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57 minutes ago, Anna B said:


So Why do you think Trump is still up there in the polls?

Do you think half the American population is mental?

I'd genuinely like your opinion...

I don't think half the American population is mental.  I don't think everyone who voted for Trump is mental (which was 49% of the 69% turnout in 2020, which isn't half the American population).


I think people voted for Trump for many reasons and most of those, beyond the hardcore maga base, are the usual reasons why people vote Republican, such as:


 - hardcore Republicans who would sooner cut off a body part than vote Dem;

 - a good proportion of the wealthy who would like to remain exactly as wealthy as they are now and believe that a vote for Dems would increase their tax burden;

 - right-wing and right-leaning people who are not socially progressive and believe what the right-wing media says when they're told that Dems will have their children watching porn with drags queens;

 - people who feel disenfranchised for reasons many and varied and are ready to believe that Dems support the targets right-wing media tell them to blame for their problems.

 - people who think that Republicans support the 'little people' and that Dems are too clever by half


And so on and so on.


I think the main reason, though, is that people just don't pay attention and have short attention spans.  I'll be generous and suggest that for Trump supporters it might also be a case of confirmation bias, selective attention/memory, and - as your comment about the 'deep state' confirms - people do like to join dots in random noise. 


If people had paid proper objective attention to the reporting since the events of January 6th (and, of course, to the events of his term in office and before, but let's focus on the former), and actually cared for America as a democracy, then they surely wouldn't vote for someone who attempted to undermine that democracy by subverting the outcome of the 2020 election. 


Four people have been convicted of seditious conspiracy, and very many others have been convicted of other offences as part of the Capitol riots, people who did what they did on January 6th because they believed they were carrying out Trump's wishes.


I do also think that some people are truly terrible, awful people, recognise themselves in Trump and vote accordingly.


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37 minutes ago, Anna B said:


So Why do you think Trump is still up there in the polls?

Do you think half the American population is mental?

I'd genuinely like your opinion...

I think the fact that roughly half of America like Trump is because they actually agree with what he says. They obviously liked his policies, and America wanted someone who actually says what they think rather than someone who says things just for cheap likes. The media love to portray Trump supporters as white supremacist knuckle draggers but it's really not the case, yes he has some fruitcake supporters but it's a tiny minority.


He didn't give a damn about upsetting the status quo and folk loved him for it.


If he gets to run again, it will be close.


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2 hours ago, Anna B said:


So Why do you think Trump is still up there in the polls?

Do you think half the American population is mental?

I'd genuinely like your opinion...



They like the 4 years of economic prosperity. Real wage growth.


Low inflation:


Low taxes


Cheap and plentiful energy.


Strong Military. Strong borders.


No new wars.


The desperation is palpable on the part of the Biden backers, because they may have to explain why the Biden family got all those $billions in transfer payments from the Ukraine, Russia, China, Romania and Kazakhstan,  :)


  • Haha 2
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18 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The desperation is palpable on the part of the Biden backers, because they may have to explain why the Biden family got all those $billions in transfer payments from the Ukraine, Russia, China, Romania and Kazakhstan,  :)

No, they don't... because... it never happened! 🙄


Hook, line and sinker!


The only desperation here is someone whining about "witch-hunts", while at the same time actively plugging one! 🤣

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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

I can't help thinking we don't know the half of it. 


Why do  half (?) the American electorate want Trump in spite of all the terrible things they've been told about him? 

Is it true?

Why are the American Establishment so desperate to stop him being elected? 

Is Deep State a thing?


What's really going on?




He would only look after people that would do himgood And is in love with himself , That could lead to a World War I. have never seen a person so vein and up his own backside

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4 hours ago, Magilla said:

No, they don't... because... it never happened! 🙄


Hook, line and sinker!


The only desperation here is someone whining about "witch-hunts", while at the same time actively plugging one! 🤣

Whilst totally ignoring the $2 billion Saudi "investment" into Jared Kushner..............................



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9 hours ago, Anna B said:


So Why do you think Trump is still up there in the polls?

Do you think half the American population is mental?

I'd genuinely like your opinion...

Virtually every election in democratic countries splits the electorate i.e.those who actually bother voting in half ,one way or the other between the major parties.

Its the swing voters that make the difference not the dyed in the wool suppporters who would vote for their party through hell and high water.

The halcyon days of Trumps reign as depicted by Mr Rastrick actually resulted in him being a one term president. Lol 

Trump has been a divisive figure in the country and will increasingly be a divisive figure in the Republican camp.

The senior figures in the GOP really should consign Trump to history and regain some credibility.


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