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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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3 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:


Post hoc ergo propter hoc?


Please don't reply to me with something I have to Google. 

Seriously never heard that phrase and I'm 50 😪🤣

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Wouldn't it be cool if he still became POTUS. 

"Convicted man comes good, turns round his life and becomes the most powerful man on earth."


I vote for Robert De Nero to play the lead. 



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8 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Listen to the big baby wittering on about "rigged trial" and "not a real verdict" 

Innocent man my backside.   



Yesterday he was comparing himself to Mother Teresa,



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On 19/10/2017 at 18:24, Halibut said:

You know he's really, really, completely appalling when you look at George W Bush and think - 'That's what a real president should be saying'.




I loathe and despise Trump with every fibre of my being; he is a morally diseased, revoltingly self obsessed and horribly dangerous man.

You were spot on Halibut and we miss you very much!

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