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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

Upwards of 70,000.000, I'd say who never bought Hillary's "Russian Collusion" and "Pee Tape". and "Secret Trump Tower Links to Russian Banks" hoaxes.


Then there's you!  :)


This Hillary thing.  Tell me, does she talk to you when you're alone, or is it more of a seeing little glimpses of her out of the corner of your eye sort of thing?  I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but I'd get that checked out all the same.


Anyway.  Hillary.  Poor old John Durham.  All that hard slog and ultimately even he and his team had to admit that he couldn't find any indication of political motivation, let alone the 'deep state conspiracy crime of the century' that Donny touted.  And both of the cases that he managed to bring to trial resulted in acquittals.  Never mind.  As we're all aware, Trump has far more issues of late to keep him occupied (91 felony counts in four criminal cases).


As for the 'pee tape' that you're so unhealthily obsessed with bringing up years after everyone else has finished chuckling at the notion: the only interest in Trump's sexual proclivities that any reasonable person has these days is his role as a perpetrator of groping, sexual assault and rape.  Though you're more interested in defending him while rubbishing the victims, naturally.

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30 minutes ago, Hecate said:

This Hillary thing.  Tell me, does she talk to you when you're alone, or is it more of a seeing little glimpses of her out of the corner of your eye sort of thing?  I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but I'd get that checked out all the same.

It's a common malady. I'm afraid.


Like making little voodoo dolls out of Trump and his supporters, sticking pins in them, and going into the great rapture, as you imagine blood spurting out! :)


But if it gets you through your day!


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4 minutes ago, trastrick said:

It's a common malady. I'm afraid.


Like making little voodoo dolls out of Trump and his supporters, sticking pins in them, and going into the great rapture, as you imagine blood spurting out! :)


But if it gets you through your day!


Erm, Ok then,  You know that Hillary thing I said it might be a good idea to get checked out?  I'd get a rush on with making that appointment if I were you.

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

It's a common malady. I'm afraid.


Like making little voodoo dolls out of Trump and his supporters, sticking pins in them, and going into the great rapture, as you imagine blood spurting out! :)


But if it gets you through your day!


I see Haiti has got you under its’ spell



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12 hours ago, Hecate said:

Erm, Ok then,  You know that Hillary thing I said it might be a good idea to get checked out?  I'd get a rush on with making that appointment if I were you.

I'll be sure to follow your considered advice on my mental condition :)


Meanwhile back in the real world:


In their ceaseless battle to put their 2024  Presidential opponent in jail before the election, your inkompetent kangaroo kops have shot themselves in the foot again:


Their star witness against Trump, just folded like a wet blanket on the witness stand:


The Hill


"Robert presented Cohen with a transcript from his 2019 testimony about Trump’s business practices — the same testimony that New York Attorney General Letitia James has said inspired her case against Trump. At that time, Cohen had said that Trump did not direct him to inflate his net worth — which directly contradicted testimony he gave earlier this week.


“Mr. Trump never directed you to inflate the numbers in his personal statement. Yes or no?” Robert asked Cohen after a heated back and forth, where Cohen avoided answering the question.


“Yes,” Cohen said.


"Trump threw his hands in the air and looked around the room, as did another of his attorneys, Alina Habba. Robert asked for an immediate directed verdict after asserting that the government’s “key witness” testified he was not directed by Trump to inflate the numbers. Without skipping a beat, Engoron denied the order.


"Trump scoffed, stood abruptly and stormed out of the courtroom in a huff. His Secret Service detail followed, leaving the gallery in a stunned silence".




And, to make matters worse,  the formerly referred to Judge Engeron, who makes up his own law as he goes along, and put unconstitutional gag orders on a (so far) innocent civilian, and petty fines, for violating same, saw Trump get a rare endorsement of his views on the partisan nature of the judge.



The Guardian

ACLU sides with Trump against gag order given in federal criminal case

"Liberal human rights group says order given by federal judge (Engeron) is overly broad and deprives Trump of his free speech rights"




As the clapping seals  love to say, "You can't make this stuff up!"







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58 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I'll be sure to follow your considered advice on my mental condition :)

Excellent!  Make it soon though, eh?  Hillary is watching. 


58 minutes ago, trastrick said:

... Their star witness against Trump, just folded like a wet blanket on the witness stand: ...

So what actually happened was that Cohen described, again, the well known by now 'Trump cosplaying as the Mafia boss that he'd love to be' scene:


What Michael Cohen said about his testimony and why it matters in the Trump fraud trial




The New York attorney general’s lawyers asked Cohen in follow up questions to clarify his response. Cohen said that Trump never directly asked to inflate the numbers, but that what he wanted was known, because he spoke like “a mob boss.”


“He tells you what he wants without specifically telling you,” Cohen said. “We understood what he wanted.”


And of course Donny pranced off like the huffy prima donna he is, and Lionel Hutz did a bit of am dram theatrics.  Lol.


58 minutes ago, trastrick said:

And, to make matters worse,  the formerly referred to Judge Engeron, who makes up his own law as he goes along, and put unconstitutional gag orders on a (so far) innocent civilian, and petty fines, for violating same, saw Trump get a rare endorsement of his views on the partisan nature of the judge.

Look at you there quoting the Guardian!  A little bit of daylight filtering in to the rabbit hole is a good thing.  Well done you!


But anyway. I realise that you don't like Judge Engoron because of his role in determining that not only is Trump a perpetrator of sexual assault, but a rapist, and we know how you love to defend rapists while rubbishing their victims.  But in this case your salivating enthusiasm has misled you.  Although Engoran did indeed issue a gag order after Trump abused the judge's law clerk, the gag order referenced by the ACLU is the one issued by Judge Chutkan.


Now, given that the ACLU has defended the right to free speech of the KKK, and a group of literal Neo-Nazis, it seems appropriate that they'd intervene in this case too, and one can only applaud their commitment to their principles.

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6 hours ago, Hecate said:

you love to defend rapists

Steady on there, girl!


Try to pull yourself together, and accept reality.


I know you are frustrated, but the law is the law, and until Trump is found guilty of rape, in a duly constituted Court of Law, he remains innocent of charges hurled out by frustrated leftists, and their fellow travelers.


We don't want the jails full of innocent people like they are in Communist countries.


Or do we? :)




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33 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I know you are frustrated, but the law is the law, and until Trump is found guilty of rape, in a duly constituted Court of Law, he remains innocent of charges hurled out by frustrated leftists, and their fellow travelers.

Desperate grasping of a legal distinction without a real-world difference... 🙄


Fortunately, the judge in this case has clarified the distinction.


Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll:


A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

He cited definitions offered by the American Psychological Association and the Justice Department, which in 2012 expanded its definition of rape to include penetration “with any body part or object.”



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31 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Steady on there, girl!


Try to pull yourself together, and accept reality.


I know you are frustrated, but the law is the law, and until Trump is found guilty of rape, in a duly constituted Court of Law, he remains innocent of charges hurled out by frustrated leftists, and their fellow travelers.


We don't want the jails full of innocent people like they are in Communist countries.


Or do we? :)




Perhaps you should leave the law courts to reach its decision in the fullness of time.

Your own understanding of the tenet of precedence was strangely twisted.

So far they have decided on the case against Mrs Clinton whilst we await their findings on The Donald.

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