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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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"The guy is breaking records in the stock market - creating jobs - giving more money back to the everyday citizen - record low unemployment - doing great, really great, with foreign relations yet people still hate him because he sometimes says the occasion silly thing."


Is this a fair assessment?


The vast majority of those are on the same trajectory that was left by Obama, you could argue he just hasn't messed anything up. He hasn't had the biggest financial crisis in living memory to deal with.


Tax breaks in theory should be good, but as I understand it most people aren't seeing it in their pay packet, it's also added trillions to the US debt mountain so maybe not that great in the long term.


Foreign relations seem to be a bit of a disaster IMHO.

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It is the majority of USA that supported trump "yelling lock her up" in big arenas and voted for him.

It is historically normal for majority to vote for trump or someone like him. Most of us are pre programmed in schools and churches to stick to this pattern of politics. Most people who vote are not really free, they tick the box automatically cause they are trained to tick it like a dog is trained to behave a certain way.


Awful? Only if you are stuck in it and think you are still part of the club. A conscious free individual will not worry about politics any longer.


The American Presidential campaigns were nothing more than a grotesque carnival, which the most entertaining won.

I believe that either subconsciously or consciously the American public had enough of the devil incarnate, and decided to vote for any alternative, even if it had been a performing monkey or a clown as in the case of Trump..


You hit the nose on the head when you said we are programmed to stick to this pattern of politics and tick box automatically. Without any consideration of how the consequences are going to affect us...


You will know immediately when a decent candidate stands forward, like Sanders and Corbyn, because the presstitute MSM will unleash an unstoppable barrage of propaganda and lies about them... which 'the sheep' are only too happy to believe, and would never dream of fact checking because it would hurt their brains.

Then once more the country is stuck with another megalomaniacal compromised puppet, controlled by the Corporations and Banks.

Whether you are in or out of the club Dutch, it still affects us... so I believe it is far better to try and inform people and vote, rather than leaving it to chance.

Edited by catpus
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He'll get what's coming to him one day.


He's close to 80 years old. He's a billionaire. He's got a huge family. He's banged pornstars. He's lived a life most men would kill for. He's the President.


Even if he does "get what's coming to him" he's done it all. We'll all get whats coming to us one day bro.

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He's close to 80 years old. He's a billionaire. He's got a huge family. He's banged pornstars. He's lived a life most men would kill for. He's the President.


Even if he does "get what's coming to him" he's done it all. We'll all get whats coming to us one day bro.


:thumbsup: Too true mate.

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