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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

What does Trump's religion have to do with anything?


Try using ethics instead of religion and things might be clearer to you,but I doubt it.

My distant perspective helps me to see that the leading Democracy of the Western world is in a mess and heading for a bigger divisive mess.

Use your powers to advance your ideas of consensus which seems absent in any of Trumps dealings.

Its more “My way or the highway”


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19 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Try using ethics instead of religion and things might be clearer to you,but I doubt it.

My distant perspective helps me to see that the leading Democracy of the Western world is in a mess and heading for a bigger divisive mess.

Use your powers to advance your ideas of consensus which seems absent in any of Trumps dealings.

Its more “My way or the highway”




With your Leftist ethical double standards, no consensus is ever possible.


Try looking at both sides of the political spectrum, and you'll less likely to wake up one day, like they did in America to find Trump President, or in Britain, when they left the EU ,  or Europe at War again.  :)


I take the Left very seriously indeed, given their Global Power and Influence.


Dismissing and  underestimating your political foes, is a losing strategy in all fields of competition.


That's what losers do!


You say, "My distant perspective helps me to see that the leading Democracy of the Western world is in a mess and heading for a bigger divisive mess".


I agree but blaming the last guy, is a losers game.


The current crowd are either incompetent, or worse!

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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

What does Trump's religion have to do with anything?


Trump lies?


All politicians lie. Compared to Biden, Trump is a piker. But Biden goes Big!


On CNN's list of Trump's 15 greatest hits, Number one was:


"The most telling lie: It didn’t rain on his inauguration"






Then CNN goes on with a mish mash of snipped words and phrases, totally out of any context in which they were made.


Serial sex offender?


Found liable for sexual harassment in a 30 year old "he said, she said" Civil Case, which is under appeal. Biden has more recent allegations against him. And Kamilla is on record saying she "believes the women". 


Hateful speech?


Hurtful, to the snowflakes, obviously, but he's an equal opportunity insulter of those he considers fools.


Men, women, whites, blacks, hispanics, Republican or Democrat. Everybody is EQUAL to him.


Lock him up?


That takes a conviction in a duly constituted Court of Law, after all Appeals are exhausted. Would you deny him that civil right?


He's no saint, but he's judged unlike any other President in history. And they lie about him all the time.


(In the U.S., there's a presumption of "innocent until proven guilty".


And that's why the polls and the betting odds have him the current favorite for election in 2024.


The Left's worst nightmare :)


You say 'What does Trump's religion have to do with anything?'


The point is he doesn't have a religion. He just pretends to be Christian because many of his cultish supporters are fundamental Christians. 


In reality they aren't Christians either.

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4 hours ago, trastrick said:



With your Leftist ethical double standards, no consensus is ever possible.


Try looking at both sides of the political spectrum, and you'll less likely to wake up one day, like they did in America to find Trump President, or in Britain, when they left the EU ,  or Europe at War again.  :)


I take the Left very seriously indeed, given their Global Power and Influence.


Dismissing and  underestimating your political foes, is a losing strategy in all fields of competition.


That's what losers do!


You say, "My distant perspective helps me to see that the leading Democracy of the Western world is in a mess and heading for a bigger divisive mess".


I agree but blaming the last guy, is a losers game.


The current crowd are either incompetent, or worse!

I don’t like either end of the political spectrum.

I have lived reasonably  happily through decades of moderate governments of either hue  and I am all for consensus .

I have always wished that a policy for major issues be broadly agreed and carried through successive Parliaments.

A long term view is much needed but not achieved with confrontational politics.

I suspect that I hope in vain .

Even within the present government we have churned ministers like never before so who the hell has any responsibility for anything.

Anyway it may have escaped your notice that the Right Wing of the Conservatives and the Republicans continue to influence their parties,and not in a good way in my opinion.

Direct your thoughts on consensus to those who spurn it due to their vested interests.

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On 03/10/2023 at 11:36, altus said:

I wasn't offering him legal advice - just commenting on the case. Talking of which, I've since found out there's a $70 fee to pay if you want a jury trial. They probably want payment up front and, given Trump's problems with paying for things, I guess that may be why he hasn't opted for a jury trial. :hihi:

His supporters all believe in Republican Jesus rather than the one that Christians do so it's not that far fetched.

Feel free  believe any kind of claptrap like the stuff you posted above.


But I personally don't!  :)


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18 hours ago, BigPP said:

You say 'What does Trump's religion have to do with anything?'


The point is he doesn't have a religion. He just pretends to be Christian because many of his cultish supporters are fundamental Christians. 


In reality they aren't Christians either.

I won't be going down the rabbit hole of religion with you anytime soon!  :)


Discuss it with your priest, rabbi or mullah!


He/She/It may be able to offer you some comfort.



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16 hours ago, RJRB said:

I don’t like either end of the political spectrum.

I have lived reasonably  happily through decades of moderate governments of either hue  and I am all for consensus .

I have always wished that a policy for major issues be broadly agreed and carried through successive Parliaments.

A long term view is much needed but not achieved with confrontational politics.

I suspect that I hope in vain .

Even within the present government we have churned ministers like never before so who the hell has any responsibility for anything.

Anyway it may have escaped your notice that the Right Wing of the Conservatives and the Republicans continue to influence their parties,and not in a good way in my opinion.

Direct your thoughts on consensus to those who spurn it due to their vested interests.

I see both sides of the political spectrum getting more and more extreme.


It's now a civil war. (a very UNcivil one)


The decline of Western Civilization, before our very eyes!



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4 hours ago, jeffhight said:



What I really agree with in this comment is the call for a more moderate and inclusive approach to politics. In an era where extreme ideologies often dominate the discourse, finding common ground and working together to address critical issues is crucial.

In a democracy, in can be solved temporarily by a landslide political victory in an election.


But in the long run, there's a steady progression to chaos! The spiraling, unsustainable National Debts, for government spending there is actually no money for.


The chaos will come when the money runs out and the bills become due,


Most folks don't care about those arcane details, and believe they will all be dead before the devil demands his due.  :)


But in these day of technology, shock events can happen overnight!


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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

I see both sides of the political spectrum getting more and more extreme.


It's now a civil war. (a very UNcivil one)


The decline of Western Civilization, before our very eyes!



Don’t get too despondent

The world keeps turning and we have lived through pretty settled times in post war Europe.

I have no immediate concern that either political extreme will dominate,but both will have some influence because they carry some votes.

A few decades counts for little in the great scheme of things and you can hardly blame those who have never had the benefits accorded to others to try to get their turn.

Awareness of other lifestyles is so much more apparent  due to travel and the internet.

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On 05/10/2023 at 09:26, RJRB said:

A few decades counts for little in the great scheme of things and you can hardly blame those who have never had the benefits accorded to others to try to get their turn.

Awareness of other lifestyles is so much more apparent  due to travel and the internet.

That's why the West's cheap fossil fuels based Industrialized West's efforts to prevent the Third World's developing countries, representing the vast majority of the World's population, from using the same cheap fossil fuels to facilitate their own share of prosperity is doomed to failure.


The have nots want their fare share NOW! They will not bend over for the New Liberal Rules Based World Order (or whatever the elite regime changers are calling themselves these days)


As for travel, the old saying "How are you gonna keep 'em down on the farm. after they've seen Paree" comes to mind. Travel is good.


While the internet only shows what the Big Webmasters want them to see! Like the Big Media.


The elite virtue signaling  crowd are not in favor of freedom to travel anyway.


It's much to good for the common people!  :)

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