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3 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Yea , millions richer gives you more reason to dislike him . Why are some people obsessed about his money ?


You should never assume, it can make you look stupid and in this case it has. It doesn't bother me in the least how rich or poor anyone is, it's what kind of person they are that counts.

For instance, Warren Buffet is a billionaire and an admirable man. As was Chuck Feeney billionaire and philanthropist who gave all his $8 Billion away to good causes before he died. There are many other examples, I personally know two people in that category.


I detest Trump because he is a morally bankrupt corrupt individual who is potentially dangerous to maintaining world peace.

Anyone who is unable to see through his egotistical self centred bluster obviously struggles with the ability to tell right from wrong.


I'm no Joe Biden fan, whilst he is a flawed human being - like all of us - he's a better man than Trump, but he's too old for the responsibility ( as is Trump )  it's ridiculous that a country of 335 Million has these two as the Presidential contenders.




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30 minutes ago, m williamson said:


You should never assume, it can make you look stupid and in this case it has. It doesn't bother me in the least how rich or poor anyone is, it's what kind of person they are that counts.

For instance, Warren Buffet is a billionaire and an admirable man. As was Chuck Feeney billionaire and philanthropist who gave all his $8 Billion away to good causes before he died. There are many other examples, I personally know two people in that category.


I detest Trump because he is a morally bankrupt corrupt individual who is potentially dangerous to maintaining world peace.

Anyone who is unable to see through his egotistical self centred bluster obviously struggles with the ability to tell right from wrong.


I'm no Joe Biden fan, whilst he is a flawed human being - like all of us - he's a better man than Trump, but he's too old for the responsibility ( as is Trump )  it's ridiculous that a country of 335 Million has these two as the Presidential contenders.




Brilliant Post. :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, m williamson said:


You should never assume, it can make you look stupid and in this case it has. It doesn't bother me in the least how rich or poor anyone is, it's what kind of person they are that counts.

For instance, Warren Buffet is a billionaire and an admirable man. As was Chuck Feeney billionaire and philanthropist who gave all his $8 Billion away to good causes before he died. There are many other examples, I personally know two people in that category.


I detest Trump because he is a morally bankrupt corrupt individual who is potentially dangerous to maintaining world peace.

Anyone who is unable to see through his egotistical self centred bluster obviously struggles with the ability to tell right from wrong.


I'm no Joe Biden fan, whilst he is a flawed human being - like all of us - he's a better man than Trump, but he's too old for the responsibility ( as is Trump )  it's ridiculous that a country of 335 Million has these two as the Presidential contenders.




The problem with Trump haters (detesters) is that their dislike of Trump is linked more to political philosophy, and party preference,  than a sober assessment . We can all agree on Hitler, Stalin et al, but with Trump it's strictly along Party lines.


Likewise there is no rational perspective on the norms of that particular office.


For example, a quick search reveals there have only been 46 U.S. Presidents elected.


10 were documented slave owners


At least 14 cheated on their wives


10 were accused of rape, including JFK and Biden


3 were Impeached


More recent ones were involved in various scandals:


Nixon - Watergate.

JFK - Sam Giancana's ex. Marilyn Monroe

Nixon - Watergate

Reagan = Iran Contra

Clintons - Whitewater,  Cattle Futures,  Health Travel Office Firings, Clinton Health Care Plan, Perjury in a sexual misconduct case,  Uranium One, Clinton Foundation Cash.  Benghazi,  Russian Dossier Hillary fits in under Clinton, because she famously bragged during Bill's first election, that by electing him, "You get a two for one!"

Bush Jr - Iraq War

Trump - No final judicial resolution to many allegations. (Latest under Appeal)

Biden - Afghanistan, Border Security, Inflation, Crimea, Rape accusation, Ukraine War, Israel/Hamas War. Foreign Cash to Biden Family, refusing to acknowledge his 7th blood granddaughter, Hunter's stripper's child.


All the choice you have is just one or another flawed human being. There are no Gods to save you!








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1 minute ago, trastrick said:



All the choice you have is just one or another flawed human being. There are no Gods to save you!









As I said in the post you quoted, we are all flawed human beings. 


However, Trump is -  in my opinion - flawed beyond any acceptable level and as a vindictive narcissist incapable of behaving in a responsible way in such a powerful position.

He is pathetically nasty, insulting a disabled man and a genuine war hero just because they didn't regard him with the deference he thinks he's owed.


As I'm not American I have no particular philosophy with regard to their countries politics. I take an interest in their politics because whether we like it or not it effects us.

In the past I have had some respect for Presidents Eisenhower, Reagan and George H W Bush Sr, all Republicans.  


Trump is simply unacceptable in the role,  but there's nothing we can do about it. 

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3 hours ago, altus said:


He wasn't intending to leave regardless of the result, someone must have persuaded him to go with a shred of dignity. I suspect pointing out to him what would happen if he didn't leave voluntarily might have helped change his mind.


My important point was, if he's still claiming the election was stolen from him, he hasn't really conceded that he lost.


Ah, you "suspect".


That's better!


If you think that 7 years of Special Prosecution, 2 Impeachments, A blatant Russian Hoax pushed by by Obama's Intelligence Agencies, and their pals in the Media. CYA Director Brennan on CNN every day saying Trump was a traitor, FBI Director Comey and his Comey and his "  cabal of McCabe , Strzok and Paige and pals. "We will stop him!, they bragged. 2 years of Congressional Investigations of him, his family and his associates.


They've not only thrown every crime known to man (and many they made up) except murder at him, hoping to make something stick. but set their radical State D,A.s on the guy.


Nobody but a very rich Trump could have survived that legal onslaught.


Imagine if you were a popular Labour candidate running for office, and a Tory Government and the right wing media unleashed that on you, your family and your supporters. 🙂


Yep Rigged and Stolen.


Guilty as charged!


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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

The problem with Trump haters (detesters) is that their dislike of Trump is linked more to political philosophy, and party preference,  than a sober assessment . We can all agree on Hitler, Stalin et al, but with Trump it's strictly along Party lines.



You missed something in your complaints about the Clintons - Trump was a supporter of theirs for a long time.


You see, many of us disliked Trump for the things he did long before he ran for president. His trashing of an SSSI and his poor treatment of the course's neighbours in Scotland for his Aberdeenshire golf course for one example.


Some of us have been paying attention to him for longer than he's been actively involved in politics so whilst your support for him may be politically motivated, our opinions of him aren't.


But then, with Trump, the Republicans and his supporters in general - every accusation is a confession.

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Yep Rigged and Stolen.


Guilty as charged!



All those accusations. All those lawsuits. All that eviden...oh wait. There was never any evidence to back up the claims. He lost fair and square and is still whinging about it today.

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4 hours ago, m williamson said:

I detest Trump because he is a morally bankrupt corrupt individual who is potentially dangerous to maintaining world peace.


Because things are going great at the minute aren't they...


Trump says some spicy things and is a bit controversial, but people make out like he's some dictator who enjoys ethnic cleansing or something. It's hilarious how much people get worked up over him and the fact he lives in people's heads rent free.

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