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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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11 hours ago, cuttsie said:

The pub has now become the must go to place in Town , Some Australians in last week as well as visitors from Leeds . 

The Leeds mob asked me  where they should go next so I showed them where The Big Gun is down the Wicker . 

I've never been in there, but I've stood outside with a bag of crisps and a bottle of pop on a few Saturday afternoons in the 70s :hihi: .


The last time I walked around that area the space opposite was a huge car park, and Sheaf Market was still open, as was BHS and Woolworths.  Had a look on Google maps - it's changed a bit!  Sheffield likes its hotels these days, apparently.

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In addition to a judge last month refusing Trump's request for a new trial in the E Jean Carroll defamation case, and denial of his request to reduce the damages awarded from five million dollars, yesterday Trump also lost his counterclaim for defamation.


The judge reiterated his statements from last month concerning Trump as a rapist, referencing the 2012 Justice Department expanded definition of rape to include penetration 'with any body part or object'.



As the court explained in its recent decision denying Mr Trump’s motion for a new trial on damages and other relief [in the New York case] … based on all of the evidence at trial and the jury’s verdict as a whole, the jury’s finding that Mr Trump ‘sexually abused’ Ms Carroll implicitly determined that he forcibly penetrated her digitally – in other words, that Mr Trump in fact did ‘rape’ Ms Carroll as that term commonly is used and understood in contexts outside of the New York penal law


And inevitably Trump appears to be in another 'find out' phase of FAFO after apparently ignoring one of the conditions of his pretrial release in his most recent series of indictments (don't try to intimidate witnesses) by posting on Truth Social 'If you go after me I'm coming after you', amongst other deranged all-caps gems.


Of course the special counsel's office immediately despatched a request for a protective order, soon followed by Trump's lawyers' delay tactics, which failed to amuse the judge who told them to get in their response by teatime yesterday.


A little light reading to go with your morning coffee.



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6 hours ago, Hecate said:

In addition to a judge last month refusing Trump's request for a new trial in the E Jean Carroll defamation case, and denial of his request to reduce the damages awarded from five million dollars, yesterday Trump also lost his counterclaim for defamation.


The judge reiterated his statements from last month concerning Trump as a rapist, referencing the 2012 Justice Department expanded definition of rape to include penetration 'with any body part or object'.



And inevitably Trump appears to be in another 'find out' phase of FAFO after apparently ignoring one of the conditions of his pretrial release in his most recent series of indictments (don't try to intimidate witnesses) by posting on Truth Social 'If you go after me I'm coming after you', amongst other deranged all-caps gems.


Of course the special counsel's office immediately despatched a request for a protective order, soon followed by Trump's lawyers' delay tactics, which failed to amuse the judge who told them to get in their response by teatime yesterday.


A little light reading to go with your morning coffee.



Well, your detailed analyses, knock in the head the theory floated by Hummer and Roller, that nobody on SF is interested in the Trump happenings!  :)


As for your methodically parroting the  of the latest chorus of the Left's 7 year old persecution vendetta song, it's hardly necessary! All 100 or so allegations are laid out in detail everyday in the MSM..


The real news is that their are still a couple of crimes left in the bag that Trump has NOT been "accused" of.


Jay Walking, and putting his head out of a train window.


Shouldn't be long, though at the rate they're going through the criminal code.


Remember, to paraphrase Einstein, If they had credible evidence of just ONE serious criminal charge,  ONE would be enough to put him away for a long time :)


Already they are up to 100 or so "allegations", after 6 years of investigations and $millions of dollars spent, by the 'government", and their proxies.


Remember also that in the U.S. a citizen is innocent, until proven guilty in a duly constituted Court of Law. (A partisan Judge's musings, or complaints by the prosecutors, after a Jury has rendered its Verdict, has no legal status.)


So the fun continues for us sideline watchers.


Not so much fun for the taxpayers (voters) tho'  :)





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6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Well, those detailed analyses, knock in the head the theory floated by Hummer and Roller, that nobody on SF is interested in the Trump happenings!


[snipped usual meandering blustering]

Translation:  Waaaaaahhhh!


6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

... If they had credible evidence ONE serious criminal charge,  ONE would be enough to put him away for a long time :)

Well if he'd just stop criming maybe the indictments would stop piling up.



And also remember



Oh, I will.

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2 hours ago, Hecate said:

Translation:  Waaaaaahhhh!


Well if he'd just stop criming maybe the indictments would stop piling up.




Oh, I will.

If the USA fall for him again !Then sorry folks then to my way off thinking money is all he wants ,at any cost to the world climate change no chance ,not important to him !gangsters hiding behind political masks every time .And how is he going to end the war Russia started .could it be by pressing a button  l know what I hope happens to him, 

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52 minutes ago, Slinny said:

And how is he going to end the war Russia started .could it be by pressing a button

The Left are making sure you will never find out, Slinny.


They remember, only too well, how they painted dear old Ronny Reagan as a War Monger.


He got elected and  ended the IRAN Hostage Crisis, and with Gorbachev and Bush Senior, the Nuclear Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Cold War.


The Communists never forgave him and Bush Senior, for ending their Worker's Paradise, The Soviet Union. They are not fans of Gorbachev either.


There's no way they want to see Trump end the Ukraine War!  :)


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21 minutes ago, trastrick said:


The Left are making sure you will never find out, Slinny.


They remember, only too well, how they painted dear old Ronny Reagan as a War Monger.


He got elected and  ended the IRAN Hostage Crisis, and with Gorbachev and Bush Senior, the Nuclear Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Cold War.


The Communists never forgave him and Bush Senior, for ending their Worker's Paradise, The Soviet Union. They are not fans of Gorbachev either.


There's no way they want to see Trump end the Ukraine War!  :)


We are not talking about left and right ,We are talking about Trump  He as a ego the size off a fat pig plus a sycophantic mind  which revolves with profit  no bars held 

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1 hour ago, Slinny said:

If the USA fall for him again !Then sorry folks then to my way off thinking money is all he wants ,at any cost to the world climate change no chance ,not important to him !gangsters hiding behind political masks every time .And how is he going to end the war Russia started .could it be by pressing a button  l know what I hope happens to him, 

The kompromat Putin has on Trump would ensure Trump withdraws the US from NATO and stops the US providing support to Ukraine. That's why the Russians are so keen on him winning the next election.

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26 minutes ago, altus said:

The kompromat Putin has on Trump would ensure Trump withdraws the US from NATO and stops the US providing support to Ukraine. That's why the Russians are so keen on him winning the next election.


26 minutes ago, altus said:

The kompromat Putin has on Trump would ensure Trump withdraws the US from NATO and stops the US providing support to Ukraine. That's why the Russians are so keen on him winning the next election.

I very frightening thought ‘Myself or you know where that could lead to .We are a small country and could be a test case,

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5 hours ago, trastrick said:


The Left are making sure you will never find out, Slinny.


They remember, only too well, how they painted dear old Ronny Reagan as a War Monger.


He got elected and  ended the IRAN Hostage Crisis, and with Gorbachev and Bush Senior, the Nuclear Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Cold War.


The Communists never forgave him and Bush Senior, for ending their Worker's Paradise, The Soviet Union. They are not fans of Gorbachev either.


There's no way they want to see Trump end the Ukraine War!  :)


So you're Ok with Trump phoning the Secretary of State for Georgia and asking him to find nigh on 12k votes to make Trump the winner in Georgia?


Trump would end the Ukraine war by conceding to all Putin's demands - just like he handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban.

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