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8 hours ago, RJRB said:

The senior figures in the GOP really should consign Trump to history and regain some credibility.

Like the Democrats, some "senior" Republicans have been trying to do that since 2016  


They don't want any outsider poking his nose into the old boys club, the Washington Swamp, lifting up rocks.


It just indicates that he is not a partisan "Party at all Costs" ideologue for the Republicans or Democrats alike.


Trump supporters believe he is, as he says, for America First!


We'll see how it plays over the next 12 months.

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12 minutes ago, trastrick said:

... Trump supporters believe he is, as he says, for America First! ...

Ah, yes.  America First.  Interesting choice of phrase there, given its history.  And Trump certainly loves America, doesn't he, down to its very foundations.


Apart from when the wannabe autocrat and admirer of dictators is subverting the democracy that America's built on by attempting to overturn the result of the 2020 election, calling for the termination of the US constitution, and directly undermining the peaceful transfer of power by fomenting a coup and sending maga clowns and proud boys off on their way to convictions for seditious conspiracy.

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:


We'll see how it plays over the next 12 months.

That much is true.

Given your explanation  for Trumps popularity (see #7316) how do you reason his failure to get a second term?



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4 hours ago, Hecate said:

Ah, yes.  America First.  Interesting choice of phrase there, given its history.  And Trump certainly loves America, doesn't he, down to its very foundations.


Apart from when the wannabe autocrat and admirer of dictators is subverting the democracy that America's built on by attempting to overturn the result of the 2020 election, calling for the termination of the US constitution, and directly undermining the peaceful transfer of power by fomenting a coup and sending maga clowns and proud boys off on their way to convictions for seditious conspiracy.

And the UK does not support dictators ?????????

1 hour ago, Slinny said:


We doNOT need people like him to be in full control off world powers ‘

We don't want doddery 83 year Olds like old Joe either Slinney , I mean look at us two , I keep falling of mi bike .

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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

That much is true.

Given your explanation  for Trumps popularity (see #7316) how do you reason his failure to get a second term?





Let me count the ways!


The relentless campaign by the Left to de-legitimize their political opponent, which included the Democrat Party, their fellow travelers in U.S. Government Agencies and the Media, which goes on to this day.


Namely the selling to the public a fake Russian Collusion Hoax narrative concocted by Hillary, with the collusion of U.S. Intelligence Agencies


Obama/Biden CIA Director Brennan - he's a traitor

Obama/Biden FBI Senior Officials in charge of the Hillary and Trump investigations - we will stop him.


Public show trials worthy of Stalin's purges of the 1950s. for Bribery, Obstruction of Justice and everything else they could come up with.


Democrat State Attorneys-General coming up with unprecedented novel ways to charge him with hundreds of unrelated "crimes", ranging from hooker payments to corporate "perks", trying to Overthrow Democracy, and now violations under The Espionage Act.


Investigated, tried and convicted in the Media. Without him seeing one day in a duly constituted Court of Law.


Demonizing his supporters as Fascists and Deplorables, worthy of 1930's Germany.


The selling of Biden as a simple honest politician, who would end the nonsense and bring the Nation together!  :)


Ignoring, and worse, censoring any negative news that would be critical of Biden, BEFORE the election, namely the $billions in foreign money that flowed to the Biden Family that would put the U.S. National security into question, and the finding of thousands of illegally obtained documents, some classified, spread all over and stored where Hunter had access.


Oh, and only Republican first time white collar cheaters and liars, and rioters and looters get prosecuted and sent to jail, without passing "GO' these days.  :)


There's more, but you might get the idea, why many thinking people believe the election was rigged for Biden!  :)


But the good news is, Trump will finally get his day in court to offer a defence, and Biden is under legal jeopardy for his part in the international money schemes.


The sweet legal deal for Hunter between said corrupt FBI/Justice Department to make it all go away, failed, miserably.


So we will have a new election in 2024, this time with ALL the dirty linen from BOTH sides on display!


The  Afghanistan embarrassing debacle and yet another Obama/Biden Ukrainian War will also be on voters minds this time  as well as the price of gas and groceries.


May the best man win!  :)




Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

And the UK does not support dictators ?????????

We don't want doddery 83 year Olds like old Joe either Slinney , I mean look at us two , I keep falling of mi bike .

Speaking of doddery old folks, Cuttsie, our long delayed trip organized by my brother, your old Locarno mate Roy, is finally on again. He wants to see Sheffield United play at Bramall Lane, and visit old pals.


If you're around in September we could meet up for a pint of stewenses, at the Duke of Norfolk, for old times sake, or some more upscale  "bistro" where you Barney Goodman types hang out these days, but I won't be wearing a tie.


Better take the bus though, to be on the safe side!  :)


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5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Speaking of doddery old folks, Cuttsie, our long delayed trip organized by my brother, your old Locarno mate Roy, is finally on again. He wants to see Sheffield United play at Bramall Lane, and visit old pals.


If you're around in September we could meet up for a pint of stewenses, at the Duke of Norfolk, for old times sake, or some more upscale  "bistro" where you Barney Goodman types hang out these days, but I won't be wearing a tie.


Better take the bus though, to be on the safe side!  :)


The Norfolk on Dixon Lane ?

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7 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The Norfolk on Dixon Lane ?

Is it still there?


Uncle Ken used to hold court on that little table behind the door on your right. Used to bang his cane on the table when things got out of hand.


Anywhere that's convenient for you (and the Missus?)

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