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Okay so I've read it, although it does still seem a little too complex for me but am I right in thinking that the US pulling out means Iran's "crippling sanctions" are back in place?


"Under the accord, Iran agreed to limit its sensitive nuclear activities and allow in international inspectors in return for the lifting of crippling economic sanctions."


So basically this is about the US getting more money from Iran?




Why would they want to stay in it?


More money from Iran, how did you come to that conclusion?

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Okay so I've read it, although it does still seem a little too complex for me but am I right in thinking that the US pulling out means Iran's "crippling sanctions" are back in place?


"Under the accord, Iran agreed to limit its sensitive nuclear activities and allow in international inspectors in return for the lifting of crippling economic sanctions."


So basically this is about the US getting more money from Iran?


Sanctions mean less money :suspect:


It also means that if we're to stay in the Iran deal (as promised), then UK firms will also be subject to those same sanctions.


That could be quite awkward, especially with regard to any post Brexit trade deals.


Also, a foreign power dictating UK trade policy... hmmm, I think we just had a referendum about that sorta thing... again... politically awkward ATM.


Why would they want to stay in it?


Why wouldn't they?


The deal was working, Iran is in full compliance with its terms according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and those within Trumps administration tasked with overseeing it.

Most former senior Israeli intelligence and military figures, as well as some current ones have gone on record to say they think the deal is better than no-deal.


In light of that you have to wonder if it's just because it's yet another thing Obama achieved.


If anything comes to fruition re: Trump & North Korea, then it's going to be a bit awkward if that deal looks even remotely like this one, which I suspect it largely will do so it'll be interesting to see how that pans out.

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If anything comes to fruition re: Trump & North Korea, then it's going to be a bit awkward if that deal looks even remotely like this one, which I suspect it largely will do so it'll be interesting to see how that pans out.

Its going to be exactly, the same, North Korea and the US will sign a deal where North Korea behaves and the US lifts sanctions...just like the Iran deal, the only difference, it will make Trump look good, and thats what he loves, whereas whatever Obama did, he will dismantle willy nilly...just because.

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Heard him on the radio this morning, ranting that the US should be allowed full access into all Iran's military facilities.


OK then Trump, in the spirit of co-operation why don't you let them and others in to Groom Lake?

exactly it doesnt work like that, its all me me me with trump

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I've never understood why he and Russia are allowed to have nuclear power and weapons.


But if anyone else dares to start a nuclear programme its "no no no".


No wonder they were mocked for being "World Police".


Iv"e always wondered that, I'm not in favour of these countrys having nuclear weapons, but at the end of the day why not.. North Korea feel threatened by the USA, so there only protecting there own interests.

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I've never understood why he and Russia are allowed to have nuclear power and weapons.


But if anyone else dares to start a nuclear programme its "no no no".


No wonder they were mocked for being "World Police".


Iv"e always wondered that, I'm not in favour of these countrys having nuclear weapons, but at the end of the day why not.. North Korea feel threatened by the USA, so there only protecting there own interests.


Basically, Britain, the US and Russia won WW2. That's why.

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