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Tree Petition Sheffield

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If you have not signed the STAG petition yet please consider doing so.


The council are using our money to butcher trees that are perfectly healthy.

If you believe trees are of no use, you should research what they do for us, the wildlife and the wider environment.


I have spent many hours learning about sustainability.


I understand some trees have to be removed.


But why are we wasting money on taking down healthy ones?


So if you object either environmentally or economically, please sign the petition online.


How many homeless or disabled people could we help with that money?


I urge you to understand the importance of this issue. We are getting robbed

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Getting rid of dead or dangerous trees is fair enough but cutting down healthy trees is inexcusable. It is all about Amey/the council saving money in the medium and long term. They want fewer trees to have to maintain going forward.

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Bear in mind the council are also hiring private detectives to film and follow protesters, as well as attempting to jail several of them- all using taxpayers money.


Here's a link to a petition asking Jeremy Corbyn to mediate in this -



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Getting rid of dead or dangerous trees is fair enough but cutting down healthy trees is inexcusable. It is all about Amey/the council saving money in the medium and long term. They want fewer trees to have to maintain going forward.


It's not about trees or wonky kerbstones anymore, this is now a full-on power struggle between our Labour council and the people of Sheffield.


If Sheffield council concedes on this matter they'll be seen as the defeated party which is why they're doing everything that's humanly possible to maintain their position - even if this involves imprisoning local citizens or spending hideous amounts of taxpayers money on PR, PIs, and legal to defend themselves.

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