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1 hour ago, RollingJ said:

HE didn't build them - if those were built by companies he 'owned', it was the employees that did the work.

And then didn’t get paid along with many suppliers who got screwed as a number of Trumps venture ended in disaster .

Trump the unacceptable face of Capitalism

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Legal Scholars Say the 14th Amendment Bars Trump From Office. Here’s What History Says:


"It’s hard to argue that the same thing didn’t happen in the aftermath of the 2020 election. For symbolic measure, insurrectionists carried the Confederate battle flag into the Capitol on Jan. 6, marching in lock step with an earlier generation of Americans who aspired to end our system of government. That it was a bungled attempt, and that it didn’t work, doesn’t make it different."







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The mob is getting restless!  :)


The desperation is palpable.


Could it be that the Biden Family's International Enrichment scheme is unravelling?


Hunter on the Board of the most corrupt Corporation in Ukraine?


Biden holding up $billion dollars in aid, unless they fire the Ukraine's top corruption Prosecutor?


Now that same top Prosecutor Shokin, has come forward to claim bribery, by Joe Biden.


The BURISMA boss (referred to as a 'foreign national',) claims Biden corruption.

“According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden,” Grassley continued. “According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then-Vice President Joe Biden. These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case he got into a tight spot. The 1023 also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden.”


Bank records show that some $20 million in foreign money went to at least 5 Biden Family members through a series of 30 shell corporations?


Biden used at least 3 email alias's, Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware, in communications with his son. Hunter referred to a share for the  "Big Guy" during his business dealings.


(Top Prosecutor)"SHOKIN TRANSLATER:  "I would appreciate if any of these highly respectable publications could come up with a single instance or a single example of my personal corruption or any offense whatsoever allegedly committed by me. Since I was fired, nobody, including Joe Biden, has cited or mentioned or provided any examples of my corruption or any offense allegedly committed by me". (He doesn't know that Democrats don't wait for mere Courts of Law) : )
BRIAN KILMEADE:  Why don't you sue these publications for defamation?  
SHOKIN TRANSLATER:   I would gladly do that. But suing somebody costs money and I simply don't have the money to do that because I am a retiree and my monthly pension constitutes the equivalent of $800". 


So hold off on the champagne and premature ejaculations.  :)


Nobody has been convicted of anything yet, and as such must be presumed innocent!



Edited by trastrick
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Three Trump co-defendants say they became false electors at Trump’s ‘direction’:


"Three Georgia Republicans who falsely claimed to be electors for Donald Trump — and are now charged alongside him in a sprawling racketeering indictment brought by local prosecutors — say they took the steps they did because Trump, then the sitting president, told them to."



Ouch! :?

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Trump’s federal trial in election subversion case set for March 2024




Donald Trump’s criminal trial for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results will take place on 4 March 2024, the federal judge presiding over the case in Washington ruled on Monday, marking a sharp repudiation of the former president who had sought to delay the case for years.


The schedule set by US district court judge Tanya Chutkan means Trump’s first trial defending himself against prosecutors and the special counsel Jack Smith will be the election subversion case – and it will come during the height of the 2024 Republican primary season.


“The events giving rise to this case occurred at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. To propose trying this case over five years later risks the real danger that witnesses become unavailable or their memories may fade,” Chutkan said. “My primary concern here, as it is, in every case, is the interest of justice and that I’ve balanced the defendant’s right to adequately prepare.”



Thoughts and prayers to those affected by this announcement.

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15 hours ago, Hecate said:

“The events giving rise to this case occurred at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. To propose trying this case over five years later risks the real danger that witnesses become unavailable or their memories may fade,” Chutkan said. “My primary concern here, as it is, in every case, is the interest of justice and that I’ve balanced the defendant’s right to adequately prepare.”




Her timing is impeccable.


Trump is facing  6, count 'em, trials during the campaign season for President. :)


As to the Judge's 'memories fading' justifications, no problemo. 3 of them are already ancient by that standard. 


E.J. Carroll Rape (1996)


Corporate Fraud (2011)


Hooker Payment (2016)


Democrat witnesses against Trump with laser like memories are a dime a dozen :)


As James Carville, Hillary's Campaign strategist said about poor Monica, and Bill's other accusers. 'drag a dollar bill through any trailer park'.


(I would add Democrat sainthood, and fame and fortune, including a guaranteed gig on CNN!, a New York Times bestselling book and maybe even a movie!)  :)







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