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We're all aware that Trump has more than his fair share of ' strange ' oddballs among his supporters, but this guy on Fox News really is in the running for weirdo of the campaign.




Wait till all those Tories that voted for Maggie Thatcher hear about this!!!   😮😮😲    🤣

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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:




I'm the one that posted the ENTIRE interview. Let it speak for itself, and let folks draw whatever conclusions they wish from it.


I don't appreciate being labeled a conspiracy theorist or a propagandist.


For the record, I am a supporter of Trump's domestic and foreign policies. I believe, along with many others, that he is the best person to deal with both his country's and Democracy's major challenges, in this very dangerous world.


We all have opinions, and as long as they are expressed respectfully without ad hominems we can all be the winners.


The Term "Mass Media" is used by the venerable and respected Gallup Polling Group, who have been taking the nation's pulse in regular surveys, for the best part of a century.  They find that:



October 18, 1922

Americans' Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low


Americans' Trust in Mass Media, 1972-2022


"Just 7% of Americans have "a great deal" of trust and confidence in the media, and 27% have "a fair amount." Meanwhile, 28% of U.S. adults say they do not have very much confidence and 38% have none at all in newspapers, TV and radio. Notably, this is the first time that the percentage of Americans with no trust at all in the media is higher than the percentage with a great deal or a fair amount combined".






You posted the video indeed. But your post alongside it wasn't really about the video. You went on a tirade about 'MSM' and 'The left' and generalisations.


Gallup's definition of 'Mass Media' and your use of the term 'MSM' don't seem to be interchangable either. 


If you're a supporter of Trump and his policies and record that's great! Discuss the specific elements of what you support and why it is good! All you seem to do is go "Trump Good. Left Bad! Don't trust the MSM!" and that's it. Often you (and others, to be fair) just use any discussion of Trump as an opportunity for whataboutery and finger pointing.  Where's the debate on policy or actions or record?!


What, specifically, in the interview did Trump say that was positive in your opinion and why? Let's use that as the basis for a discussion and not "There was an interview, but look over there at the MSM and the lefties! Boo CNN! Boo MSNBC!".

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3 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:


You posted the video indeed. But your post alongside it wasn't really about the video. You went on a tirade about 'MSM' and 'The left' and generalisations.


Gallup's definition of 'Mass Media' and your use of the term 'MSM' don't seem to be interchangable either. 


If you're a supporter of Trump and his policies and record that's great! Discuss the specific elements of what you support and why it is good! All you seem to do is go "Trump Good. Left Bad! Don't trust the MSM!" and that's it. Often you (and others, to be fair) just use any discussion of Trump as an opportunity for whataboutery and finger pointing.  Where's the debate on policy or actions or record?!


What, specifically, in the interview did Trump say that was positive in your opinion and why? Let's use that as the basis for a discussion and not "There was an interview, but look over there at the MSM and the lefties! Boo CNN! Boo MSNBC!".


I would respectfully request, when quoting me you do so without blatant generalized misrepresentation.


In English grammar, quotation marks matter.


That would be a good start to any discussion.


Me trying to defend. " "Trump Good. Left Bad! Don't trust the MSM!"


Or,  "There was an interview, but look over there at the MSM and the lefties! Boo CNN! Boo MSNBC!"


But no matter😷


To get the discussion started:


Here is a list of Trump policies I support and post from time to time.


In the 3 years, prior to the COVID shutdown.

Record Jobs
Lowest unemployment on record, for whites, blacks and asians
Permanently funding Black Colleges, at their highest ever level.
Establishing Commercial Investment Zones for inner cities.
Average family incomes rising above the inflation rate.
Historically low inflation
Low heating and gasoline prices.
One of the U.S. largest Tax cuts
School choice
Repeal of the Death Tax
Repeal of the Obamacare Mandate
Strong borders, lowest illegal border crossing numbers.
U.S. Energy Independence
Strongest Military
300 new conservative Federal Judge appointments
3 new young conservatives on the U.S.Supreme Court for life
Improved Trade Deals with China, S.Korea, Japan, Mexico and Canada
Made In the U.S.A Manufacturing - Steel plants reopening and expanding.
Import duties for International Corporations that move manufacturing and jobs off shore.
"Right to try" legislation for new drugs
Veteran's Choice Legislation, reduced wait times.
Killing Soleimani
Killing Baghdadi
No new wars
Peace Agreement and diplomatic recognition between UAE, Bahrain and Israel
Peace Agreement between Serbia and Kosovo
Peace Agreement between U.S. and the Taliban
Lowering tensions between North and South Korea.
Getting the U.S. Embassy built in Jerusalem
Eliminationg the ISIS Caliphate
No more Russian Invasions of allies like Ukraine
Bringing the U.S. Service Men and Women home.
Getting the Socialist Paradises in Europe, who hate America, to pay what they agreed to for their own defense.
No more "Death to America" chants and threats from Korea and Mad Mullahs in Iran
No more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism
No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!


