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14 minutes ago, altus said:

I put it to you that the sort of person who optimistically overestimates the size of their apartment by a factor of three might similarly optimistically overestimate the likelihood of being granted planning permission for 2500 luxury homes.

You'd be wrong of course because for 45 years or so, I represented primarily government agencies and utility companies, against "overly optimistic" estimates of property valuation.


You have no sense of proportion, typical of the Left's mindset.


They can see Fraud in a wrong floor measurement, intentional or otherwise as a Constitutional matter requiring massive government years long prosecutions.


While silent on arguably the biggest fraud perpetrated on the U.S. public, namely Biden's gross and lying presentations of his credentials for the job of President.


Likewise the panty wetters here and their conspiracy theories about nonsensicle claims that there are microchips in vaccines, whil refusing to comment on the biggest political  Conspiracy ever perpetrated of a democratic electorate, the Russian Collusion Hoax, and the Pee Tape Hoax.


Perhaps with a little perspective, you would not find yourselves in the sorry position you are in, with an obvious senile idiot for a Leader of the Free World,  a new war in Europe, a new war in the Middle East, and one taking shape in the Pacific over Taiwan.


But I'll leave knowing that y'all know best, while taking down any, who might disagree with you:)


It's your World, so enjoy it, you've earned and you deserve it!  :)




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18 minutes ago, trastrick said:

While silent on arguably the biggest fraud perpetrated on the U.S. public, namely Biden's gross and lying presentations of his credentials for the job of President.


Biden got more electoral college votes than Trump did. That is the only credential that counts. He also got more of the popular vote than his opponent - which is something Trump never managed to do.



Likewise the panty wetters here and their conspiracy theories about nonsensicle claims that there are microchips in vaccines,

You obviously haven't been paying attention. They tend to be Trump supporters.



the biggest political  Conspiracy ever perpetrated of a democratic electorate,

The biggest political conspiracy ever perpetrated on the US electorate is the claim that Trump won the 2020 election.



Perhaps with a little perspective,

Perhaps with a little perspective, you would see that someone who passes military secrets to nations considered hostile is not the best person the be the leader of a country.

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16 hours ago, altus said:


Biden got more electoral college votes than Trump did. That is the only credential that counts. He also got more of the popular vote than his opponent - which is something Trump never managed to do.


You obviously haven't been paying attention. They tend to be Trump supporters.


The biggest political conspiracy ever perpetrated on the US electorate is the claim that Trump won the 2020 election.


Perhaps with a little perspective, you would see that someone who passes military secrets to nations considered hostile is not the best person the be the leader of a country.

And here's me thinking a good leader is someone who doesn't send money to the enemy. 


Or receives money from the enemy.


And keeps his country prosperous, safe, and the World at Peace!


But hey, you lot know best.


So continue on, by all means.  :)


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Your post #7830 seems to confuse a fair current valuation with a speculative value in the future.

The speculative valuation could be anything at all either more or less because of unknown factors,insider knowledge,corruption,changes in use etc.

Your successful speculator gets more right than wrong

Others have lost fortunes or gone bust

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56 minutes ago, RJRB said:


Your post #7830 seems to confuse a fair current valuation with a speculative value in the future.

The speculative valuation could be anything at all either more or less because of unknown factors,insider knowledge,corruption,changes in use etc.

Your successful speculator gets more right than wrong

Others have lost fortunes or gone bust

It's a complicated business indeed and all those factors and more come into play.


I have given testimony as an expert witness on these matters, before televised National Energy Board Hearings, so I don't need reminding.


I've also hired and fired people. Any lame duck that came to me blatantly and publicly lying about his credentials, or blaming the last guy for the mess he's made of a job, got the Trump, "You're Fired" treatment, even if he did ramble on about his Dear Departed Beau!  :)


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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

More complicated than your first post on the subject suggested

But not insoluble.


Man made problems have man made solutions.


But not everybody has the intellectual capacity to resolve them!


And for some reason, some people rail against those who do!


Like Obama!




It's far easier to be a critic from the sidelines, than to get into the job of fixing things.


From the Russian Collusion hoax, illegal immigration, Afghanistan, to the new wars,  that happened on his and his successors watch, I'm not aware of any positive strategy he has offered to address or resolve these major issues.


Odd, for a former President, but hey, the Media is not exactly breaking down his door!


He's just happy to be up there in Martha's Vineyard, with his filthy rich white liberal donors, practicing the ultimate social distancing from his former "hood" constituency in his strife torn home town of Chicago!  :)


And the last thing on his mind is crime and rising sea levels, Lol


That's the Left for ya!


And the gullible sheep who vote for 'em. Obama was sold as a "community organizer", Lol


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40 minutes ago, trastrick said:

But not insoluble.


Man made problems have man made solutions.


But not everybody has the intellectual capacity to resolve them!


And for some reason, some people rail against those who do!


Like Obama!




It's far easier to be a critic from the sidelines, than to get into the job of fixing things.

Irony? Given that's Trumps M.O now, and then. 🤣


Trump-GOP Tax Law Encourages Companies to Move Jobs Offshore


The Trump-GOP tax law enacted in December 2017 creates clear incentives for American-based corporations to move operations and jobs abroad


...and go they did...


The Offshoring of U.S. Jobs Increased on Trump’s Watch:



Industrial production also stagnated under Trump:







Obama, with hindsight, was proven correct... there was no magic wand...


...the data shows, beyond any doubt, Trump didn't solve anything in the context of Obama's claim! 🙄


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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

But not insoluble.


Man made problems have man made solutions.



That makes no sense in relation to my post that you quoted.

There is no man made problem to solve as regards the difference between a fair current valuation and speculation.

Still it changes the subject


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On 10/10/2023 at 12:09, RJRB said:

That makes no sense in relation to my post that you quoted.

There is no man made problem to solve as regards the difference between a fair current valuation and speculation.

Still it changes the subject


The onus is on the lender by law (due diligence) to determine the level of risk, not the claims of the borrower.


Have you ever borrowed, or loaned money to anyone?  :)


There are legal remedies against all licensed lending institutions for failing to comply, and they have industrial levels of checks and balances against exaggerated and overly optimistic claims of borrowers.


And when the projects are successful, the loans are paid back with interest, banks make money, the shareholders make money, and the developer makes money!


Jobs are created, dilapidated building are knocked down, local government gets new tax revenue, and everybody is happy,


There's no law (yet) against optimism and success! :)


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