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6 hours ago, Longcol said:


The Bush administration hung on later than the deadline agreed by Trump.


Team Trump's ties with Putin are well documented - just one example;




 Swalwell? 😀


The Democrat Congressman booted from the Homeland Security Committee knows a lot about "ties". His two year relationship with the infamous Chinese spy "Fang Fang" who was known for sleeping around with Democrat politicians.



And how about the Senior Democrat Feinstein, Chairwoman of the  U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee?


"New details emerged Wednesday about how a Chinese spy managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein's side for nearly 20 years".



Then of course you have the Biden Family! 😀

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5 hours ago, Longcol said:

And as for Trump surrendering to the Taliban......................................................



Trump did not "surrender" to the Taliban.


Here's the ACTUAL text of the Doha Agreement.




This Agreement was endorsed by our allies and the United Nations.


Biden abrogated the terms of the agreement by delaying the agreed implementation date arbitrarily by months.


Timing is of the essence in all agreements, especially ones as important as this one.


The Agreement had conditions requiring the Taliban to engage in negotiations, with the  duly constituted and elected Afghan Government.


By the time Biden got around to dealing with the issue, there was no viable Afghan Government left. The original Agreement was rendered Null and Void, and Biden made his own plans. The original conditions were ignored and no other parties were signatories to what he did.


That's why it is referred to as a "catastrophic". - BBC, The Guardian

"Disastrous" - Washington Post



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4 hours ago, Longcol said:

Re: Putin  - for the nth time - Mueller was fairly clear "this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him" 


What you have there is part of the pollicization  of partisan politics, the "BUT" point added that is a bow and a sop to their supporters for spending years and $millions, and coming up empty.


As in Hillary broke the law, by running her official Secretary of State emails from her home bathroom server and destroying 30,000 emails under Congressional Subpoena.


Her get out of jail card was the "BUT" added By FBI Director Comey. "Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations". (like 1000 to 1 she's gonna be President, or ...........fill in the gap 🙂)


Same with Joe Biden, The Special Prosecutor said of Joe "Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency" "BUT" "a jury would perceive the President as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.


So presumably all "sympathetic elderly, well meaning men with a poor memory" are free from prosecution. Above the law, as they say!


(Tomorrow I'm off to the States to rob a bank! 😀)


The Swamp is alive and well, and they are bound and determined to keep it that way!


Nobody gets "exonerated" under the law. That's is not the purpose of the law!





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Its great to see the Apple doesn't fall far from the Ancestry tree,  Trumps great grandfather was on the run from the Law and fellow Criminals in Germany before he escaped to land in America illegally and lived there undocumented till the day he died, its good to see Donald is keeping up some of the family traditions.  :hihi:

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23 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Its great to see the Apple doesn't fall far from the Ancestry tree,  Trumps great grandfather was on the run from the Law and fellow Criminals in Germany before he escaped to land in America illegally and lived there undocumented till the day he died, its good to see Donald is keeping up some of the family traditions.  :hihi:

Reading your posts it seems your not a lover of Trump,are all you past relations going back in time squeaky clean?every one has some faults ,at least he made millions ,and also owes millions,but also millions of people are prepared to listen and to follow him,how many people would want to follow you and your pathetic rants.

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8 hours ago, Longcol said:

So despite the evidence that Trump did nowt to deter the Taliban after signing over Afghanistan to them in his treaty you're still going to blame Biden.


So what would you suggest he should have done then? It was an international agreement signed off by all the relevant parties to bring an unwinnable two decade conflict to an end. Despite the withdrawal dates being agreed well in advance of Biden taking office, he then messed about with the dates and bungled the final withdrawal.

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46 minutes ago, TOM PEPPER said:

Reading your posts it seems your not a lover of Trump,are all you past relations going back in time squeaky clean?every one has some faults ,at least he made millions ,and also owes millions,but also millions of people are prepared to listen and to follow him,how many people would want to follow you and your pathetic rants.

Pathectic rants!  Are you having a laugh! He lost to Biden and said was rigged he lost in court and said it was rigged, he is pathetic and PARANOID,  And so is anybody who supports him, if the cap fits and all that.  :loopy:

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23 hours ago, trastrick said:


You have audio or video of that particular exchange? 😀


He wasn't intending to leave regardless of the result, someone must have persuaded him to go with a shred of dignity. I suspect pointing out to him what would happen if he didn't leave voluntarily might have helped change his mind.


My important point was, if he's still claiming the election was stolen from him, he hasn't really conceded that he lost.

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6 minutes ago, altus said:


He wasn't intending to leave regardless of the result, someone must have persuaded him to go with a shred of dignity. I suspect pointing out to him what would happen if he didn't leave voluntarily might have helped change his mind.


My important point was, if he's still claiming the election was stolen from him, he hasn't really conceded that he lost.


If he gets re-elected will he award himself back pay plus interest for the last term " stolen " from him by Biden?

Sounds as if he could do with it  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/22/trump-now-owes-more-than-500m-how-will-he-pay#:~:text=The attorney general's office has,puts up the entire amount.


If only he'd invested his inheritance in Fortune 500 companies https://fortune.com/2015/08/20/donald-trump-index-funds/

He would have been millions of $ richer and perhaps his ego might not have required the constant assurance it appears to.

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31 minutes ago, m williamson said:


If he gets re-elected will he award himself back pay plus interest for the last term " stolen " from him by Biden?

Sounds as if he could do with it  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/22/trump-now-owes-more-than-500m-how-will-he-pay#:~:text=The attorney general's office has,puts up the entire amount.


If only he'd invested his inheritance in Fortune 500 companies https://fortune.com/2015/08/20/donald-trump-index-funds/

He would have been millions of $ richer and perhaps his ego might not have required the constant assurance it appears to.

Yea , millions richer gives you more reason to dislike him . Why are some people obsessed about his money ?

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