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38 minutes ago, peak4 said:

Here you go  🤦 link to emojipedia below
Person Facepalming

A hand shown pressing against the head of a person, commonly written as facepalm.

Used to display frustration or embarrassment at the ineptitude of a person or situation.


In my own experience often used by people who wish to dig at another poster personally, whilst being unable, or unwilling, so articulate an argument about their standpoint.
See also previous comments about ad hominem attacks, which may be relevant under slightly different circumstances.

Oh my, aren't we touchy today.



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40 minutes ago, peak4 said:

Here you go  🤦 link to emojipedia below
Person Facepalming

A hand shown pressing against the head of a person, commonly written as facepalm.

Used to display frustration or embarrassment at the ineptitude of a person or situation.


In my own experience often used by people who wish to dig at another poster personally, whilst being unable, or unwilling, so articulate an argument about their standpoint.
See also previous comments about ad hominem attacks, which may be relevant under slightly different circumstances.


Single emoji posts will be removed in future. They add nothing to the discussion.

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27 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:


Sorry, I'm not going to entertain any post that uses terms like 'MSM' and we're not using generalised labels like 'The Left' on here any more (see pinned thread).


You haven't addressed any specific points of the actual interview, only generalised biased views, conspiracy and labels. You sound like a propaganda machine for the Trump campaign.


By the way, for information, I have watched the entire interview.

Is Far right or the Right ok?

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20 minutes ago, cressida said:

I don't see thatTrastrick has made controversial posts,  only that he defends Trump as I and others do on here. 🤔

Anyone is free to defend Trump by actually discussing the points.


Generalised nonsense to blindly defend someone whilst throwing in the odd conspiracy and labels adds no value to the discussion though.

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38 minutes ago, Zinger549 said:

Some were suggesting that Trumps team pulled him from the interview.  They thought he wasn't doing well.


Trump didn't end the interview.


He was the last man standing on the stage and actually got a round of applause!


Watch it  (if you dare!)😷



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56 minutes ago, cressida said:

I don't see thatTrastrick has made controversial posts,  only that he defends Trump as I and others do on here. 🤔


Anyone who defends a proven liar, racist, misogynistic narcissist who insults the disabled and his country's military will tend to attract a certain amount of criticism.

Makes me wonder as to whether Trump defenders are as useless at assessing the character of people in their own lives as they are in this case. In which case they must have ' interesting ' but not in a good way existences.


Obviously we're all aware of the WUM factor where some will say ridiculous stuff just to attract attention.


Second attempt at answering, first disappeared 🙄

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1 hour ago, SheffieldForum said:


Sorry, I'm not going to entertain any post that uses terms like 'MSM' and we're not using generalised labels like 'The Left' on here any more (see pinned thread).


You haven't addressed any specific points of the actual interview, only generalised biased views, conspiracy and labels. You sound like a propaganda machine for the Trump campaign.


By the way, for information, I have watched the entire interview.




I'm the one that posted the ENTIRE interview. Let it speak for itself, and let folks draw whatever conclusions they wish from it.


I don't appreciate being labeled a conspiracy theorist or a propagandist.


For the record, I am a supporter of Trump's domestic and foreign policies. I believe, along with many others, that he is the best person to deal with both his country's and Democracy's major challenges, in this very dangerous world.


We all have opinions, and as long as they are expressed respectfully without ad hominems we can all be the winners.


The Term "Mass Media" is used by the venerable and respected Gallup Polling Group, who have been taking the nation's pulse in regular surveys, for the best part of a century.  They find that:



October 18, 1922

Americans' Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low


Americans' Trust in Mass Media, 1972-2022


"Just 7% of Americans have "a great deal" of trust and confidence in the media, and 27% have "a fair amount." Meanwhile, 28% of U.S. adults say they do not have very much confidence and 38% have none at all in newspapers, TV and radio. Notably, this is the first time that the percentage of Americans with no trust at all in the media is higher than the percentage with a great deal or a fair amount combined".





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