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Just now, Padders said:

As a young man Hitler's love of life was painting, (Not painting or decorating)

He applied to go to art school, but was turned down. He then went into politics...

Had he been accepted into art school, the World might have been very different...

He was turned down initially for the army too, but as we have all learned he was persistent.

He was also described as hysterical by one of his commanders, seems like pretty sound judgement, given where his future led him. Oh if only he'd become an artist.

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24 minutes ago, ab6262 said:

ah ok yes if the Guardian say so , the fact is NK has gone very quiet, no more missile tests, no more threats to south Korea or Taiwan etc so win win there then , the very fact Trump went to speak to him speaks volumes and sent a direct message to NK dont you think??


No more?


18 December 2023


'North Korea has fired its most advanced long-range missile, South Korean authorities say, defying UN curbs.

The launch of the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) drew immediate condemnation from the West. It landed west of Hokkaido in Japan.'


29 January 2024


'In recent months the nuclear-armed communist state has tested missiles repeatedly, raising regional tension.

Sunday's launch took place near the port of Sinpo. Neither the number nor type of missiles is clear yet.

On Wednesday North Korea test fired a new strategic cruise missile called Pulhwasal-3-31, South Korea's Yonhap news agency says.'


1 July 2024


'North Korea test-fired two ballistic missiles Monday but one of them possibly flew abnormally, South Korea’s military said, a day after the North vowed “offensive and overwhelming” responses to a new U.S. military drill with South Korea and Japan.'

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45 minutes ago, ab6262 said:

ah ok yes if the Guardian say so , the fact is NK has gone very quiet, no more missile tests, no more threats to south Korea or Taiwan etc so win win there then , the very fact Trump went to speak to him speaks volumes and sent a direct message to NK dont you think??

Maybe worth a read
Even With Trump, Kim Jong Un May Spurn Talks, Analysts Warn

Six months after the collapse of their 2019 summit in Hanoi, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent a letter to then U.S. President Donald Trump conveying a sense of personal betrayal.

I am clearly offended, and I do not want to hide this feeling from you,” Kim told Trump in the last of 25 personal letters exchanged between the two men and shared with veteran U.S. journalist Bob Woodward.

In Hanoi, Trump had rejected Kim's offer to dismantle a major nuclear facility in exchange for lifting most U.S. sanctions. Over the subsequent months, the talks reached a standstill, as each side backed away from the commitments made at their initial 2018 meeting in Singapore.

In the letter, Kim expressed disappointment that the United States and South Korea were ramping up joint military exercises that had been scaled back as part of the talks.

If you do not think of our relationship as a steppingstone that only benefits you, then you would not make me look like an idiot that will only give without getting anything in return,” wrote Kim.

Months after he sent the letter, Kim unveiled a major foreign policy shift to cope with what he called Washington’s “hostile policy.” The new approach, Kim declared, would emphasize self-reliance and a strengthened nuclear deterrent.

Since then, North Korea has developed an arsenal of weapons that can fly further, faster, and more stealthily than ever. North Korea has enshrined nuclear weapons in its constitution – a status Kim called “irreversible.” Kim has also rejected offers of talks with the United States, instead expanding ties with traditional friends Russia and China.

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45 minutes ago, ab6262 said:

ah ok yes if the Guardian say so , the fact is NK has gone very quiet, no more missile tests, no more threats to south Korea or Taiwan etc so win win there then , the very fact Trump went to speak to him speaks volumes and sent a direct message to NK dont you think??


There are plenty of other sources, they all say the same thing. There was no deal, and nothing changed.


The missile tests, and threats to SK never stopped, they continued throughout the Trump presidency.


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14 hours ago, RJRB said:

Trump isn’t,and never was going to prison for any of the numerous suits brought against him.


That was our line, 😀


That wasn't the "narrative" of the Trump haters, but with you lot, a little 20/20 vision does wonders for your collective memories.


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14 hours ago, m williamson said:


You also had four years to see him in office, and another few years to witness his performance when he lost the election and refused to accept the verdict of the people.

Are you saying that his behaviour was acceptable to you?  As for his threat to the world, have you not paid attention to his utterances? Or do you simply discount anything that disagrees with your opinion?











I did see Trump in action. In the 3 years before the COVID shutdown of the economy, I saw Strong borders, virtually no inflation (1.6%), Peace with our nuclear armed enemies, otherwise know as DETENTE, Real wages rising, record low unemployment, cheap energy and energy independence, a strong military, no new endless unwinnable wars, no more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism. Elimination of the ISIS Caliphate, and:

No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!


What did YOU see? 


Election complaints.


See Al Gore in 2000!  That one went all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. Took months it did, and $millions in litigation,  before he was forced to concede, months later.


Hillary still calls Trump an "illegitimate" President from 2016,


and she told Biden in 2020 not to concede under any circumstances.


I learned in my youth never to listen to politician "utterances".


Watch what they DO, not what they SAY!


The stuff above is typed out by Democrat hack "journalists", Bloomberg ran for President in 2020 as a Democrat, and the Economist endorsed Joe Biden. What do you expect them to say about their dumb choices?


This is real journalism.


WASHINGTON, Aug 31 (Reuters) - In the last call between U.S. President Joe Biden and his Afghanistan counterpart, before the Taliban seized control of the country, the leaders discussed military aid, political strategy and messaging tactics, but neither Biden nor Ashraf Ghani appeared aware of or prepared for the immediate danger of the entire country falling to insurgents, a transcript reviewed by Reuters shows.


