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Rowdy hen parties and very sensitive women

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I would say the extremes of both views cause a massive divide which helps no one.


People generalise, that's a fact of life whether we like it or not, a couple of opinionated leftist posters were happy to generalise about white/male privilege on this thread, and I know those posters will normally argue with anyone making generalisations on this forum about, women, black and ethnic people, and so on, so I tried to make a point about hypocrisy ..... I never said they could not or should not do it, because almost everyone on here me included is guilty of it, that's another fact of life !

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WMP isn't a generalisation, it's common advantage that all white males have. If it were advantage that only some had, such as being from wealthy families, then it would be called wealth privilege. Or replace Wealth with X where X is some advantage that not everyone shares.


---------- Post added 02-11-2017 at 21:39 ----------


You can’t take the high ground and then call people wishy washy liberals. That’s just daft.


The way we bring kids up today? Who’s we?


You’ve just made the sort of generalisation that you’ve been arguing against in previous posts.


---------- Post added 02-11-2017 at 21:11 ----------



Ok here’s one if you want to act daft;


Naomi Zack similarly criticizes the term white privilege as a misunderstanding of the difference between privileges and rights. Discrimination against nonwhites does not create a privilege in the normal sense of the term, a "specifically granted absolute advantage", a "prerogative or exception granted to an individual or special group".[54] In the United States, Zack writes, discussion of "white privilege" distracts from the discussion of social exclusion of nonwhites, which is the origin of racial disparities.


That's a criticism of the wording, the phrase, not a criticism of the idea that an advantage exists.

I don't particularly like the phrase, it's not self descriptive IMO, but it's the phrase that exists. Perhaps the fact that it's badly worded is part of the problem people have in understanding it.

White male inherent advantage perhaps would be better. Although in reality the advantage is more a lack of disadvantage.

Minority ethnic group and female disadvantage due to societal attitudes.

That's really quite a mouthful isn't it.


---------- Post added 02-11-2017 at 21:41 ----------


I disagree there is a desire to create victim status by the left and it's media machine, and yes I do lean to the right on many issues, but let's bring it back to the subject matter of sexual misdemeanours, or as you and Halibut might prefer male behaviour.

What do you think about the way we bring kids up today and how that affects their behaviour in life ?

Do you think discipline was better 40 years ago or do you prefer the wishy washy approach we have today that is generally favoured by wishy washy liberals like yourself and Halibut etc ?

The wishy washy liberals have all but given all the naughty kids and their parents excuses in recent years, no discipline at home , no discipline at school, then you all wonder why they grow up with little or no respect for others .... you can't have it both ways !


You're just demonstrating that you know nothing about socialism, liberalism, the left, or parenting IMO.

You've probably confused not beating your children with being unable to discipline or teach them.

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Guest makapaka
WMP isn't a generalisation, it's common advantage that all white males have. If it were advantage that only some had, such as being from wealthy families, then it would be called wealth privilege. Or replace Wealth with X where X is some advantage that not everyone shares.


---------- Post added 02-11-2017 at 21:39 ----------



That's a criticism of the wording, the phrase, not a criticism of the idea that an advantage exists.

I don't particularly like the phrase, it's not self descriptive IMO, but it's the phrase that exists. Perhaps the fact that it's badly worded is part of the problem people have in understanding it.

White male inherent advantage perhaps would be better. Although in reality the advantage is more a lack of disadvantage.

Minority ethnic group and female disadvantage due to societal attitudes.

That's really quite a mouthful isn't it.


I agree the term is poorly worded - although I did make that point way down the thread and you told me I was incorrect ;)

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I'll not bother, you don't like them, I can't be bothered, there's nothing to discuss there anyway...


---------- Post added 02-11-2017 at 16:14 ----------



No it doesn't come from any desire to create victim status.

It's just an acknowledgment that we don't start from a level playing field.

It's a counter to the often heard argument of the undeserving poor.



You're right in that we don't all start from a level playing but its little to do with race these days. I'm white, I was born and raised in Parsons Cross, went to Lyndsay Road, Hartley Brook and Firth Park schools; hardly a great springing board in life is it compared to white kids born in Dore and went to Silverdale?

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WMP isn't a generalisation, it's common advantage that all white males have. If it were advantage that only some had, such as being from wealthy families, then it would be called wealth privilege. Or replace Wealth with X where X is some advantage that not everyone shares.


---------- Post added 02-11-2017 at 21:39 ----------



That's a criticism of the wording, the phrase, not a criticism of the idea that an advantage exists.

I don't particularly like the phrase, it's not self descriptive IMO, but it's the phrase that exists. Perhaps the fact that it's badly worded is part of the problem people have in understanding it.

White male inherent advantage perhaps would be better. Although in reality the advantage is more a lack of disadvantage.

Minority ethnic group and female disadvantage due to societal attitudes.

That's really quite a mouthful isn't it.


---------- Post added 02-11-2017 at 21:41 ----------



You're just demonstrating that you know nothing about socialism, liberalism, the left, or parenting IMO.

You've probably confused not beating your children with being unable to discipline or teach them.


Clearly I don't, I am in awe at your superior wisdom and knowledge fella, I have clearly wasted all that white privilege I have ;)

I disciplined my kids back in the day though, they still think the world of me too, they even let me look after their kids now :D

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