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39 minutes ago, Thorpist said:

The evidence says the USA is a democracy, whether you agree with the politics or not, Trump was trying to turn the USA into a dictatorship.

You've been watching too much CNN


Do some research


Also there's a bit of coincidence that whenever accusations of Hunter Burdens and his father's business dealings are raised Trump gets charges thrown at him


Seems like a distraction strategy 

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13 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

You a fan of Trumpf then, @Jack Grey?

Not really a fan of Trump. 


I'm a fan of democracy and I can see it being torn apart in the USA by the political establishment 


And the hypocrisy of the left is just astounding that they feel that's it's ok so weaponise the legal system against a political opponent if they don't like the candidate


Because if they can do it to a President then they can do it to anyone


Our freedom and the right to a fair trial is being eroded before your very eyes and you seem ok with it because it suits your narrative


Look at the lies Bill Clinton told but all is forgiven because he's on the left 

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1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

Not really a fan of Trump. 


I'm a fan of democracy and I can see it being torn apart in the USA by the political establishment 


And the hypocrisy of the left is just astounding that they feel that's it's ok so weaponise the legal system against a political opponent if they don't like the candidate


Because if they can do it to a President then they can do it to anyone


Our freedom and the right to a fair trial is being eroded before your very eyes and you seem ok with it because it suits your narrative


Look at the lies Bill Clinton told but all is forgiven because he's on the left 

What's 'my narrative'? Trump is an uncouth lump of lard who's only interest is Donald Trump, which is why I will continue to point out his many failings until he hopefully falls under a large vehicle.

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Please display evidence  (not rhetoric) that the election was stolen from Trump, the man is and has tried many ways to come with proof and I have seen nothing to convince me he won the election. I just see a man who is a bully who seems to think that saying things long enough and loud enough proves his point.

As for Hunter Biden if he is tried and convicted of crime let him take the consequences of his wrong doings

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46 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Hilary was meant to be president

She's part of the red state political establishment

And its so the so called liberal left who are voting for her

Trump knew what was going on and decided to disrupt the grand plan

The USA is no longer a democracy but a regime 

   Previously on Lost(Part II, the Election), Hillary (leader of the Red State) wins the popular vote but loses the Electoral College vote. Trump wins  the Presidency for the first time and attempts to turn the Presidency into a regime. He fails to win the support of his family and legal team and relies on his support on Sheffield Forum to prove that he was robbed. Will he attempt to become the oldest President ever? Will he Pardon himself if he wins? 

  Watch live on Monday at 11.00 AM EST from the Trump National Golf Club, Campaign HQ as he grapples with what is meant by  “A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT...".

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45 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Not really a fan of Trump. 


I'm a fan of democracy and I can see it being torn apart in the USA by the political establishment 


And the hypocrisy of the left is just astounding that they feel that's it's ok so weaponise the legal system against a political opponent if they don't like the candidate


Because if they can do it to a President then they can do it to anyone


Our freedom and the right to a fair trial is being eroded before your very eyes and you seem ok with it because it suits your narrative


Look at the lies Bill Clinton told but all is forgiven because he's on the left 

Would that be the same Bill Clinton who cheated on his wife and lied under oath but is seen as some kind of hero, that Bill Clinton?

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32 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Would that be the same Bill Clinton who cheated on his wife and lied under oath but is seen as some kind of hero, that Bill Clinton?

Who's he a hero to?

Seems it's the right that seem to enjoy having his wife as the boogywoman


As for what he's done it's not even in the same ballpark than what trump has done, NO president has treated his country like trump has done

Edited by melthebell
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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

I'm a fan of democracy and I can see it being torn apart in the USA by the political establishment 

How demented do you have to be to claim being a fan of democracy, in support of the only US politician who literally tried to do away with it? 🤣


1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

And the hypocrisy of the left is just astounding that they feel that's it's ok so weaponise the legal system against a political opponent if they don't like the candidate

As before, the candidate has legitimate questions to answer. No-one,not even his supporters, are claiming he didn't do any of these things he's charged with.


1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

Because if they can do it to a President then they can do it to anyone

Yes, the law applies to everyone. Why do you think it shouldn't?

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34 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Would that be the same Bill Clinton who cheated on his wife and lied under oath but is seen as some kind of hero, that Bill Clinton?

On the scales of infidelity and lying, your hero puts Clinton to shame... so much for that "hypocrisy of the left"! 🤣

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