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2 hours ago, altus said:

Trump's lawyers demand fraud trial be stopped because of a COVID-19 risk


The judge pointed out that N95 face masks were available for those that wanted them. Trump and all his lawyers were so concerned about the situation that none of them would wear a face mask. The trial continued.

Hahaha.  Seriously could not write this stuff. 


Absolute desperation.  Any grabs they can to try to delay and disrupt proceedings. 

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7 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Hahaha.  Seriously could not write this stuff. 


Absolute desperation.  Any grabs they can to try to delay and disrupt proceedings. 

Of course!


It's what the lawyers call, "a vigorous defense". :)


But the kangaroo courtiers, the alligators with their allegations, have learned, that you don't try to prosecute Trump in a public setting. He makes them look stupid, partisan and incompetent.


So, no TV. and a "gag" order to prevent him from claiming he is an innocent target of partisan prosecutors.



The U.S. Justice Department nevertheless signaled this week that the government does not believe Trump’s trial, scheduled to begin on March 4, should be televised so that viewers can make up their own minds about what’s happening in the case.


So where are we?


There's no criminal case here, what's at stake is a possible fine, and a loss of licence to do business in New York State.


There is no plaintiff claiming to recover "losses" from this "alleged fraud", because everybody involved, including the banks, got repaid, and made money :)


So a possible fine, which he can easily afford, and he's already publicly taken his corporate headquarters out of New York, so no harm there.


And the inevitable option to appeal.




The presiding Judge, Engeron, is all ready facing an appeal on his handling of the Trump Rape Case, where, after the duly constituted jury threw out the rape case, Erdogan ignored his own Court Finding and went on a public rant, saying that the jury was wrong, because in his opinion :) Trump was actually guilty of rape.! That's a new one!  :)


As the OP remarked above, "You cannot make this stuff up"!  :)


So as usual, I would suggest that any premature ejaculations are held in check, and the champagne is kept on ice for another year or so.  :) 


Maybe even after Trump is re-elected and Biden is Impeached?

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I see the impartial, objective, nuanced clown car has rolled in from fantasy land early this morning.


But in more welcome news...


Another rat flip-flopping for the shore as the iceberg looms into view:


Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims



The sources said Meadows informed Smith's team that he repeatedly told Trump in the weeks after the 2020 presidential election that the allegations of significant voting fraud coming to them were baseless, a striking break from Trump's prolific rhetoric regarding the election.

According to the sources, Meadows also told the federal investigators Trump was being "dishonest" with the public when he first claimed to have won the election only hours after polls closed on Nov. 3, 2020, before final results were in.


... Meadows privately told Smith's investigators that -- to this day -- he has yet to see any evidence of fraud that would have kept now-president Joe Biden from the White House, and he told them he agrees with a government assessment at the time that the 2020 presidential election was the most secure election in U.S. history.


Tick tock, Donny.

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5 hours ago, Hecate said:

I see the impartial, objective, nuanced clown car has rolled in from fantasy land early this morning.


But in more welcome news...


Another rat flip-flopping for the shore as the iceberg looms into view:


Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims

Tick tock, Donny.


70.000.000 US voters believe that the 2020 election was rigged.


By Hillary, and her "Russian Collusion" hoax, and the Democrats, with endless, and fruitless Impeachments and Investigations, who colluded with their Main Media pals, to censor and hide all reports of Biden malfeasance, before and during the election. As in the case of the Biden laptop from hell, his stashing of classified documents he had no legitimate right to own, and the COVID excuses given (legally) for changing the traditional voting systems.


I happen to agree with those voters, that their right to be informed by their "Free" Press was severely compromised. Enough so, that it swung the election in favor of the Democrat Party, and Biden. They were, in effect, disenfranchised, Whatever the legality, it was a rigged election by any metric.


Personally I think that Biden could have been Impeached for his Bribery to get the Special Prosecutor, who was responsible for looking into his son's corrupt employer, Burisma fired.



 Allowing his son to use Airforce 2 to conduct said business, and consistently lying about his Academic record,  his arrest claims, (3) in order to get fraudulently elected, and other malfeasance such has his phone call to the Afghan Leader, before the collapse of the Afghani government, which he and his generals claimed to be "surprised" by.


Biden - “I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.” - Reuters


It should be noted that a 70 year old Trump executive, with no previous convictions, was (legally) jailed for not declaring his company perks, like a company car and paying taxes on the benefit.


Contrast that with Hunter's failure to pay $millions in taxes he earned, while his poppa ferried him around the world on Airforce 2. AND HE'S STILL DOING IT!


As the OP above posted, "You can't make this stuff up!"  :)


Hence the REAL palpable desperation to keep Trump from being re-elected.


Their whole house of cards would come tumbling down, including the complicit Media, which is reported to be 85%, or so, Democrat supporters.  :)


As usual, IMHO!





Edited by trastrick
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17 minutes ago, trastrick said:

70.000.000 US voters believe that the 2020 election was rigged.

That's a lot of fantasists, and sore losers... the 2020 election was the most secure election in US history.


Trump lost, nothing more. 🙄

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14 minutes ago, Magilla said:

That's a lot of fantasists, and sore losers... the 2020 election was the most secure election in US history.


Trump lost, nothing more. 🙄

It's an amazing insight though, isn't it?  So many wilfully ignorant people happily welcoming submission to a delusional web of lies orchestrated and perpetuated by cynical, greedy, self-serving grifters. 


And there's Hillary again, the boogeyman under the bed, coordinating the campaign against poor old innocent Donny.


Fascinating.  Though I reckon someone should check on the dogs as I think some of them have stopped barking.



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2 hours ago, Hecate said:

It's an amazing insight though, isn't it?  So many wilfully ignorant people happily welcoming submission to a delusional web of lies orchestrated and perpetuated by cynical, greedy, self-serving grifters. 

Upwards of 70,000.000, I'd say who never bought Hillary's "Russian Collusion" and "Pee Tape". and "Secret Trump Tower Links to Russian Banks" hoaxes.


Then there's you!  :)


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@HecateAnd good for you Hecate who constantly contains more sense in a couple of sentences than Mr Rastrick who needs  his 5 a day impenetrable discourses to keep him going.

Always padded out with reference to ejaculations,golden showers,clapping seals .

The election was rigged when Trump lost,but apparently was above board when he won.Lol

That demonstrates some degree of incompetence on his part


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42 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Upwards of 70,000.000, I'd say who never bought Hillary's "Russian Collusion" and "Pee Tape". and "Secret Trump Tower Links to Russian Banks" hoaxes.

I'm glad we can agree then, that Trump didn't lose as a result of any of those! :thumbsup:


Compared to the crap Republicans, and Trump, made up about Hillary... he had it easy.


Hillary was actually exonerated though. 🙄 🤣

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4 hours ago, RJRB said:

@HecateAnd good for you Hecate who constantly contains more sense in a couple of sentences than Mr Rastrick who needs  his 5 a day impenetrable discourses to keep him going.

Always padded out with reference to ejaculations,golden showers,clapping seals .

The election was rigged when Trump lost,but apparently was above board when he won.Lol

That demonstrates some degree of incompetence on his part


And you!  :)



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