You're up! 😷




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58 minutes ago, trastrick said:


I would respectfully request, when quoting me you do so without blatant generalized misrepresentation.


In English grammar, quotation marks matter.


That would be a good start to any discussion.


Me trying to defend. " "Trump Good. Left Bad! Don't trust the MSM!"


Or,  "There was an interview, but look over there at the MSM and the lefties! Boo CNN! Boo MSNBC!"


But no matter😷


To get the discussion started:


Here is a list of Trump policies I support and post from time to time.


In the 3 years, prior to the COVID shutdown.

Record Jobs
Lowest unemployment on record, for whites, blacks and asians
Permanently funding Black Colleges, at their highest ever level.
Establishing Commercial Investment Zones for inner cities.
Average family incomes rising above the inflation rate.
Historically low inflation
Low heating and gasoline prices.
One of the U.S. largest Tax cuts
School choice
Repeal of the Death Tax
Repeal of the Obamacare Mandate
Strong borders, lowest illegal border crossing numbers.
U.S. Energy Independence
Strongest Military
300 new conservative Federal Judge appointments
3 new young conservatives on the U.S.Supreme Court for life
Improved Trade Deals with China, S.Korea, Japan, Mexico and Canada
Made In the U.S.A Manufacturing - Steel plants reopening and expanding.
Import duties for International Corporations that move manufacturing and jobs off shore.
"Right to try" legislation for new drugs
Veteran's Choice Legislation, reduced wait times.
Killing Soleimani
Killing Baghdadi
No new wars
Peace Agreement and diplomatic recognition between UAE, Bahrain and Israel
Peace Agreement between Serbia and Kosovo
Peace Agreement between U.S. and the Taliban
Lowering tensions between North and South Korea.
Getting the U.S. Embassy built in Jerusalem
Eliminationg the ISIS Caliphate
No more Russian Invasions of allies like Ukraine
Bringing the U.S. Service Men and Women home.
Getting the Socialist Paradises in Europe, who hate America, to pay what they agreed to for their own defense.
No more "Death to America" chants and threats from Korea and Mad Mullahs in Iran
No more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism
No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!


You're up! 😷





Noce copy-paste. 😂 You sound like the Trump campaign.


Lots there, most have been debunked. Trump has been proven to lie time after time. Too much to go on at once, but here's a start:


Record jobs:


More jobs were lost during the Trump administration than any other in history. Approximately 4 million fewer people were employed from January 2017 to September 2020, according to the most recent publicly available data


Lowest unemployment on record for minorities:


Looking at available data, the unemployment rate was relatively low for minorities during Trump’s time in office but the claim of “lowest ever” is not accurate for all groups.


Funding black colleges at their highest ever level:


“Comparatively, more progress was made” to further HBCUs’ interests “under the Biden administration than the Trump administration” - although, yes - Trump did actually do quite a bit here and signed the first funding. Biden has built on that, so fair enough. Well done Trump.


Establishing Commercial Investment Zones for inner cities:


How a Trump Tax Break to Help Poor Communities Became a Windfall for the RichThe Surprisingly Limited Success of Trump’s Signature Anti-Poverty Program


Average family incomes rising above the inflation rate:


Fair, but... Trump claims credit for a trend that started under Obama and greatly exaggerates the impact of the tax cuts [...] The increase during the last two years of the Obama administration was three times larger.


One of the U.S. largest Tax cuts:


It is not the biggest tax cut in US history, measured as either a percentage of US GDP or in absolute terms. It is however, the biggest corporate tax cut in US history.


Lowest illegal border crossing numbers:


In reality, apprehensions at the border in Trump’s final two months in office were substantially higher than in President Barack Obama’s last two.



