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Rowdy hen parties and very sensitive women

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To be quite honest with you, the sex or ethnicity of any person posting on here is completely irrelevant to me.


But if a poster makes racist or sexist posts then I will seek to challenge them.


Sadly, Halibut HAS posted comments which are both racist and sexist.


If you feel comfortable defending a poster who behaves in this way, that is entirely up to you.


I suspect that you may be a closeted white power freak; the only bit of 'racism' you've publically acknowledged is one temporary situation where BTP were holding workshops encouraging non-white and female candidates to join the force.


You have repeated avoided commenting or even acknowledging that the police force is still an overwhelmingly white and male organisation.


This leads me to believe you perhaps only see racism as problematic when you perceive it to be directed against white people.


You have been asked repeatedly about your views on the white power movement and failed to do so.


Perhaps you could share your views now and prove me wrong?

Edited by Halibut
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Guest makapaka
I suspect that you may be a closeted white power freak; the only bit of 'racism' you've publically acknowledged is one temporary situation where BTP were holding workshops encouraging non-white and female candidates to join the force.


You have repeated avoided commenting or even acknowledging that the police force is still an overwhelmingly white and male organisation.


This leads me to believe you perhaps only see racism as problematic when you perceive it to be directed against white people.


You have been asked repeatedly about your views on the white power movement and failed to do so.


Perhaps you could share your views now and prove me wrong?


In terms of race you are always going to have a higher proportion of white people though aren’t you - the country is 87% white so it stands that you are going to get more white people.


The representation of Asian and black people in the met is actually higher than their representation in the population.


You wouldn’t go to Japan and expect to see vast proportions off white or black police represented either would you?

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In terms of race you are always going to have a higher proportion of white people though aren’t you - the country is 87% white so it stands that you are going to get more white people.


The representation of Asian and black people in the met is actually higher than their representation in the population.


You wouldn’t go to Japan and expect to see vast proportions off white or black police represented either would you?


You're incorrect


The Met has a lower representation of black/Asian police officers than the area population. White police officers have a much higher representation than the area population.



Edited by SnailyBoy
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In terms of race you are always going to have a higher proportion of white people though aren’t you - the country is 87% white so it stands that you are going to get more white people.


The representation of Asian and black people in the met is actually higher than their representation in the population.


You wouldn’t go to Japan and expect to see vast proportions off white or black police represented either would you?


It's about a roughly proportional representation, not a numerically equal representation.


---------- Post added 01-11-2017 at 10:12 ----------


To be quite honest with you, the sex or ethnicity of any person posting on here is completely irrelevant to me.


But if a poster makes racist or sexist posts then I will seek to challenge them.


Sadly, Halibut HAS posted comments which are both racist and sexist.


If you feel comfortable defending a poster who behaves in this way, that is entirely up to you.


I don't think he's said anything sexist or racist at all.

Acknowledging the benefit of being a white male isn't sexist or racist.


---------- Post added 01-11-2017 at 10:15 ----------


To be fair I didn’t forget anything - that’s just from the wiki page you quoted


What are you’re thoughts on the link to the Spectator?

Didn't read it, might have a look if I have time shortly.

Given its political leanings I'll take it with some salt though.

"The Spectator is a weekly British conservative magazine on politics, culture, and current affairs. It was first published on 6 July 1828. It is currently owned by David and Frederick Barclay who also own The Daily Telegraph newspaper, via Press Holdings. Its principal subject areas are politics and culture."


Halibut being a white male doesn’t mean anything in terms of the argument- I’m a white male.


Yes, but you're not being accused of being sexists towards men and racist towards white people. :huh:


---------- Post added 01-11-2017 at 10:16 ----------


This was an interesting alternative view I read on the subject;





Complete nonsense isn't it.

They first have to totally redefine what it means in order to have a rant about how it isn't true.

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The idea that white men suffer prejudice, and even less impressed with the "reaction" of joining right wing groups as a response to their privilege being questioned.


The "idea that white men suffer prejudice".


Am I correct in thinking that you believe white men are incapable of suffering from the horrors of racial prejudice?


You have been doing mental and hypothetical cartwheels in order to 'prove' somehow that white male priviledge benefits and extends to all white males (it doesn't). But to believe that a group cannot be the victims of prejudice simply because they are white and male is a very extreme and dangerous view to hold.


White people (which includes white males) can and do experience prejudice from minority ethnic groups. Minority ethnic groups can have ignorant, bigoted views about white people, as well as other non-white races. Just as white people can have ignorant, bigoted views about minority ethnic groups.


White people all over the world and throughout history have experienced atrocities like slavery and persecution. White people have been murdered because of the colour of their skin.


I do hope I have misinterpreted your post. Because the reality is that anybody can be prejudiced, regardless of sex or ethnicity. And anybody can suffer from prejudice.

Edited by Car Boot
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No, you're incorrect.

I do however think that white men suffer an extremely small level of prejudice when compared to women and other ethnic groups.


White male privilege does extend to all white males, proven and not disputed, except by you.


Minority groups can certainly hold prejudiced opinions, but given that they lack authority and power this has little impact on the majority group to which white men belong.


All over the world and through history is irrelevant, we're talking about in the UK today.

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I suspect that you may be a closeted white power freak


I had to Google this term to understand what it is you are accusing me. I can confirm that I don't believe white people are superior to minority ethnic groups. Nor do I think that white people should dominate ethnic minority groups.


You have been asked repeatedly about your views on the white power movement and failed to do so.


Perhaps you could share your views now and prove me wrong?


I didn't want to feed into your increasing obsession with identity politics, which simplistically reduces everything down to ethnicity and sex.


Perhaps when you have a bit more experience of life and living you might understand that there are good and bad people in every nationality, ethnicity, sex, gender, religion etc. Using sweeping racist and sexist generalisations to condemn and malign a group is bigotry which is indefensible in this day and age.

Edited by Car Boot
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