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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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Cheating is one thing, lying is another and then suppressing it, thats a whole different ball game as they say.


And to make it even more creepy:


Why Does Donald Trump Compare Sexy Women to His Daughter Ivanka? We Called Some Therapists...

"You remind me of my daughter," Donald likes to say. Ew.



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Upholding the virtues of fidelity in marriage is an unexpected turn for the Trump hating left.


Defending a rich, white, racist, misogynistic, sexually abusive bigot is a wholly expected turn for the Trump loving right.

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the trouble with the Socialist Worker 'analysis' of Trump, is that he's not a right- conservative at all. I think that may be the real reason why they hate him. The only way somebody can win an election by using the type of left wing rhetoric that appeals to working class voters and not pompous left-liberals, which is what people like Trump in the USA and Duterte in the Philippines did, is if they also sling in some anti-foreigner type stuff too.

Edited by blake
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Three top cable news networks cut away from Trump speech


Even Fox couldnt stay with that nonsense :D


It started just after 2 p.m, but within 30 minutes of Trump taking the stage CNN and MSNBC cut away to discussions with analysts and to report other news. Fox News remained on the speech for about ten minutes longer, according to social media reports, before cutting away also.


Three top cable news networks cut away from Trump speech | TheHill


Some lowlights


He complained about Hillary Clinton and the 2016 election, which concluded over 508 days ago.


He said he didn’t understand the concept of community college, while also alleging, “Nobody ever heard of the word trillion until ten years ago.”


Trump even blamed President Barack Obama for judicial vacancies actually created by his legislative ally, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


At one point, he even spoke at length about the ratings for the revival of comedian Roseanne Barr’s TV show.


The connection to “infrastructure” was non-existent.

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You do all realise that the US elections were contested by two of the most disliked candidates ever . Lots of people already knew H Clinton was untrustworthy so voted for Trump who they knew little about . So I would like to know who would you prefer ,Clinton ( untrustworthy ) or Trump ( fresh start ) . Hindsight is not allowed :)

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