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26 minutes ago, trastrick said:

No. I'm not in the business of telling other folks what, or what not to do!


With always one exception, "Vote wisely!"


Because I firmly believe that in a democracy, folks get the kind of government they deserve, no more, no less!  :)


And as the de facto leader of the Free World the outgoing loser of the Presidential election  should have been a shining example of the democratic process.

But he wasn’t!

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18 minutes ago, trastrick said:

No. I'm not in the business of telling other folks what, or what not to do!

With always one exception, "Vote wisely!"

Because I firmly believe that in a democracy, folks get the kind of government they deserve, no more, no less! 

 Trump will be the oldest ever President if elected.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Promises Made, Promises Kept!




Pre 2016 Election


Exchange of text messages between FBI Deputy Director Peter Strozk, who led the Investigations of Russian Collusion Hoax, and the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal, and his FBI Lawyer lover.


"Mr Strzok exchanged text messages that disparaged Mr Trump with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he was having an affair.

"In one exchange, Ms Page asks: Trump is "not ever going to become president, right? Right?!"

Mr Strzok responds: "No. No he won't. We'll stop it." -BBC


Post Inauguration. Day 1


The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun

Washington Post

https://www.washingtonpost.com › news › 2017/01/20

Jan 20, 2017 — "The effort to impeach President Donald John Trump is already underway. At the moment the new commander in chief was sworn in.....,"


During Term of Office


Special Prosecutor 2 year investigation into Russian Collusion. 

2 (two) failed partisan Impeachments

Endless subpoenas and investigation of Trump, his family, his associates and acquaintances.


Post Office


Accusations of:

Corporate Fraud

Bank Fraud

Election Interference

Sedition to foment the overthrow the U.S Government


Malfeasance under the Espionage Act.


So the Swamp kept their word!


As the current front runner for the 2024 Presidency, they now have doubled down on their promises and must remove him from contention al all and any cost.


If they don't their whole corrupt house of cards will come crashing down.


"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime", said Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent".


I have witnessed a lot of political corruption in my lifetime, but nothing ever like this!


It's just good to be alive to witness these historical times, and, incidentally, the best reality show ever, while at the same time safely geographically removed from the scene!


Enjoy the show!  :)



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Let's all have a moment of silence for trastrick, who's quietly weeping into his MAGA hat.  Stay strong, trastrick.  Thoughts and prayers.

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1 hour ago, Hecate said:

Let's all have a moment of silence for trastrick, who's quietly weeping into his MAGA hat.  Stay strong, trastrick.  Thoughts and prayers.

Don't worry about me, dearie. I'm here for fun!  :)


The fun of watching years of the stale champagne wasted after all the premature cork popping of the Left.


Not to mention the premature ejaculations of their cult followers!





"Soon, baby, soon!"






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He wont go to prison


This is just more mud slinging from the deep state 


All it does is highlight the corruption of the US political system


Anyone who still thinks that the election wasnt fixed must be really really stupid


Whats even more surprising is that the left are happy for their democracy to be used illegally just because they think that the 'Orange Man Is Bad"

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2 hours ago, Hecate said:

Let's all have a moment of silence for trastrick, who's quietly weeping into his MAGA hat.  Stay strong, trastrick.  Thoughts and prayers.

Trastrick represents a certain faction of Trump support who see him as a champion of their far right views.

What they fail to acknowledge is the part that Trump has played in promoting this style of attacking his opponents,both Democrats and Republicans to advance his own agenda.

You reap what you sow.

Trump could have avoided some of his problems if he had either not taken these documents or had he returned all of them as requested.

He is a habitual liar who has no respect or regard for anyone else .

If the defence is that others are as bad then it is no recommendation for his own suitability for public office.

7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

He wont go to prison


This is just more mud slinging from the deep state 


All it does is highlight the corruption of the US political system


Anyone who still thinks that the election wasnt fixed must be really really stupid


Whats even more surprising is that the left are happy for their democracy to be used illegally just because they think that the 'Orange Man Is Bad"

Anyone who believed Trumps claim to have won the last election has lost the plot.

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