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Trump made much of Bidens age and frailty, but next to Harris he's looking just as bad.


Biden used to pause or get things mixed up, Trump is just blabbering total nonsense.  He's got all the same problems stringing a coherent sentence together.

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9 minutes ago, atticus said:

I see the Donald has bottled out of any more debates. Shame that , I was hoping he might top the migrants eating family pets  story .Hes nothing if not entertaining 


Because he won MASSIVELY - according to polls that only exist in his head,

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11 minutes ago, butlers said:

Too be fair one poll was on Newmax, a very credible news outlet.They had him winning with 92%.

   I doubt that a self styled libertarian, conservative and "Reaganite", a Trump, friend, confidant and Mar-a-Lago visitor who stuffs his media outlets with former Fox presenters could ever be considered un biased.

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