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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

Absolutely remarkable that he then served just the one term.

Unappreciative lot them Americans.


Could it be possible that the election actually was rigged like Trump claimed?

Genuine question.

They seem willing to do anything to avoid him becoming president again

And let's face it, it's not unknown for elections to be rigged.

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4 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Could it be possible that the election actually was rigged like Trump claimed?

Genuine question.

They seem willing to do anything to avoid him becoming president again

And let's face it, it's not unknown for elections to be rigged.

Personally I think that is a load of rubbish,but you may think differently.

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1 minute ago, Anna B said:

Could it be possible that the election actually was rigged like Trump claimed?

Genuine question.

They seem willing to do anything to avoid him becoming president again

And let's face it, it's not unknown for elections to be rigged.

Remember all those Republican attempts at lawsuits after the election. All the ones that actually got to court folded because, when challenged to provide evidence of rigging, the Republicans' lawyers had none. It was all just wild accusations designed to discredit the election result.


Then consider the tape of Trump trying to get the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find" an extra 11,780 votes to overturn the election result in that state.


Whilst there were definitely attempts to rig the 2020 election, you need to look at what the Republicans did to find them.

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45 minutes ago, trastrick said:



Remember when Labour threw out Churchill, after the war? 


The voters brought him back!  :)



No I don’t really remember,but by common assent it was far from a successful term as his health was failing.

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10 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Personally I think that is a load of rubbish,but you may think differently.

Of course it's rubbish.  Trump's own attorney general said it was rubbish.  The leader of the Senate said it was rubbish.  Republicans' own investigations - including the one in Arizona that looked for bamboo fibres as an indicator of interference from China - found nothing, and admitted as such. 


It's kinder to think folk are trolling on here than really believing this bat****ery.




     - In Arizona, a six-month audit of election results in Maricopa County, home of Phoenix, confirmed the state's election results. The audit was conducted by Cyber Ninjas, a firm hired by the Republican-dominated state Senate and whose founder had previously promoted unfounded claims of voter fraud. Multiple hand recounts, as well as a forensic audit of voting machines, have also confirmed Maricopa County's results.

     - In Georgia, three separate audits found no evidence of wrongdoing affecting the state's election outcome. Georgia's Republican secretary of state has repeatedly quashed claims of widespread voter fraud.  

    - In Michigan, an audit of ballots, voting machines and election procedures affirmed Biden's win. The bipartisan effort was the most comprehensive post-election audit in the state's history.

    - In Pennsylvania, a statewide risk-limiting audit found "strong evidence of the accuracy of the count of votes cast in the November 2020 presidential election. " The audit examined ballots in 63 out of 67 counties.

    - In Wisconsin, a recount in the state's two largest counties found no evidence of widespread voter fraud. An audit of voting machines by the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau, commissioned by Republican lawmakers, and an investigation by a conservative law firm also upheld the election results.

etc etc etc


Diana was murdered, the vaccine is poison, Trump won, blah, blah, blah.


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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Remember when Labour threw out Churchill, after the war? 

The voters brought him back!

   No I don't  and nor do you.

   Remember it was Tory backbenchers who wanted Chamberlain out in 1940.

   Remember it was the Tory appeasers led by Lord Halifax that wanted to negotiate through Mussolini a peace treaty with Hitler in 1940. The Tory backbenchers did not like that.

   Remember* it was with the help of the two Labour War Cabinet members that he, Churchill persuaded Neville Chamberlain to back him against the Tory appeasers and made him PM for the duration of the war in Europe only(May 1945). Labour did not throw anybody out as Churchill was still PM of the Coalition Government from May until dissolved for the General Election in July.

   You seem to have forgotten that it was British voters that gave Labour under Attlee a landslide victory with 145 seats in 1945 and another win in 1950. 

*' Six Minutes in May- How Churchill unexpectedly became Prime Minister' Nicholas Shakespeare 2017

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1 hour ago, altus said:

Like everyone else, the sun doesn't shine out of his arse. This is a surprise to his supporters.

It might be doing now if he also hid some radioactive materials in his shower,together with the government papers.

So it was “lock her up “for Hillary because of the lack of security whilst The Donald just loaded up the files.


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