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35 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:

Noce copy-paste. 😂 You sound like the Trump campaign.


Lots there, most have been debunked. Trump has been proven to lie time after time. Too much to go on at once, but here's a start:


Record jobs:


More jobs were lost during the Trump administration than any other in history. Approximately 4 million fewer people were employed from January 2017 to September 2020, according to the most recent publicly available data


I've been through this before, with the 50,000 lies Trump is "alleged" to have made!  😷


First of all, the list I posted is my own ©️compilation of the policies I support.  You won't find such a list anywhere on the Web.


Then I start with your first assertion, above:


It purports to "fact check" 2 statements without attribution. There is no direct quote given linking them to Trump. And to pick out "black's over 20" as an example of a discrepancy is equally laughable.


The point is, like with my discussion with another poster here, about the 50,000 lies (the first one was about whether it rained on Trump's Inauguration Day. Lol). I didn't bother going down another 20,000 or so to find the "drink bleach" quote.


So I will not follow you on your torturous rabbit hole, if the very first one fails the test.


Adults who can think for themselves might want to consider another source of fact.

FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates for African Americans, Hispanics
Jan 8, 2018 — Trump's numbers are right, but it's generally a stretch for presidents to take credit for job creation. The long answer. Trump is right that African-American unemployment hit a record low in December. The unemployment rate for black Americans is currently 6.8 ...
So if you can resolve your first pathetic attempt to justify your claim, I might, just might mind you, take some time to look at the next one!
Have a nice day! 😷
A note to the gullible here. 
As I keep repeating. Don't listen to what politicians say, watch what they do!
Everybody lies, about things, Big and small, especially politicians, but having followed carefully the Trump haters claims, these last 8 years,  I have found that Trump more aptly fits the "Exaggerator" description, than the "Liar". I'm very comfortable with that.
"Liar" is reserved for the ones that spread The Big Lies, but that's a topic for another day!😷




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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Here is a list of Trump policies I support and post from time to time.


Record Jobs


Trump lost more jobs than created, even without covid, Bidens number are far far superior.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Lowest unemployment on record, for whites, blacks and asians


Surpassed by Biden.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Permanently funding Black Colleges, at their highest ever level.


A continuation of Obama legislation.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Establishing Commercial Investment Zones for inner cities.





3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Average family incomes rising above the inflation rate.
Historically low inflation
Low heating and gasoline prices.


Were nothing to do with Trumps policies.


The sharp spike in inflation was a result of COVID.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

One of the U.S. largest Tax cuts


Failed to do what it set out to do, resulted in ballooning of the national debt.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Repeal of the Death Tax


Didn't happen.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Repeal of the Obamacare Mandate


2.5m people lost health care.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Strong borders, lowest illegal border crossing numbers.


President Trump Reduced Legal Immigration. He Did Not Reduce Illegal Immigration



3 hours ago, trastrick said:

U.S. Energy Independence


Surpassed by Biden.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Strongest Military


Military spending was higher under Obama


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Improved Trade Deals with China, S.Korea, Japan, Mexico and Canada


Didn't happen.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Made In the U.S.A Manufacturing - Steel plants reopening and expanding.


Didn't happen. Manufacturing jobs reduced under Trump.


"1,800 factories have disappeared during the Trump administration"




3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Import duties for International Corporations that move manufacturing and jobs off shore.


Didn't work.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Peace Agreement and diplomatic recognition between UAE, Bahrain and Israel


One of the catalysts that started the current War in Gaza.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Lowering tensions between North and South Korea.


Didn't happen.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Eliminationg the ISIS Caliphate


Vast majority done by Obama.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Getting the Socialist Paradises in Europe, who hate America, to pay what they agreed to for their own defense.


Was a result of agreements signed by Obama.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

No more "Death to America" chants and threats from Korea and Mad Mullahs in Iran


They never stopped.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

No more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism


Never happened.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!


Didn't happen.



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2 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:

Noce copy-paste. 😂 You sound like the Trump campaign.


Lots there, most have been debunked. Trump has been proven to lie time after time.


Most either didn't happen at all, where nothing to do with Trump, or were better before Trump came to power in the first place. 🤣



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1 minute ago, Magilla said:


Most either didn't happen at all, where nothing to do with Trump, or were better before Trump came to power in the first place. 🤣



Hey Magilla, where have you been, you have not posted for ages?

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