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13 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I really really, really don't think George Clooney rules America.


Well, you said 'Crikey, the powers that be have just made the current president drop out of the election so anyone who thinks Trump will stop there being elections in the future is being really silly.'


Then I asked who the powers that be are, and your said George Clooney and Nancy Pelosi.


So with that clarification, your quote was 'Crikey, George Clooney and Nancy Pelosi have just made the current president drop out of the election so anyone who thinks Trump will stop there being elections in the future is being really silly.'


How does that even begin to make sense?

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15 hours ago, m williamson said:

Negating the votes of the entire US voting population? Hilarious comment 🤣.


Spending 8 years trying to jail Trump, flogging all manner of hoaxes, and trying to remove him from the ballot, does tend to deprive Trump's 70,000,000 voters of their democratic right to choose their own candidate,


Removing the other duly and legally elected and nominated candidate Joe, and his 80,00,000 voters deprives the other half of their choice.


That is awesome power wielded by a cabal of Hollywood, Media and assorted unelected one party dissidents.


Antithetical to democracy, and the people's choice.


2 political coups. worthy of any banana republic, in just one election year!



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52 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I really really, really don't think George Clooney rules America.




Clooney is an empty suit presently at the top of the Hollywood jungle. He's the pre-eminent fund raiser for the Democrats.


May he meet the same fate as the former "God" of the Hollywood jungle, Harvey Weinstein, who was also the bagman for the Democrats. And Jeffrey Epstein, another pre-eminent fundraiser for the Democrats.


And when he loses his boyish charm may he turn into just another angry old leftist "actor" seeking relevance, like another pretend professional, De Niro! 


In Hollywood, you live by the sword, and die by the sword.


There are some who won't forget he organized a fund raiser to sell Joe Biden's re-election, and a couple weeks later was a big part of the unelected cabal that stuck the knife into him!  😷 

Edited by trastrick
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42 minutes ago, Delbow said:


Well, you said 'Crikey, the powers that be have just made the current president drop out of the election so anyone who thinks Trump will stop there being elections in the future is being really silly.'


Then I asked who the powers that be are, and your said George Clooney and Nancy Pelosi.


So with that clarification, your quote was 'Crikey, George Clooney and Nancy Pelosi have just made the current president drop out of the election so anyone who thinks Trump will stop there being elections in the future is being really silly.'


How does that even begin to make sense?

To clarify..


No way on gods green earth will Trump stop elections if he wins in November, that's just nonsense. 


He will not assist Russia to invade more of Europe.


George Clooney does not rule, although he isa big player for the Democrats.


Pelosi, well I just find her abhorrent. 


Hope that clears things up.

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17 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

     Don't be afraid for her as she does not have to choose until November. 

     However both restaurants have new workers and one a new boss. When she went to the old man's restaurant she heard the newbie cook (who had two years experience) call the old man “a total fraud,” “a moral disaster” and “America’s Hitler.” Not good, she thought. Neither was his appearance in several Court where the evidence showed that he had been involved in fraud and sexual assault. Neither did the old man have a menu and he was never there anyway. The old man also said that she would not be allowed to eat anywhere else in the future.

   As the other restaurant now had a new Head Chef and a new cook about to start she will decide for herself who offers a new and more varied menu and will take her time to decide. She has learnt not to listen to biased reviewers who just copy and paste prepared copy without going to the street, but feel entitled to do so because they have been to a few other streets.





I can see you are not buying my allegory.


So let's just take the facts at their face value.


In 2014 Putin, under the the Obama/Biden Administration, annexes the strategic territory of the Ukraine known as Crimea.


Under the Trump Administration, there is no new invasion of the Ukraine. No new wars. The Abraham Peace Accords are being signed.


Under the Biden Administration, the U.S. surrenders Afghanistan, and flees in a
"catastrophic" (The Guardian) botched withdrawal.


Then Under the Biden Administration Putin invades the Ukraine proper, and HAMAS attack Israel.


Make of it what you will! 😷



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15 minutes ago, Bamanamanana said:


Who says he has to?


In Trumps own words "it'll be fixed".



But apparently he tried to fix the last one, didn't help him much did it.

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

But apparently he tried to fix the last one, didn't help him much did it.


Only because the people critical to pulling it off weren't in place, an oversight that Trump is literally telling everyone won't happen again.

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