The men spoke for roughly 14 minutes on July 23. On August 15, Ghani fled the presidential palace, and the Taliban entered Kabul. Since then, tens of thousands of desperate Afghans have fled and 13 U.S. troops and scores of Afghan civilians were killed in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport during the frenetic U.S. military evacuation.

Reuters reviewed a transcript of the presidential phone call and has listened to the audio to authenticate the conversation. The materials were provided on condition of anonymity by a source who was not authorized to distribute it.

In the call, Biden offered aid if Ghani could publicly project he had a plan to control the spiraling situation in Afghanistan. “We will continue to provide close air support, if we know what the plan is,” Biden said. Days before the call, the U.S. carried out air strikes to support Afghan security forces, a move the Taliban said was in violation of the Doha peace agreement.

Biden lauded the Afghan armed forces, which were trained and funded by the U.S. government. “You clearly have the best military,” he told Ghani. “You have 300,000 well-armed forces versus 70-80,000 and they’re clearly capable of fighting well.” Days later, the Afghan military started folding across provincial capitals in the country with little fight against the Taliban.

In much of the call, Biden focused on what he called the Afghan government’s “perception” problem. “I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”


Add that to this:



and this:




Wherein Hunter and Jill are Biden's gatekeepers and advisors. A fake "doctor", a junkie dead beat dad,  and a major Security Risk Hunter, in control of the Country.


And you have a slam dunk case for Impeachment, in normal times.


Perhaps we'll get back to normal times, after the November elections.

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44 minutes ago, trastrick said:


I did see Trump in action. In the 3 years before the COVID shutdown of the economy, I saw Strong borders, virtually no inflation (1.6%), Peace with our nuclear armed enemies, otherwise know as DETENTE, Real wages rising, record low unemployment, cheap energy and energy independence, a strong military, no new endless unwinnable wars, no more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism. Elimination of the ISIS Caliphate, and:

No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!


What did YOU see? 


Election complaints.


See Al Gore in 2000!  That one went all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. Took months it did, and $millions in litigation,  before he was forced to concede, months later.


Hillary still calls Trump an "illegitimate" President from 2016,


and she told Biden in 2020 not to concede under any circumstances.


I learned in my youth never to listen to politician "utterances".


Watch what they DO, not what they SAY!


The stuff above is typed out by Democrat hack "journalists", Bloomberg ran for President in 2020 as a Democrat, and the Economist endorsed Joe Biden. What do you expect them to say about their dumb choices?


This is real journalism.


WASHINGTON, Aug 31 (Reuters) - In the last call between U.S. President Joe Biden and his Afghanistan counterpart, before the Taliban seized control of the country, the leaders discussed military aid, political strategy and messaging tactics, but neither Biden nor Ashraf Ghani appeared aware of or prepared for the immediate danger of the entire country falling to insurgents, a transcript reviewed by Reuters shows.


The men spoke for roughly 14 minutes on July 23. On August 15, Ghani fled the presidential palace, and the Taliban entered Kabul. Since then, tens of thousands of desperate Afghans have fled and 13 U.S. troops and scores of Afghan civilians were killed in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport during the frenetic U.S. military evacuation.

Reuters reviewed a transcript of the presidential phone call and has listened to the audio to authenticate the conversation. The materials were provided on condition of anonymity by a source who was not authorized to distribute it.

In the call, Biden offered aid if Ghani could publicly project he had a plan to control the spiraling situation in Afghanistan. “We will continue to provide close air support, if we know what the plan is,” Biden said. Days before the call, the U.S. carried out air strikes to support Afghan security forces, a move the Taliban said was in violation of the Doha peace agreement.

Biden lauded the Afghan armed forces, which were trained and funded by the U.S. government. “You clearly have the best military,” he told Ghani. “You have 300,000 well-armed forces versus 70-80,000 and they’re clearly capable of fighting well.” Days later, the Afghan military started folding across provincial capitals in the country with little fight against the Taliban.

In much of the call, Biden focused on what he called the Afghan government’s “perception” problem. “I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”


Add that to this:



and this:




Wherein Hunter and Jill are Biden's gatekeepers and advisors. A fake "doctor", a junkie dead beat dad,  and a major Security Risk Hunter, in control of the Country.


And you have a slam dunk case for Impeachment, in normal times.


Perhaps we'll get back to normal times, after the November elections.


It's amazing, and somewhat disturbing how easy it is to fool the gullible into trusting and even admiring a despot.

It's happened throughout history, and despite evidence of the results of such susceptibility it continues to this very day.



It's preferable to try to take an objective view on matters and consider the opinions of people who are in a position to have access to more information than the average citizen. Listen to both sides of the argument and then make up your mind.



This is the view of Joe Bolton Republican and former American Ambassador to the UN and United States National Security Advisor.  



Joe Bolton is as right wing as they come and that article was in The Telegraph which has endorsed a Conservative government in every election since 1945.


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1 hour ago, PRESLEY said:

Great photo being taken of two losers, lol,  one kicked out Downing street and the other kicked of the Whitehouse.  :hihi:

Yes reminds me of Germany & Japan post WW2, they never recovered did they? 😉

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