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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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Don't look now, but it's back!


The Wicked Witch of the West, is at it again.


Involved in every U.S. political scandal in the last 30 years.


Election denier, up there with the best of them (2016)


Mastermind of the Russian Collusion Hoax, and the Pee Tape Hoax.


Collector of $billions in "charitable donations" for her tax free family foundation, from some of the World's U.S. dependent countries, and Russian Oligarchs.


Calling half the U.S. Electorate "irredeemable" "deplorables"


Now she wants to cleanse the Republican Party, by the "deprogramming" of Republican voters.


Clinton calls for 'formal deprogramming' of MAGA 'cult ...


https://www.cnn.com › videos › politics › 2023/10/06

24 hours ago — In an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, former Democratic....

Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton discusses why she believes supporters ...


This is the person, the Left were so desperate to get back into the White House with her Impeached, fined, and disbarred serial sexual predator partner.


If the Left had succeeded, she would likely still be the Leader of the Free World.


How CNN can interview this disgusting creature, as a credible voice on U.S. politics, , without mentioning, err, you you know what, is a crime against journalism  :)








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3 hours ago, trastrick said:



This is the person, the Left were so desperate to get back into the White House with her Impeached, fined, and disbarred serial sexual predator partner.


If the Left had succeeded, she would likely still be the Leader of the Free World.








Some of the above adjectives describe Trump to a T.

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On 30/09/2023 at 07:47, RJRB said:

So anyone with with centre left politics has never operated in the real world and has no idea of the workings of the world of finance ,whereas the financial institutions are bastions of probity and can be relied upon to operate with good practice.

These experts(a term much derided in other contexts) are there to safeguard sensible financial decisions.

That is far from the truth considering the financial crashes caused by some very bad practices which were fashionable at some point in time.

Surely you remember some of these disasters 

I'm discussing a specific case brought by partisan prosecutors, against their political rival.


(It can be argued that government is the poster boy for "bad practices" which can lead to "disasters" And certainly when governments get into bed with business, you can get the worst of both Worlds).


So back to my point that this particular case, which dominates the news, namely the accusation of fraud in the James vs Clinton Inc case, is a surprisingly weak one, given the traditional relationships between an applicant and a financial institution, which I happen to be familiar with.

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10 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

What makes sense to joe is to read what they put in front of him, and go back to bed! :)


His handlers believe the nonsense that has been posted here, whatever Trump did, do the opposite.


They will continue on that path, until it affects their polling numbers, regardless of the mayhem it may cause, such as two new wars, high energy prices, high inflation, and an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis.


They could have left the status quo in place, and even took credit for it, and remained in power for a long time.


But this Trump obsession has taken over what brain cells they have. He must be destroyed at all costs, and his "irredeemable" "deplorable" followers must be "deprogrammed".


It is what it is!!


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23 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I disagree ,but that will come as no surprise to you


Fair enough!  :)


On another note though, where you took issue with my assessment of the latest case against Trump, as being "weak". (above)


As someone who has been in the business of determining and mitigating real values on behalf of governments and utility companies,  I was not surprised to see this in the news today.


I would say that The Financial Times is a credible source on these matters.


Any comment?


The Financial Times

Trump is right on asset prices 

"Who would have believed that one of the most useful aphorisms in the history of investing would have come from Donald Trump’s fraud trial in New York’s supreme court this week?


“There are many ways to value assets and all are accurate even if they give different results” said the ex-president’s lawyer Christopher Kise in his rebuttal of claims that Trump deliberately inflated his property values.


"In my opinion nothing out of the wise mouth of Warren Buffett comes close. Nor does John Maynard Keynes’s line that we are all dead in the long run — which I’ve always found to be kind of obvious. Investors the world over should cut out Kise’s sentence and stick it on their monitor.


"If there is space, add his important reminder that “estimated current values” are not the same as “fair value or market value”. Because never forget that valuing assets is an art not a science.


"We all pretend it’s the latter, with our spreadsheets, discounted cash flows and comparable ratios. But imagination and interpretation matter more.





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