot-related losses were not covered by insurance.[6] Some business owners raised money via GoFundMe campaigns or applied for recovery grants to reestablish operations, while many others opted not to rebuild their damaged properties, citing insufficient money or unacceptable financial risks.[18][19][20][21]


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The Left's chickens come home to roost.


The keystone cops version of Elmer Fudd, "chasing that pesky wabbit" is not working out too well.


Doubling down on their scorched earth policy of 'never Trump' allegations, (count 'em) is giving Trump some of the best polling numbers he's had in a while!


This "innocent until proven guilty in a duly elected Court of Law" citizen appears to be getting a little sympathy vote from the electorate, who are saying, "Enough already!"


The Left should NEVER, EVER cede the sympathy vote to their hated rival!


They may well go down with their own ship!  :)

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In other news, The Wall Street Journal, (no Trump supporter, they) has weighed in on the Durham Report.


It finds:


The Wall Street Journal


Why the Durham Report Matters to Democracy

It is a damning account of the corruption of the FBI and its accomplices.

"Two special counsels, several inspector general reports and six years later, the country finally has a more complete account of the FBI’s Russia collusion probe of the 2016 Donald Trump campaign. Special counsel John Durham’s final report makes clear that a partisan FBI became a funnel for disinformation from the Hillary Clinton campaign through a secret investigation the bureau never should have launched......"




Fair minded? You decide!


(Look up recent damning headlines from the WSJ on Trump!)



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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Of the hundreds of thousands rioters, looters, arsonists and vandals who took part in the BLM riots, how many were prosecuted and thrown in jail?  :)

against 17 people for damages at 11 properties in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul


Are you trying to confuse the issue of a politically motivated rabble acting with the encouragement of a supposedly responsible leader with the actions of rioters and looters who take advantage of any civil unrest.

There were those who quite rightly supported the BLM movement for moral reasons and not due to their political persuasion.

The criminal fraternity latched on to the opportunity to get some Nike trainers or a new TV.

That has also happened in the U.K.

However,so far we have not had a losing leader of a party failing to accept the reality of a GE and urging their supporters to storm the H of C.



Presumably in your view all rioters ,looters and arsonists would not have any Republicans in their midst,that is if they voted at all.

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11 hours ago, RJRB said:

However,so far we have not had a losing leader of a party failing to accept the reality of a GE 



Washington Post

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’


"Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday".




11 hours ago, RJRB said:

urging their supporters to storm the H of C.



He got what he wanted, too.


Man charged with attempted murder of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh...

Jun 8, 2022 — A California man armed with a handgun who planned to kill Brett Kavanaugh was charged with attempted murder on Wednesday after being ...



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