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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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You know he's really, really, completely appalling when you look at George W Bush and think - 'That's what a real president should be saying'.



I loathe and despise Trump with every fibre of my being; he is a morally diseased, revoltingly self obsessed and horribly dangerous man.


A mindless moronic meglamaniac who has been used to advantage, exactly as they did GWya. Stuck coke up his nose and away he went with the fairies. Have you ever watched the you tube collection. They are priceless..

He even saw the first plain hit the WTC's. Duh!

Presidents and Prime Ministers are compromised well before they come to office to enable the Chief's of Staff/Establishment or Dark State to control them.. ie: the prostitutes and water sports? And May's missing 'Westminster Paedophile Investigation Files'. And what about the Baboon and Cameron's abusing of swine? Which I'm guessing was only the tip of their iceberg.

Why else did Trump come to heel over Syria. Be sure there are far more skeletons in his closet. He was so uncomfortable last week that he sat with his arms folded- to protect himself from scrutiny.

Look Closely at Bolton and you will see one of the puppet masters, hiding in plain sight.

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It's only a few months since the world thought that it was on the verge of nuclear war as North Korea's Kim Jong-un fired missiles over the likes of Japan & threatened their southern neighbours.


Then Kim hints at attacking US territory, Guam. Trump's reaction? To call Kim out & inform him & the world of a swift & decisive military response. The only language that the likes of totalitarian dictator Kim will respond to.


And what do we have today? An historic meeting between Kim & his S. Korean counterpart, Moon Jae-in with an agreement of working to end nuclear arms on the Korean Peninsula.


None of this would have come about without Trump's initial hardline response.


Nobel Peace Prize for Trump?

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